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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-05-24 19:19:30编辑:皮带君


荔枝英语:litchi,发音为: [ˈli:ˌtʃi:]扩展资料词性:n. 荔枝;荔枝果;荔枝树。短语:1、Litchi chinensis 荔枝2、lichee litchi 荔枝3、litchi wine 荔枝酒4、Litchi Bay 荔枝湾5、litchi lychee 荔枝6、litchi peel 荔枝果皮7、litchi canned 荔枝罐头8、Abstract litchi 摘荔枝9、Wild litchi 野荔枝10、litchi fruit 荔枝果实11、fresh litchi 鲜荔枝造句:1、The inquisitive were shooed away by five young guards who lolled in the shade of a litchi tree. 五个年轻守卫正懒洋洋的在一棵荔枝树下纳凉,见记者前来询问,他们三言两语便打发过去了。2、Longan is a tropical tree found China, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to Litchi . 龙眼是长在中国、印度尼西亚和东南亚的一种果树,果实与荔枝极其相近。3、St-Germain — which quietly began enlivening cocktails in 2007 before becoming ubiquitous — has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini. 圣日耳曼,在如此普及之前的2007年就开始悄无声息地刺激鸡尾酒行业。 它以淡雅,如花的滋味但又无荔枝马蒂尼的浓郁赢得了众多粉丝。4、The results have reference value to litchi synthetic study. 这些结果对荔枝的综合研究具有参考价值。5、Every year, beekeepers will come honey, litchi honey is a good thing. 每年,养蜂人都会赶来采蜜,荔枝蜜是很好的东西。6、So, can not at etc. the mother shell litchi by you of time cry bitterly ! 所以,不得在等妈妈经你剥荔枝的时候痛哭流涕!


荔枝英语:litchi,发音为: [ˈli:ˌtʃi:]扩展资料词性:n. 荔枝;荔枝果;荔枝树。短语:1、Litchi chinensis 荔枝2、lichee litchi 荔枝3、litchi wine 荔枝酒4、Litchi Bay 荔枝湾5、litchi lychee 荔枝6、litchi peel 荔枝果皮7、litchi canned 荔枝罐头8、Abstract litchi 摘荔枝9、Wild litchi 野荔枝10、litchi fruit 荔枝果实11、fresh litchi 鲜荔枝造句:1、The inquisitive were shooed away by five young guards who lolled in the shade of a litchi tree. 五个年轻守卫正懒洋洋的在一棵荔枝树下纳凉,见记者前来询问,他们三言两语便打发过去了。2、Longan is a tropical tree found China, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to Litchi . 龙眼是长在中国、印度尼西亚和东南亚的一种果树,果实与荔枝极其相近。3、St-Germain — which quietly began enlivening cocktails in 2007 before becoming ubiquitous — has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini. 圣日耳曼,在如此普及之前的2007年就开始悄无声息地刺激鸡尾酒行业。 它以淡雅,如花的滋味但又无荔枝马蒂尼的浓郁赢得了众多粉丝。4、The results have reference value to litchi synthetic study. 这些结果对荔枝的综合研究具有参考价值。5、Every year, beekeepers will come honey, litchi honey is a good thing. 每年,养蜂人都会赶来采蜜,荔枝蜜是很好的东西。6、So, can not at etc. the mother shell litchi by you of time cry bitterly ! 所以,不得在等妈妈经你剥荔枝的时候痛哭流涕!

学习英语的十个方法 用英语回答



Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning tips, but if you don't start doing things, you will achieve nothing. The fact is, if you want to learn to speak English well, you must change your life. Here are some examples of things you will have to do:
1. Read a book in English for an hour every day, analyzing the grammar in sentences and looking up words in an English dictionary
2. Listen to an audio book or other recording in English, stopping it frequently, trying to understand what is being said, and trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation
3. Spend your afternoon practicing the pronunciation of the English "r" sound
4. Carefully write an e-mail message in English, using a dictionary or a Web search every 20 seconds to make sure every word is correct, and taking 5 minutes to write one sentence
5. Think about an English sentence you've read, wondering if it could say "a" instead of "the" in the sentence, and trying to find similar sentences on the Web to find out the answer
6. Walk down the street and build simple English sentences in your head (talking to yourself in English about the things you see around you)
what kind of person would do all these crazy things? Only one kind。The kind of person who enjoys doing them。 If you want to learn to speak English well, you're going to have to become that person. You cannot hate doing these things. Have you ever heard of a person who became successful by doing something he hated?
The problem with learning and teaching English as a foreign language is that all English learners want to speak English well; however, most learners don't want to spend time on learning English on their own. (Which is probably why they sign up for English classes and hope their teacher will force knowledge into their heads?)
This lack of motivation means that learners basically don't spend their own time on learning English, and if they do, they don't do it regularly. For example, a typical learner might study English phrasal verbs for 12 hours before an English exam. However, he will not read a book in English for 30 minutes every day. He just doesn't feel that learning English is pleasant enough, so he will only do it if he has to. The problem is that a huge one-time effort gives you nothing, while small, everyday activities will give you a lot.
If you are one of those learners and don't feel like practicing the pronunciation of the "r" sound or thinking about English sentences every day, we have news for you: You're going to have to make yourself want to do these things. In other words, you'll have to work on your motivation. Fortunately, there are proven techniques to help you with that.
怎样喜爱学习英语 IV
1. 每天读一个小时的英文版的书籍,分析句子中的语法并用英语词典查生词
2. 听一本配有音频书籍或者其他英文录音材料,多按停止健,努力理解所说的内容,并且努力模仿朗读者的发音
3. 利用你下午的时间练习带"r"音的英语的发音
4. 仔细地用英文写一封电子邮件,每20秒使用一本词典或是网络搜寻器以确保每个单词的正确性,然后用5分钟的时间写一个句子
5. 回想你读过的一个英文句子,考虑在句子中是否可以用"a"代替"the",并且试图在网上找出相似的句子来得到答案
6. 在街上漫步时在你的头脑中建立简单的英语句子


读作:[ˈli:ˌtʃi:]litchi释义:荔枝,荔枝树。例句:The shape of litchi is like chicken heart, and its size is like table tennis. Pick up a bunch of litchi, a fragrant fragrance pouring on the nose, the fragrance and sweetness pouring on the face, making people intoxicated.荔枝的形状象鸡心,大小如乒乓球一般。拿起一串荔枝,一股清香扑鼻而来那香甜味迎面扑来,使人陶醉。扩展资料荔枝(学名:Litchi chinensis Sonn.)无患子科,荔枝属常绿乔木,高约10米。果皮有鳞斑状突起,鲜红,紫红。成熟时至鲜红色;种子全部被肉质假种皮包裹。花期春季,果期夏季。果肉产鲜时半透明凝脂状,味香美,但不耐储藏。分布于中国的西南部、南部和东南部,广东和福建南部栽培最盛。亚洲东南部也有栽培,非洲、美洲和大洋洲有引种的记录。 荔枝与香蕉、菠萝、龙眼一同号称“南国四大果品”。荔枝味甘、酸、性温,入心、脾、肝经;可止呃逆,止腹泻,是顽固性呃逆及五更泻者的食疗佳品,同时有补脑健身,开胃益脾,有促进食欲之功效。因性热,多食易上火。荔枝木材坚实,纹理雅致,耐腐,历来为上等名材。最早关于荔枝的文献是西汉司马相如的《上林赋》,文中写作“离支”,割去枝丫之意。原来,古人已认识到,这种水果不能离开枝叶,假如连枝割下,保鲜期会加长。对此,明代李时珍也认可。



