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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-05-11 19:09:59编辑:皮带君


classroom:英 ['klɑːsruːm; -rʊm] 美 ['klæsrʊm]中文释义:n. 教室;课堂。英英释义:a room in a school where lessons take place.相关词汇:1、automated classroom 自动化教室2、charms classroom 魔咒课教室3、class, classroom 班,课4、classroom assessment 课堂评估5、classroom behavior 课堂行为6、classroom block 教学楼扩展资料1、It seems the problem lies in overcrowded classrooms and overstretched teachers.看来问题在于拥挤不堪的教室和过度疲劳的教师。2、She makes literacy come alive in her third-grade classroom.她把三年级的识字课上得趣味盎然。3、Reading aloud is an important classroom activity.朗读是一项很重要的课堂活动。4、She makes literacy come alive in her third-grade classroom.她把三年级的识字课上得趣味盎然。5、OK. Come back into the classroom, class.好的。回到教室了,同学们。参考资料参考资料:classroom-有道词典


classroom的意思是:教室,课堂;教学活动,教学方法classroom 读法 英 [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 美 [ˈklæsru:m]短语:1、classroom teaching 课堂教学2、classroom instruction 课堂教学;课程设计3、classroom building 教学楼;教学建筑;教学馆4、classroom climate 课堂气氛;教室气氛例句:Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom 我们的目标就是让实习教师熟悉课堂。扩展资料一、classroom的相关词语:roomroom 读法 英 [ruːm; rʊm] 美 [rum] 1、n. 房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人2、vt. 为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿3、vi. 居住;住宿短语:1、clean room 绝对无尘室2、control room 控制室;仪表室;配电室3、guest room 客房4、double room 双人房5、room service 客房服务例句:Toni reserved a room in a hotel not far from Arzfeld.托妮在离阿茨费尔德不远的酒店预定了一个房间。二、room的词义辨析:room, place这两个词都可作“地方”“空地”解。其区别在于:place是可数名词,指某人或某物所占的特定的空间; room是不可数名词,指足够某一目的所需的空间,侧重大小、尺寸等。例如:1、This is the place where we can play tennis.这是我们打网球的地方。2、There is a lot of room to play tennis.有足够的空地打网球。


classroom的意思:教室,课堂。英式发音: ['klɑːsruːm; -rʊm] , 美式发音: ['klæsrʊm]。中文释义:n教室;课堂。英文释义:a room in a school where lessons take place.短语:1、classroom teaching 课堂教学2、classroom instruction 课堂教学;课程设计3、classroom building 教学楼;教学建筑;教学馆4、classroom climate 课堂气氛;教室气氛例句:1、The students entered the classroom one by one.学生们一个挨一个地走进教室。扩展资料:classroom的相关词语:roomroom 读法 英 [ruːm; rʊm] 美 [rum]1、n. 房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人2、vt. 为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿3、vi. 居住;住宿例句:Toni reserved a room in a hotel not far from Arzfeld.托尼在离阿兹菲尔德不远的一家旅馆预订了一个房间。classroom的相关词语:Classroom building教学楼;教学建筑;教学馆读音:[ˈklæsru:m] [ˈbɪldɪŋ]例句:1、The architect laid out the interior of the building.建筑师布置了建筑物的内部。2、On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.路的一边有一座新的教学楼。


classroom的音标是英 [ˈklɑ:sru:m]美 [ˈklæsru:m]。classroom教室扩展资料1.School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.学校组织的出游能让孩子们获得在课堂上得不到的亲身体验。2.The children bounced into the classroom.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地进了教室。3.But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。4.Maybe he is in the classroom.他可能在教室里。5.A quiet murmur passed through the classroom一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。


读音:英 [ˈklɑːsruːm],美 [ˈklæsruːm]意思:n. 教室;课堂例句:Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom 学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。 扩展资料classroom的近义词是schoolroom。读音:英 [ˈskuːlruːm],美 [ˈskuːlruːm]意思:n. 教室例句:All the teachers and pupils stood respectfully as he entered the schoolroom. 所有的老师和学生都恭敬地站着,看他走进教室。



