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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-04-15 05:12:03编辑:皮带君


  翻译题从原来的单句翻译变成了段落翻译,分值也加重了,和作文一样占英语四级总分的百分之十五,同学们认真备考多练习,定然能考出好的成绩。    翻译一:生活习惯   多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。我不出去跑步或散步,而是一下床就干活儿。因此我对黎明前的北京的了解是在屋子里感觉到的。我从前在什么报上读过一篇文章,讲黎明时分天安门广场上的清洁工人。那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。   参考译文   For many years, Ihave been in the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.Instead of going out for a jog or walk, I’ll set about my work as soon as I’mout of bed. As a result, it is from inside my study that I've got the feel ofpredawn Beijing. Years ago, I hit upon a newspaper article about streetcleaners in Tian’anmen Square at daybreak. It must have been a very movingscene, but what a pity I haven’t seen it with my own eyes. I can only pictureit in my mind longingly.    翻译二:保护动物   目前,人类的生存环境正在遭到破坏,美丽的大自然已经不那么美丽了。保护野生动物,也就是保护人类自己。我强烈呼吁:不要再捕杀黑猩猩,不要再捕杀野生动物了,让我们人类多一些地球上的朋友,多给我们下一代保留一些野生动物吧! 否则,地球将毁灭在人类手中,人类将毁灭在自己手中。   参考译文   Atpresent, man’s living environment is being ruined, and beautiful nature is nolonger so beautiful. Protection of wild life is protection of man himself. So Iappeal strongly to all to stop killing the chimpanzee or any other wild animal.Let us human beings have more friends on the earth, and leave more wild lifefor future generations. Or the earth would be destroyed by man, and man by manhimself.    翻译三:学习英语   到中国来旅游观光的人很少不会注意到中国人学习英语的劲头。公园里有专门的英语角,老老少少会定期聚在一起操练。马路上外国游客常常被学习英语的人围住交谈,从天气到政治,无所不谈。各种英语班如雨后春笋在到处出现。   参考译文   Fewvisitors to China will fail to notice the eagerness of the Chinese to learnEnglish.2) In public parks there are special corners where English learners oldand young gather at regular time to practise their spoken English.3) Foreignvisitors are often besieged on streets by English learners who want to talkwith them in English abut anything from weather to politics.4) English classesare mushrooming across the land.    翻译四:发明创造   过去50年其实并不是发明创新的黄金时期。从1900年到1950年,改变人类生活的发明有汽车、飞机、电话、收音机、电视机——当然还有核武器和计算机。而近50年来,只有为数不多的发明。难道发明的源泉已经枯竭了吗?答案并非如此。事实上,发明的新时代刚刚开始。   参考译文   Actually the lastfifty years was not the golden age of invention and innovation. From 1900 to1950, human life was transformed by such invention as cars, aeroplanes,telephones, radios and television sets, not to mention nuclear weapons and thecomputer of course. In the recent 50 years since only a few inventions havebeen made, was the wellspring of invention drying up? Not likely. Indeed, a newage of invention is just beginning.


阅读二   Transportation and communication networks bring people together. Yet sometimes people themselves create barriers (障碍) to transportation and communication.   In some countries, laws stop people from moving freely from place to place. Over the centuries, many groups of people have been denied the freedom to travel because of their race, religion, or nationality. In the Middle Ages, for example, Jews were often forbidden to move about freely within certain cities. South Africa’s government used to require black Africans to carry passes when they travel within the country. Some governments require all citizens to carry identification papers and to report to government officials whenever they move.   Countries set up customs posts at their borders. Foreign travellers must go through a customs inspection before they are allowed to travel in the country. Usually travellers have to carry special papers such as passports and visas (签证). Some countries even limit the number of visitors to their country each year. Others allow tourists to visit only certain areas of the country, or they may require that travellers be with an official guide at all times during their stay.   Many of those barriers to travel also act as barriers to communication. When two governments disagree with each other on important matters, they usually do not want their citizens to exchange news or ideas freely. Countries often try to keep military or industrial information secret.   Today, people have the ability to travel, to communicate, and to transport goods more quickly and easily than ever before. Natural barriers that were difficult or dangerous to cross a hundred years ago can now be crossed easily. The barriers that people themselves make are not so easy to overcome. But in spite of all the different kinds of barriers, people continue to enjoy travel and the exchange of goods and ideas.   1. The examples in paragraph 2 are used to tell the readers that .   A. people have been allowed to travel freely within the country   B. people have not been permitted to travel freely for various reasons   C. travellers have to carry special papers such as passports and visas   D. customs posts are necessary at the borders of the countries   2.Some governments limit the freedom of communication because .   A. they intend to keep their national secrets unknown to others   B. they think such freedom will lead to wars   C. they often disagree with each other on important matters   D. they want to show their authority over communication   3.We may learn from the passage that .   A. people do not care about the removal of barriers between countries   B. people can not remove the obstacles made by themselves   C. man-made barriers are sometimes harder to overcome that natural ones   D. barriers should be taken for granted as they always exist   4.Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?   A. Barriers Made by People   B.Functions of Communication   C.Restrictions on Transportation   D.Progress of Human Society    答案 B A C A


