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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-04-29 09:04:25编辑:皮带君


  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的我的家乡英语作文3篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 我的家乡英语作文 篇1   In the yantang river in sichuan province, it is called "jiuli xixiqu" and writes the composition of my hometown. The scenery is beautiful, the birds are floral, the four seasons are different. Once in spring, trees out new branches, leaves, flowers in full bloom, murraya 13 bend to show the beautiful smiling face, like in and we say "hello" : "welcome you the arrival!"   Summer came, with a big ball of fire, and it was getting hotter and hotter, and people got so hot that they couldn't get enough of it. The water in the nineteen-thirteenth bend was cool, and the clear water rushed out from the cracks, and the cool of the ground.   Autumn comes in the hope of people, holding boundless golden. In the woods, the leaves of the ginkgo tree and poplar trees dance in the autumn wind. There were gold bars everywhere, covering the road. In the wild, you can't really find the path. Looking up at the sky, the clouds are light and rows of geese fly back to the south.   In the winter, a cold air, a white world. Standing in the ninth and twelfth, looking at the distance, there are some people moving slowly in the fairy tale world. Look at my house, like a white mushroom on a flat ground. I love the beautiful nine-thirteenth corner -- my hometown! 我的家乡英语作文 篇2   我的家乡宁波是一座美丽、整洁、充满活力的城市,它历史悠久、山清水秀、物产丰富、人民勤劳诚信。   My hometown Ningbo is a beautiful, neat and vibrant city, it has a long history, picturesque scenery, abundant natural resources and people's diligence and honesty.   宁波著名的天一阁是我国现存最古老的私人藏书楼,也是世界上现存历史最悠久的私人藏书楼之一。古色古香的庭院,浓浓的古书风情,每次踏上这方圣土,都会让我对它悠久的历史产生更多的敬仰。   The famous Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo is the oldest existing private library in China, and it is also one of the oldest private books in the world. Antique courtyard, thick ancient customs, each party on this holy land, I will let it has a long history of producing more admiration.   距离天一阁不远的天一广场则是另一番繁华的景象。这里是宁波的中心,是人们购物、游览、休闲、享受美食的天堂。每当夜幕降临,   The day I square, not far from the Tianyi Pavilion, is another flourishing scene. This is the center of Ningbo, a paradise for people to go shopping, sightseeing, leisure and delicacy. Whenever the night comes,   天一广场的音乐喷泉总会吸引人们驻足观看。水柱随着音乐的节拍、强弱而变化,有时舒缓,有时轻快,也有时激昂。水柱下面有一排小灯,会变换颜色,有时绿,有时蓝,有时红,这样,喷泉就变成彩色的了。彩色的.水柱一会儿像两个人在跳优美的华尔兹,一会儿又像孔雀的尾巴随风摆动,一会儿又向花篮一样伴着音乐旋转。   The music fountain in heaven square always attracts people to watch. The water column changes with the rhythm and strength of the music, sometimes soothing, sometimes light, and sometimes intense. Under the water column, there is a row of small lights that change colors, sometimes green, sometimes blue, and sometimes red, so that the fountain becomes color. The coloured water column looks like two people dancing in the beautiful Waltz for a while, then it's like a peacock's tail swaying in the wind, and then spinning to the basket of flowers accompanied by music.   宁波的另一个标志就是姚江、奉化江、甬江交汇的三江口,三条江把宁波分成江东、江北、海曙三个区域。一座座形态各异的大桥横跨江水,有钢结构的灵桥,有像一座大竖琴的琴桥,还有拉有一条条钢索的甬江大桥……夜晚的三江口更是美丽非凡,照明灯、霓虹灯、草坪灯都亮起来了,装点着美丽的宁波。   Another sign that Ningbo is Yao River and Fenghua River, the intersection of Sanjiang port, three river, Jiangbei, Jiangdong divides Ningbo into three regions of Haishu. A different form of a bridge across the river, Ling Bridge steel structure, like a big harp and there is a bridge, stayed cable bridge yongjiang...... At night, the Sanjiang mouth is more beautiful, lighting, neon lights, lawn lamps are bright, decorated with beautiful Ningbo.   听了我的介绍你是不是也想到宁波来看一看?欢迎大家到我的家乡——美丽的宁波来做客!   After listening to my introduction, do you want to see Ningbo, too? Welcome to my hometown - beautiful Ningbo to be a guest! 我的家乡英语作文 篇3   Came to the spring, young trees are covered with buds, grass full of flowers grass, flowers everywhere, there are red, yellow, purple, white... , the breeze blowing gently, like a voice in the say "hello" with us, the grass out small head, butterflies flying in the air, like a spring so the niang in the dance. The birds are singing cheerful songs for the children. The stream of water on the bottom, you could see the fish in the river on the...   Fall, fruit tree full of fruit, in the distance, the apple tree little sister ate a big apple, in the face with a smile of joy, face is red, like a big apple. In other under the tree, there are the children playing cheerful, some in the play skip rope, some are playing catch people, some are playing hide-and-seek, and playing touch people. The wind blow, like autumn girl in lovely children to wipe the sweat...   Ah! My hometown is beautiful! I love my hometown, love the hometown of the spring and autumn!   春天来到了,小树长满了嫩芽,草地上长满小花小草,花儿到处都是,有红的、黄的、紫的、白的……,被微风轻轻地吹过,好像春姑娘在和我们打招呼,小草探出小脑袋,蝴蝶在空中飞来飞去,好像春故娘在跳舞。小鸟在唱着欢快的歌儿迎接着孩子们。小河的水清澈见底,都可以看见河里的鱼了……   秋天到了,果树上满了水果,远处,苹果树下的小妹妹在吃着一个个大苹果,脸上带着喜悦的笑容,脸还红彤彤的,好像一个大苹果。在其它树下,有孩子们在欢快的玩耍着,有的在玩跳绳,有的在玩抓人,有的在玩躲猫猫,还有的在玩摸人。风吹呀吹,好像秋姑娘在给可爱的孩子们擦汗……


