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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-02 04:31:39编辑:皮带君


张雷,男,汉族,出生年月:1971-05, 博士,教授,华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院博士生导师 。





2000.11-2001.11 法国原子能委员会/Grenoble 大学博士后
2001.12-2003.12 日本Kanazawa 大学 JSPS 外国人特别研究员
2004.03-2011.06华南理工大学化学与化工学院 制药工程系主任(期间于2004.03任副教授,硕士生导师,2008.12晋升为教授,2010年被评聘为博士生导师)
2010.07-至今 华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院 生物制药系主任(期间于2011.06―2011.10赴法国狄德龙大学(巴黎第七大学)高级访问学者。)


中国晶体学会 药物晶型专业委员会委员
国家食品药品监督管理局 保健食品审评委员
广东省药学会药化专业委员会 副主任委员







1)新药研究与开发 主要进行药物的结构改造和前药研究;以及从天然产物发酵液中分离制备活性物质。已经从普伐他汀发酵液中分离得到了高活性的四氢普伐他汀,并完成了其合成工艺和结构鉴定,完成了初步的药学和毒性研究。

2)药物多晶型与质量控制 主要进行了非布索坦药物新晶型、氯吡格雷药物新晶型以及他汀类药物新晶型的研究,建立了药物转晶制备新晶型的研究和评价平台。对头孢类和克林霉素类等抗生素进行了相关物质的研究,合成开发了7个新的相关物质对照品。
3)新型医用材料与荧光免疫分析试剂 主要进行了新型生物医用胶黏剂和荧光标记抗体的开发,该类研究主要应用于医疗器械和诊断试剂盒。


发表论文60多篇,其中SCI收录50篇, 被他人引用超过500次。

.1. Lei Zhang* Zhiping Huang, Xiaoran Wan, Jing Li, and Jing Liu,Measurement and Correlation of the Solubility of Febuxostat in Four Organic Solvents at Various Temperatures,J. Chem. Eng. Data, OI: 10.1021/je300647k.
2. Jing Li, Huan Li, Lei Zhang*,Synthesis, crystal structure and biological evaluation of 4, 5, 6, 7-tetrahydropravastatin as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor,Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, 8(9), 884-888。
3. 李晶,李环,张雷*,4,7-二氢普伐他汀的分离、结构解析与活性研究,中国抗生素杂志,2011,36(7),526-529.
4. Yun Ling, Lei Zhang*, Jing Li and Miao Du, A robust porous PtS-type Cu(II) metalu2013organic framework: single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation with reversible guest intercalation accompanied by colour change, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 768-770.
5. Lei Zhang*, Wang-Wei Chen, Yuan-Yuan Ge, Yun Ling, Xin-Ping Ouyang, Jing Li, Miao Du, Anion-directed supramolecular assembly of cobalt(II)-fluconazole coordination polymers: Structural diversity, fluorescent and magnetic properties, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2010, 363, 866-876.
6. Lei Zhang*, Yun Ling, Dan-Jun Li, Jing Li, Miao Du,Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of novel zinc(II) and cadmium(II) polymeric and cyclic bimetallic complexes with fluconazole and dicarboxylate co-ligands, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2010, 363, 1031-1038.
7. Yun Ling, Lei Zhang*, Jing Li, Shuan-Shi Fan and Miao Du, Thiocyanate-induced conformational transformation of a flexible fluconazole ligand in Cd(II) coordination polymers, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 604-611.
8. Lei Zhang*, Yun Ling, Ai-Xi Hu, Ting-Ting Yao, Jing Li, Four novel Co(II) and Mn(II) coordination polymers with triazolyl derivate: syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009, 362, 4867-4874.
9. 杨亚勇,张雷,邹任贤,在线颗粒度分析仪在美伐他汀结晶工艺过程中的应用研究,中国抗生素杂志,2009,34(8),475-480.
10. Yun Ling, Lei Zhang*, Jing Li, and Ai Xi Hu, Three-fold-Interpenetrated Diamondoid Coordination Frameworks with Torus Links Constructed by Tetranuclear Building Blocks, Cryst. Growth Des., 2009, 9 (5), 2043-2046.
11. Ling Yun, Li Jing, Hu Ai-Xi, Zhang Lei*, Syntheses, Crystal Structures and Fluorescence Properties of Two triazolyl Derivatives with Biphenyl Links, Chinese J. Struct. Chem., 2009, 28(4), 461-466.
12. Yun Ling, Lei Zhang*, Crystal Structure and Magnetic Property of a Two-Dimensional Copper(II) Complex with Dual EO- and Single EE-Azide Bridges, Polish J Chem., 2009, 83, 547-554.
13. Lei Zhang*, Yun Ling, Jing Li, Hong-Yun Gao, Supramolecular self-assembly of two Cu(II) complexes with 1,2,4-triazole derivatives: syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties, Struct. Chem, 2008, 19(6), 911u2013916.
14. Lei Zhang*, Yun Ling, Miao Du, Synthesis, crystal structures and in vitro anti-fungal activities of two silver(I) coordination polymers with fluconazole, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2007, 360, 3182-3188.
15. Lei Zhang*, Yun Ling, Feng Peng, Miao Du, Anion-tuned self-assembly of zinc(II)-fluconazole complexes: crystal structures, luminescent and thermal properties, J. Mol. Struct., 2007, 829, 161-167



