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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-11-15 19:57:48编辑:皮带君





2001年6月至今任美国路易维尔大学医学院神经外科系副教授, James R. Petersdorf 讲座教授及路易维尔大学杰出学者。





曾获俄亥俄州立大学校长奖学金、Daniel Heumann 国际学者、美国神经创伤学会Michael Goldberger奖、Christopher Reeve自由研究奖等。近十年来,连续获得美国National Institutes of Health (NIH) 及国际脊髓损伤研究基金会等多项政府及民间机构的资助。目前任美国NIH基金评审委员会委员。迄今为止,已在国内外有影响的杂志,包括Journal of Comparative Neurology, Experimental Neurology, Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience 等杂志上,发表论文六十余篇。


1.Liu NK, Zhang YP, Titsworth WL, Jiang X, Han S, Lu PH, Shields CB and Xu X-M: A Novel Role of Phospholipase A2 in Mediating Spinal Cord Secondary Injury. Annal Neurol 59:606-619, 2006 (Editorial Comment by Linda J. Nobel entitled “Phospholipase A2 and spinal cord injury: A novel target for therapeutic intervention” on the same issue)。

2. Hsu J-YC, Stein SA, and Xu X-M: Development of the corticospinal tract in the mouse spinal cord: A quantitative ultrastructural analysis. Brain Res 1084:16-27, 2006。

3. Jiang X-Y, Fu S-L, Nie B-M, Li Y, Lin L, Yin L, Wang YX, Lu P-H, Xu X-M: Methods for isolating highly-enriched embryonic spinal cord neurons: A comparison between enzymatic and mechanical dissociations. J Neurosci Meth 158:13-18, 2006。

4. Oudega M, Xu X-M: Schwann cell transplantation for repair of the adult spinal cord. J Neurotrauma 23:453-467, 2006。

5. Hsu J-Y, Stein SA, and Xu X-M: Temporal and spatial distributions of growth-associated molecules and astroglial cells in the rat corticospinal tract during development. J Neurosci Res 80:330-340, 2005。

6. Fu S, Ma Z, Yin L, Iannotti C, Lu P, and Xu X-M: Region-specific growth properties and trophic requirements of brain- and spinal cord-derived embryonic neural precursor cells. Neurosci 135:851-862, 2005。

7 . Hsu J-YC and Xu X-M: Early profiles of axonal growth and astroglial response after spinal cord hemisection and implantation of Schwann cell-seeded guidance channels in adult rats. J Neurosci Res 82:472-483, 2005。

8. Chau, C.H., Shum, D.K.Y., Li, H., Pei, J., Lui, Y.Y., Wirthlin, L., Chan, Y.S. and Xu, X.M.: Chondroitinase treatment enhances axonal regrowth through Schwann cell-seeded guidance channels after spinal cord injury. FASEB J. 18: 194-196, 2004。

9. Sivasankaran, R., Pei, J., Wang, K.C., Zhang, Y.P., Shields, C.B., Xu, X.-M.* and He, Z.*: Protein kinase C mediates inhibitory effects of myelin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on axonal regeneration. Nat. Neurosci. 7:261-268, 2004 (* co-corresponding authors)。

10. Liu NK, Han S, Lu P-H, Xu X-M: Upregulation of annexins I, II and V following traumatic spinal cord injury in adult rats J Neurosci Res 77:391-401, 2004。

11. Iannotti C, Zhang YP, Shields CB, Han Y, Burke DA, Xu X-M: A novel neuroprotective role for glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor following moderate spinal cord contusion injury. Exp Neurol 189:317-332, 2004。

12. Zhang KH, Xiao H-S, Lu P-H, Shi J, Li G-D, Wang Y-T, Zhang X, Xu X-M: Differential gene expression after complete spinal cord transection in adult rats: An analysis focused on a sub-chronic post-injury stage. Neuroscience 128:375-388, 2004。

13. Chau CH, Shum DKY, Xu X-M: Combinatorial strategies towards spinal cord repair: enhancement of the Schwann cell bridge and modification of the graft-host interface. Preclinica (Invited review) 2:409-415, 2004。

14. Hu J-G, Fu S-L, Zhang K-H, Li Y, Ying L, Lu P-H, Xu X-M: Differential gene expression in neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte precursor cells: A cDNA microarray analysis. J Neurosci Res 78:637-646, 2004。