My home town Jinan is my home town. It’s the capital city of Shandong with a long history. It’s in the middle west of Shandong. The population of Jinan is about 6.81 million. It has many great places of interest such as the Great Lake and Qianfo Mountain. It is very hot in summer but not very cold in winter. It is cleaner and quieter than many other cities. I’m sure my home town will become more and more beautiful in the future. Welcome to Jinan.济南是我的家乡。它是历史悠久的山东省会城市。它在山东的中西部。济南市人口约681万。它有许多名胜古迹,如大湖和千佛山。夏天很热,但冬天不很冷。它比许多其他城市更干净、更安静。我相信我的家乡将来会变得越来越美丽。欢迎来到济南。






海门一周天气04月20日(今天)白天:中雨夜间:中雨15~19℃南风 微风04月21日(周四)白天:阴夜间:阴14~24℃西北风 微风04月22日(周五)白天:多云夜间:小雨14~26℃东南风 微风04月23日(周六)白天:小雨夜间:小雨12~16℃东风 微风04月24日(周日)白天:多云夜间:多云11~17℃东北风 微风04月25日(周一)白天:阴夜间:小雨14~19℃东风 微风04月26日(周二)白天:小雨夜间:小雨16~21℃东风 微风


今天南通天气:白天:小雨 夜间:小雨,气温2℃~6℃,东北风4-5级

明天南通天气:白天:阴 夜间:多云,气温1℃~6℃,东北风4-5级

后天南通天气:白天:多云 夜间:晴,气温2℃~8℃,东北风3-4级

4天后南通天气:白天:多云 夜间:多云,气温0℃~8℃,东北风东南风4-5级

5天后南通天气:白天:晴 夜间:多云,气温2℃~9℃,南风3-4级

6天后南通天气:白天:多云 夜间:阴,气温4℃~11℃,南风3-4级



东风 微风
东风 微风
西北风 3-4级
西北风 4-5级
南风 3-4级
西南风 3-4级



