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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-05-11 00:52:13编辑:皮带君


创作思路:确定中心,写出深意。我们要着于挖掘所写事件中含有的生活哲理或找出它闪光的地方,反复思考,确定文章的中心思想。即善于从普通的小事中写出深意来。文章的六要素要交代清楚。一件事情的发生,离不开时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过和结果这六方面,即常说的“六要素”,只有交代清楚这几方面,才能使读者对所叙述的事,有个清楚、全面地了解。范文如下:As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.正如每个人都知道的,压力是日常生活中的自然部分,没有办法避免它。As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night,And it is hard to slow down. 随着现代生活节奏的不断增加,我们总是感觉到从早上到晚上的。很难慢下来。 Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.因此,压力与生活在竞争激烈的社会中。Different people, however, think of stress quite differently,Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. 不同的人,但是,认为压力很大不同,有些人认为压力并不是坏事,它通常被认为是。They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life。他们认为,一定量的压力是非常重要的,以提供动机和目的的生活。Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health.其他人则认为压力会导致精神下降,从而危及他的健康。 According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.根据他们,放松,对压力相反,是一个健康的精神和身体是必不可少的。Personally, I’m in favor of the former view, I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. 就我个人而言,我赞成前一种观点,我认为一个人完全献身于他所追求的事业是不可能的。In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.我看来,只有当压力失去控制,它会导致不良的表现和健康状况不佳。


中国各个自治区的英文名称是:1、新疆:新疆维吾尔自治区,英文名Xinjiang。简称“新”,首府乌鲁木齐市,位于中国西北地区,是中国五个少数民族自治区之一。面积166万平方公里,是中国陆地面积最大的省级行政区,占中国国土总面积六分之一。2、西藏:西藏,英文名Tibet。简称“藏”,首府拉萨市,位于中华人民共和国西南地区,是中国五个少数民族自治区之一。西藏位于青藏高原西南部,地处北纬26°50′至36°53′,东经78°25′至99°06′之间,平均海拔在4000米以上,素有“世界屋脊”之称。3、宁夏:宁夏回族自治区,英文名Ningxia,简称宁,首府银川。位于中国西北内陆地区,东邻陕西,西、北接内蒙古,南连甘肃,宁夏回族自治区总面积6.64万平方公里,位于四大地理区划的西北地区。4、广西:广西壮族自治区,英文名GuangXi,简称“桂”,是中华人民共和国省级行政区,首府南宁市,位于中国华南地区,东界广东,南临北部湾并与海南隔海相望,西与云南毗邻,东北接湖南,西北靠贵州,西南与越南接壤,广西陆地面积23.76万平方千米,海域面积约4万平方千米。5、内蒙古:内蒙古自治区,英文名Inner Mongolia,简称“内蒙古”,首府呼和浩特。地处中国北部,东北部与黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北交界,南部与山西、陕西、宁夏相邻,西南部与甘肃毗连,北部与俄罗斯、蒙古接壤,属于四大地理区划的西北地区。以上内容参考 百度百科—新疆、百度百科—西藏、百度百科—宁夏、百度百科—广西、百度百科—内蒙古


作文思路:首先介绍了新疆的简称、首府,接着介绍了新疆的面积及常住人口情况,最后介绍了新疆是古丝绸之路必经之路及重要的战略地位。新疆维吾尔自治区,简称“新”,首府乌鲁木齐市,位于中国西北地区,是中国五个少数民族自治区之一。Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, referred to as "new", the capital of Urumqi, located in Northwest China, is one of China's five ethnic minority autonomous regions.面积166万平方公里,是中国陆地面积最大的省级行政区,占中国国土总面积六分之一。2020年第七次全国人口普常住人口为2585.23万人。Covering an area of 1.66 million square kilometers, it is the largest provincial administrative region in China, accounting for one sixth of China's total land area. In 2020, the number of permanent residents of the seventh national population census will be 25.8523 million.新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,陆地边境线5600多公里,在历史上是古丝绸之路的重要通道,Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, with a land border of more than 5600 kilometers. In history, it was an important passage of the ancient Silk Road,现在是第二座“亚欧大陆桥”的必经之地,战略位置十分重要。Now it is the only way for the second "Eurasian land bridge", and its strategic position is very important.