这道题正确答案就是A。应该把she改为she is或者her。语法点:than和as的区别是相同的部分可以省略,但是than后面需要宾格,或者主语+助动词。而as的省略是直接省略相同的部分,没有讲究主格和宾格,并且只有代词才有主格和宾格之分,其他没有主宾格之分。(你可以看看这道题的D选项,没记错的话应该是“You have the same trouble as I”,B和D后面的形式是一样的,所以一开始就可以排除掉了。因为相似/相同的选项大概率不是答案,相反的选项可能是答案)


"专四"通常是指中国英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors Band 4),这是一项针对英语专业本科生的水平测试。专四考试主要测试英语听、说、读、写等四个方面的综合能力。考试成绩分为合格、良好和优秀三个等级。专四考试采用百分制记分,满分100分。以下是各部分的记分方式:1. 听力(Listening):满分为20分。考试时间为35分钟,分为三个部分。- 第一部分:听写(Dictation),占8分。考生需要听一段约200字的英语短文,然后将所听到的内容填写在空格处。共8个空格,每空格1分。- 第二部分:听力理解(Listening Comprehension),占15分。考生需要听两段约150字的英语短文,每段短文后有5个问题。每个问题1分。- 第三部分:长对话(Long Conversations),占8分。考生需要听一段约250字的长对话,然后回答5个问题。每个问题1分。2. 阅读(Reading):满分为40分。考试时间为60分钟,分为三个部分。- 第一部分:快速阅读(Skimming and Scanning),占20分。考生需要阅读一篇约500字的文章,然后回答10个问题。每个问题1分。- 第二部分:综合阅读(Reading Comprehension),占20分。考生需要阅读一篇约600字的文章,然后回答15个问题。每个问题1分。- 第三部分:完形填空(Cloze),占10分。考生需要阅读一篇约300字的文章,然后在20个空格中填入适当的词汇。每个空格0.5分。


专四分值如下:第一部分为听写,1道题1分,共10道,总分为10分。做题时间大约15分钟完成。第二部分为听力理解A讲座,10道题,B对话,10道题,共计20分。考试时间大约为20分钟。第三部分语言知识,1道题1分,共20道题,总分为20分。第四部分完型填空,1道题1分共10道题,总分10分。需要大约15分钟。第五部分阅读理解,A选择题+B简答题,共15题,总分20分。考试需25分钟。第六部分写作,共1题,总分为20分。作文需要35分钟。专四合格标准英语专业四级考试(TEM4)合格标准:以60分为及格分数。考试及格者由高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会颁发成绩单。成绩分为三个等级:60-69分合格;70-79分良好;80分以上优秀。对于英语专业来说,其实专四的成绩并没有多大意义,因为通过专八,就没有人会在意专四成绩,甚至社会上还有很多机构不知道有专四的存在。 硬是要分等级的话,其实也就优秀和非优秀,优秀意义虽然不大,但对于大三招实习做志愿者时可以为简历或面试增色。





日语四级题目 请附上详解

1.卵は何个要りますか? 要几个蛋?






答案:A选项意思:A.an attributive 定语;B.an appositive 同位语;C.a complement 补语;D.an adverbial 状语。解析:不定式to become an astronaut在句中做his ambition后置定语修饰主语 ,由此选A。可能有人会误选B,但是别忘了to do是一般是不用来做同位语的噢。定语判断方法:翻译为"......的"一般就是做定语。


