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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-10-12 22:26:29编辑:皮带君



1. 通过理论预测和勘查评价,在青海省多彩国家级铜多金属矿整装勘查区发现大-中型矿床3处,实现了三江成矿带北延段富铜铅锌矿床找矿的首次突破。

2. 危机矿山深边部找矿靶区验证在中国黄金集团公司旗下潼关和鑫泰矿业公司分别探获黄金资源量16.77吨和8.7吨,市场估值近70亿元人民币。

3. 在华北克拉通重要金矿集中区铁镁质脉岩中发现了原生硫化物熔融包裹体,为深部岩浆房中存在富金硫化物熔体分离过程提供了直接证据。

4. 通过微区地球化学及稀有气体同位素示踪,为金成矿物质地幔起源提供了重要证据,并构建了地幔流体组成性质与金矿床规模的定性指标


1. 大比例尺成矿规律与成矿预测

2. 矿床微区地球化学


1. Liu Yan,

Tan Jun*

, Wei Junhao, Zhao Shaoqing, Liu Xiaoyang, Gan Jinrong, Wang Zhihua.Sources and petrogenesis of Late Triassic Zhiduo volcanics in the northeast Tibet: Implications for tectonic evolution of the western Jinsha Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Lithos, 2019, 336-337, 169-182.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, He Huaiyu, Su Fei, Li Yanjun, Fu Lebing, Zhao Shaoqing, Xiao Guangling, Zhang Fei, Xu Jiafu, Liu Yan, Stuart Finlay M., Zhu Rixiang. Noble gases in pyrites from the Guocheng-Liaoshang gold belt in the Jiaodong province: Evidence for a mantle source of gold. Chemical Geology, 2018, 480, 105-115.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Li Yanjun, Fu Lebing, Li Hongmei, Shi Wenjie. Origin and geodynamic significance of fault-hosted massive sulfide gold deposits from the Guocheng–Liaoshang metallogenic belt, eastern Jiaodong Peninsula: Rb–Sr dating, and H–O–S–Pb isotopic constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 65, 687-700.

4. Zhao Shaoqing,

Tan Jun*

, Wei Junhao, Tian Ning, Zhang Daohan, Liang Shengnan, Chen Jiajie. Late Triassic Batang Group arc volcanic rocks in the northeasternmmargin of Qiangtang terrane, northern Tibet: partial meltingmof juvenile crust and implications for Paleo?Tethys ocean subduction. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2015, 104, 369 - 387.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Shi Wenjie, Wang, Mingzhi, Li Yanjun, Fu Lebing, Li Huan. Formation of Wulong mafic dikes via mixing of enriched lithospheric mantle-derived and crustal magmas, eastern North China Craton. The Journal of Geology, 2013, 121, 517-535.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Shi Wenjie, Feng Bo, Li Yanjun, Fu Lebing. Origin of dyke swarms by mixing of metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle-derived and lower crustal magmas in the Guocheng fault belt, Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton. Geological Journal, 2013, 48: 516-530.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Audétat Andreas, Pettke Thomas. Source of metals in the Guocheng gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton: Link to early Cretaceous mafic magmatism originating from Paleoproterozoic metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Ore Geology Reviews, 2012, 48: 70-87.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Guo Lingli, Zhang Keqing, Yao Chunliang, Lu Jianpei, Li Hongmei. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and phenocryst EPMA of dikes, Guocheng, Jiaodong Peninsula: Implications for North China Craton lithosphere evolution. Science in China Series D-Earth Science, 2008, 51(10): 1483-1500.


Tan Jun

, Wei Junhao, Li Yanhua, Tan Wenjuan, Guo Dazhao, Yang Chunfu. Geochemical characteristics of Late Mesozoic dikes, Jiaodong Peninsula, North China craton: Petrogenesis and geodynamic setting. International Geology Review, 2007, 49: 931-946.


谭 俊

, 魏俊浩. 岩浆硫化物熔体中成矿金属元素的富集及迁移过程研究综述. 地质科技情报, 2013, 32(6): 48-56.


谭 俊

, 魏俊浩, 郭玲利, 张可清, 姚春亮, 陆建培, 李红梅. 胶东郭城地区脉岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年及斑晶EPMA研究: 对岩石圈演化的启示. 中国科学D辑: 地球科学, 2008, 38(8): 913-929.


谭 俊

, 魏俊浩, 李水如, 王忠铭, 付乐兵, 张可清. 广西昆仑关A型花岗岩地球化学特征及构造意义. 地球科学, 2008, 33(6): 743-754.


谭 俊

, 魏俊浩,李艳军,李闫华,鄢云飞. 南岭中生代陆壳重熔型花岗岩类成岩成矿的有关问题. 地质论评, 2007, 53(3): 349-362.


谭 俊

, 魏俊浩, 杨春福, 冯波, 谭文娟, 郭大招. 胶东郭城地区脉岩类岩石地球化学特征及成岩构造背景. 地质学报, 2007, 80(8): 1177-1188.


谭 俊,

魏俊浩, 杨春福, 冯 波, 李闫华. 矿床同位素定年方法的应用现状评析. 地质与勘探, 2006, 42(3): 61-66.



中国地质大学(武汉) | 资源学院 | 副教授


University of New Brunswick | Department of Earth Sciences | Visiting Scholar | 访问学者


中国地质大学(武汉) | 资源学院 | 副教授


中国地质大学(武汉) | 资源学院 | 讲师