Xinjiang raisins are most famous for the grapes in Turpan . Due to the low terrain , high temperature and rain , sufficient sunshine , and high and low temperature differences , the Turpan Basin is rich in grapes . At the same time the extraordinary qualities of raisins are created . Raisins can improve the body's metabolic function , can quickly eliminate fattigue , eliminate excess fat , make blood flow , eliminate obesity , improve gastrointestinal function , and eliminate constipation . The content of iron and calcium in raisins is very rich , and it is a tonic for children , women and frail anaemia .


The northern xinjiang have altay mountain, in the south kunlun mountain, karakoram and altun. Tianshan, xinjiang tianshan mountains as symbol, central, southern traverses formed tarim basin and northern in junggar basin. Traditionally the tianshan region south of call nanjiang, tianshan area north of xinjiang, the name call east hami and turpan basin, xinjiang. Xinjiang abundant and unique tourism resources. Xinjiang tourism magical landscape unique natural, ice and HuoZhou opposite deserts and oasis fain.
Xinjiang tourism culture accumulation massiness, dense nationality amorous feedings, numerous places of interests, which have great potential for exploitation. Xinjiang tourism scenic spot famous natural scenery has tianchi, kanas lake, nalati grasslands, Boston, SaiLiMuHu, bain brooke grassland, etc. Xinjiang humanities rich tourist resources, in the ancient silk road in the south, north, three main line has hundreds of ancient city, ancient tombs, ancient sites caocao thousand-buddha grottoes, humanities landscape, jiaohe city, city, loulan gaochang sites, kilzil thousand-buddha cave, sweet princess tomb of famous international, record the history of junction between Chinese and western culture, showing the ancient xinjiang brilliant culture and picture scroll, attracting more and more tourists. Xinjiang uygur autonomous region is world-famous dance township, melon and fruit of the township, the gentiles.
Xinjiang is a huge-geographical country, is a vast land, mountains and magnificence, vast endless, monuments, ethnic folk throughout numerous, singular. Xinjiang tourism scenic spots have altitude 8600 meters of the world, and second peak 154 meters below sea level minimum depssions, both a Chinese inner-leakage li river, world-now the grassland, and overflow weird gobi dreamland and mysterious desert wonders. Well-pserved original plant and animal species, accentuated advantaged nature colors. Xinjiang land rich and beautiful, the vastness and magical, The people, hospitality, both gracious, enthusiasm, and simplicity, friendly, Here is the poet's kingdom, artists of treasure, historians of heaven, travellers' paradise!

以新疆为题的英语作文 五篇 100词左右 谢谢各位

The northern xinjiang have altay mountain, in the south kunlun mountain, karakoram and altun. Tianshan, xinjiang tianshan mountains as symbol, central, southern traverses formed tarim basin and northern in junggar basin. Traditionally the tianshan region south of call nanjiang, tianshan area north of xinjiang, the name call east hami and turpan basin, xinjiang. Xinjiang abundant and unique tourism resources. Xinjiang tourism magical landscape unique natural, ice and HuoZhou opposite deserts and oasis fain.

Xinjiang tourism culture accumulation massiness, dense nationality amorous feedings, numerous places of interests, which have great potential for exploitation. Xinjiang tourism scenic spot famous natural scenery has tianchi, kanas lake, nalati grasslands, Boston, SaiLiMuHu, bain brooke grassland, etc. Xinjiang humanities rich tourist resources, in the ancient silk road in the south, north, three main line has hundreds of ancient city, ancient tombs, ancient sites caocao thousand-buddha grottoes, humanities landscape, jiaohe city, city, loulan gaochang sites, kilzil thousand-buddha cave, sweet princess tomb of famous international, record the history of junction between Chinese and western culture, showing the ancient xinjiang brilliant culture and picture scroll, attracting more and more tourists. Xinjiang uygur autonomous region is world-famous dance township, melon and fruit of the township, the gentiles.

Xinjiang is a huge-geographical country, is a vast land, mountains and magnificence, vast endless, monuments, ethnic folk throughout numerous, singular. Xinjiang tourism scenic spots have altitude 8600 meters of the world, and second peak 154 meters below sea level minimum depssions, both a Chinese inner-leakage li river, world-now the grassland, and overflow weird gobi dreamland and mysterious desert wonders. Well-pserved original plant and animal species, accentuated advantaged nature colors. Xinjiang land rich and beautiful, the vastness and magical, The people, hospitality, both gracious, enthusiasm, and simplicity, friendly, Here is the poet's kingdom, artists of treasure, historians of heaven, travellers' paradise!