专四英语阅读题   下面是我给大家提供的`专业四级的英语阅读题及答案,欢迎大家参考练习!   第一篇:   What we know of prenatal development makes all this attempt made by a mother to mold the character of her unborn child by studying poetry, art, or mathematics during pregnancy seem utterly impossible. How could such extremely complex influences pass from the mother to the child? There is no connection between their nervous systems. Even the blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. An emotional shock to the mother will affect her child, because it changes the activity of her glands and so the chemistry her blood. Any chemical change in the mother's blood will affect the child for better or worse. But we can not see how a looking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child.   In our discussion of instincts we saw that there was reason to believe that whatever we inherit must be of some very simple sort rather than any complicated or very definite kind of behavior. It is certain that no one inherits a knowledge of mathematics. It may be, however, that children inherit more or less of a rather general ability that we may call intelligence. If very intelligent children become deeply interested in mathematics, they will probably make a success of that study.   As for musical ability, it may be that what is inherited is an especially sensitive ear, a peculiar structure of the hands or the vocal organs connections between nerves and muscles that make it comparatively easy to learn the movements a musician must execute, and particularly vigorous emotions. If these factors are all organized around music, the child may become a musician. The same factors, in other circumstance might be organized about some other center of interest. The rich emotional equipment might find expression in poetry. The capable fingers might develop skill in surgery. It is not the knowledge of music that is inherited, then nor even the love of it, but a certain bodily structure that makes it comparatively easy to acquire musical knowledge and skill. Whether that ability shall be directed toward music or some other undertaking may be decided entirely by forces in the environment in which a child grows up.   1. Which of the following statements is not true?   A. Some mothers try to influence their unborn children by studying art and other subjects during their pregnancy.   B. It is utterly impossible for us to learn anything about prenatal development.   C. The blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly.   D. There are no connection between mother's nervous systems and her unborn child's.   2. A mother will affect her unborn baby on the condition that ____.   A. she is emotionally shocked   B. she has a good knowledge of inheritance   C. she takes part in all kind of activities   D. she sticks to studying   3. According to the passage, a child may inherit____.   A. everything from his mother   B. a knowledge of mathematics   C. a rather general ability that we call intelligence   D. her mother's musical ability   4. If a child inherits something from his mother, such as an especially sensitive ear, a peculiar structure of the hands or of the vocal organs, he will ____.   A. surely become musician   B. mostly become a poet   C. possibly become a teacher   D. become a musician on the condition that all these factors are organized around music   5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?   A. Role of Inheritance. B. An Unborn Child.   C. Function of instincts. D. Inherited Talents   第二篇:   The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All high school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don't go.   But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Other find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.   Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that is a condemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We have been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.   Some adventuresome educators and watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—may it is just the other way around, and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.   1.According to the author, ___.   A.people used to question the value of college education.   B.people used to have full confidence in higher education.   C.all high school graduates went to college.   D.very few high school graduates chose to go to college.   2.In the 2nd paragraph, "those who don't fit the pattern" refer to___.   A.high school graduates who aren't suitable for college education.   B.college graduates who are selling shoes and driving taxis.   C.college students who aren't any better for their higher education.   D.high school graduates who failed to be admitted to college.   3.The dropout rate of college students seems to go up because___.   A.young people are disappointed with the conventional way of teaching at college.   B.many people are required to join the army.   C.young people have little motivation in pursuing a higher education.   D.young people don't like the intense competition for admission to graduate school.   4.According to the passage, the problems of college education partly originate in the fact that___.   A.society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained graduates.   B.High school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education.   C.Too many students have to earn their own living.   D.College administrators encourage students to drop out.   5.In this passage the author argues that___.   A.more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduates.   B.College education is not enough if one wants to be successful.   C.College education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning people.   D.Intelligent people may learn quicker if they don't go to college.   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:BACDA   第二篇:BCCAA ;


( D) no cause for alarm,the old man went back to his room.
A.There was ,there was ...是完整句子。两个完整句子,要有连接词,如and,but等。
B.Since .这里的since应该是连接词,后面要加句子。但后面没有谓语动词。
C.Being,being的逻辑主语是后面的the old man, 意思不通。
D.There being. there being +.....是独立 主格结构,表示原因,说明老人为什么回到自己的房间。


专四考英语专业。一、考试对象英语四级的考试对象是全日制普通高等院校本科、专科在校生,全日制成人高等院校本科、专科在校生,在籍研究生,相当于所有高校大学生可以报考。而专四是指英语专业基础阶段考试,主要考核对象为英语专业本科二年级学生,非英语专业的一般情况下是不可以报考的。二、考试次数英语四级一般是大二才能考,到大四(少数专业五年制)至多可以考6次或以上,默认的及格分数为425分;专四只能考两次,六十分以上即为合格。三、词汇量英语四级要求的词汇量为4200左右,英语专四要求的词汇量为8000左右,直接是翻倍。从词汇量上看,英语专四考试是比英语四级难。不仅如此,词汇的侧重点也有所不同。专四考试要求精细掌握词汇,尤其是熟词僻义,而英语四级更多的是考查单词的常见用法。四、题型英语专四考试内容分为六个部分:听写、听力、语言知识、完型填空、阅读、写作。整个考试需时约130 分钟。英语四级考试内容分为四个部分:写作、听力、阅读和翻译。整个考试需时约125 分钟。两者考试时间差不多,但题型有所不同。比如专四有听写和语言知识,四级没有;四级有翻译,专四没有。