Xinjiang Tourist Attractions: Heavenly Lake, Urumqi Lop Nur, the Tianshan, Tianshan Wild Animal Park, Nanshan natural scenic spots, Bayanbulak Swan Lake, Bai Yanggou, Bayanbulak grasslands, Dabancheng District town, Urumqi Mogui Cheng, miquan niangniangmiao, Changji original Populus euphratica, Changji city, Bear Gully Scenic Miquan blind, Changji Cheshi old course, Sailimu Lake, rocks valley scenic areas, narat grasslands, Sailimu Lake, Ili, guozigou, Altai, etc.新疆旅游景点:天池、乌鲁木齐罗布泊、、天山、天山野生动物园、南山天然风景区、巴音布鲁克天鹅湖、白杨沟、巴音布鲁克草原、 达坂城区古镇、乌鲁木齐魔鬼城、米泉娘娘庙、昌吉原始胡杨林、 昌吉古城、米泉瞎熊沟风景区、昌吉车师故道、赛里木湖、怪石峪风景区、 那拉提草原、赛里木湖、 伊犁河、 果子沟、 阿尔泰山等


非洲的英文介绍:Africa is located in the western part of the Eastern Hemisphere, south of Europe, west of Asia, east of the Indian Ocean, west of the Atlantic Ocean, north and south of the equator. It covers an area of about 30.2 million square kilometers, accounting for 20.4% of the total land area of the world. It is the second largest continent in the world and also the second largest continent in population.非洲全称阿非利加洲,位于东半球西部,欧洲以南,亚洲之西,东濒印度洋,西临大西洋,纵跨赤道南北,面积大约为3020万平方公里,占全球总陆地面积的20.4%,是世界第二大洲,同时也是人口第二大洲。Africa is famous for its wide variety and abundance of wildlife, with more large ungulated mammals and freshwater fish than any other continent. There are about 3000 species of fish, 238 species of amphibians, 58 species of reptiles, 589 species of birds and 1100 species of mammals.非洲以野生动物品种及数量繁多而闻名,大型有蹄类哺乳动物和淡水鱼比其他各洲都多。 鱼类约有3000个物种,两栖动物有约238种,爬行动物有58种,鸟类有589种,哺乳动物有1100种。Africa is known as the "tropical continent". Its climate is characterized by high temperature, less rain and dryness. The distribution of climate zones is symmetrical in North and south. The equator runs across the center, and the climate generally decreases from the equator with the increase of latitude.非洲有“热带大陆”之称,其气候特点是高温、少雨、干燥,气候带分布呈南北对称状。赤道横贯中央,气候一般从赤道随纬度增加而降低。About 95% of the total area of the continent is in the region with an average annual temperature above 20 C. More than half of the regions are hot all the year round, and nearly half of the regions have hot warm and cool seasons. The average annual temperature in Dalol, northeastern Ethiopia, is 34.5 degrees Celsius, one of the highest in the world.全洲年平均气温在20℃以上的地带约占全洲面积95%,其中一半以上的地区终年炎热,有将近一半的地区有着炎热的暖季和温暖的凉季。埃塞俄比亚东北部的达洛尔年平均气温为34.5℃,是世界年平均气温最高的地方之一。扩展资料1、非洲文明非洲是人类进化史上从古猿到森林古猿、拉玛古猿、“完全形成的人”—能人、直立人、智人、直到现代人都存在过的大陆。人类学家在非洲发现了最早的“完全形成的人”的化石。这些发现使包括进化论奠基人达尔文在内的人类学家得出了非洲是人类诞生地的猜想。2、非洲饮食在非洲很多地方,吃饭不使刀叉,更不用筷子,而是用手抓饭。吃饭时,大家围着桌子坐一圈,一个饭盒和一个菜盒放在中间。每个人用左手按住饭盒或菜盒的边沿,用右手的手指抓自己面前的饭和菜,送入口中。客人吃饭时应注意的是,切勿将饭菜撒在地上,这是主人所忌讳的。长者未离席时,晚辈要静坐等候;子女离席时,须向父母行礼致谢;客人则应等主人吃完后一道离开。总体说来,非洲饮食文化比较单一,主要是肉食和玉米、面粉之类。参考资料来源:百度百科-非洲



