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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-04-09 12:40:50编辑:皮带君


2022年安陆一中录取分数线如下:477.5分。2022 年高考划线物理方向特殊线 504分,历史方向特殊线527分。高中录取线477.5分,我校物理方向上线556人,历史方向上线73人,合上线629人,位居孝感市各县市一中第一名。600分以上物理方向 56 人,历史方向 2人,合计58人,位居孝感市各县市一中第一名。学校简介。为了适应教育形势的发展,让更多的农家子弟享受优质教育,1999年学校决定再次整体搬迁,新校占地300余亩,分教学区、运动区、科技区、学生生活区、教工生活区五大功能区域,迎面是呈弧行的行政综合大楼。背后是三栋呈放射状分布的教学大楼,二者组成一个初升太阳的图案,预示着学校的明天更加红火,兴盛。整个校园造型别致、规模宏大、功能齐全,建筑设计和工程质量堪称一流,成为安陆市一道亮丽的风景。以上内容参考:百度百科-安陆一中


安陆论坛是安陆人建立的以安陆地域文化和群体为基础的论坛。安陆论坛的发展经历了曲折的发展过程。 2002年3月,当时的安陆日报社适应互联网络发展的形势创办了《安陆新闻网》,并在旗下挂接了“安陆论坛”,此举引起了早期安陆网友,特别是在外地工作和生活的家乡网友的强烈关注,并通过交流激发了他们空前的热情,安陆的早期活跃网民,大都在这个时期有了非常出色的表现,并对后来论坛的发展产生了持久而强烈的影响。后因体制变化,安陆市政府门户网站建立后,经民意调查和网友探讨,尝试建立主动接受政府管理。


2022年安陆一中录取分数线如下:477.5分。2022 年高考划线物理方向特殊线 504分,历史方向特殊线527分。高中录取线477.5分,我校物理方向上线556人,历史方向上线73人,合上线629人,位居孝感市各县市一中第一名。600分以上物理方向 56 人,历史方向 2人,合计58人,位居孝感市各县市一中第一名。学校简介。为了适应教育形势的发展,让更多的农家子弟享受优质教育,1999年学校决定再次整体搬迁,新校占地300余亩,分教学区、运动区、科技区、学生生活区、教工生活区五大功能区域,迎面是呈弧行的行政综合大楼。背后是三栋呈放射状分布的教学大楼,二者组成一个初升太阳的图案,预示着学校的明天更加红火,兴盛。整个校园造型别致、规模宏大、功能齐全,建筑设计和工程质量堪称一流,成为安陆市一道亮丽的风景。以上内容参考:百度百科-安陆一中







   七年级英语 期末考试马上来了,愿你们考出好成绩,下面是我为大家精心整理的2017年七年级英语下册期末试卷,仅供参考。



  A. 听 句子 ,选择恰当的答语,每题读两遍(每小题1分,计10分)

  1.A.It’s interesting B.He’s in the library C.A doctor.

  2.A.Shelikes doing housework B.She is a teacher

  C.She likes teaching.

  3.A.He is very tall B. He is a student C.He is from America

  4.A.Yes I was B.Yes I did C.Yes I am

  5.A.I’m sorry to hear that. B.Thank you very much

  C.You’re welcome.

  6.A. She is at home B.She is twelve C.she is fine

  7.A.It’s a hospital B.It’s next to the post office C.It’s one the street.

  8.A.I’d like a pizza,please B.Yes,do please C.What’s it

  9.A.It’s five yuan B.It’s large C.It’s very delicious

  10.A.Yes, you can B.Who are you? C.Yes speaking


  11.A.He is short with curly hair B. He is tall with curly hair

  C.He is tall without hair

  12.A.A cup of milk B.A cup of cof fee C.A cup of tea

  13. A.Soccer B. Tennis C. Basetball

  14.A.Under the desk B. Near the door C. Behind the door.

  15.A.Japanese B. Chinese C. English


  16.What is Mr King?

  A.A Chinese worker B. An English teacher

  C. A Chinese teacher.

  17.Where is he from?

  A. Australia B. Austria C. America

  18.How many children does he have?

  A. Only one B. Two C. Three

  19.Where do his children go the school?

  A.In Japan B.In the USA C. In China

  20.What do they often do after school?

  A. Shopping and fishing

  B. Swimming and walking C.Swimming and shopping

  A. 选择填空(共30小题,每小题0.5分,计15分)


  21.I’m free today.

  A. busy B. not busy C. no busy D. busier

  22.Did Jimmy have eggs for lunch?

  A. get B. has C. had D.eat

  23.I have no idea.

  A. doesn’t know B. not know C. don’t know D. know

  24.Have fun in the park

  A. Enjoy oneself B.Enjoy yourself

  C.Have a time D.Enjoy you

  25.He does nothing on Sunday.

  A.Doesn’t do anything B.doesn’t anything

  C. does do nothing D.does do anything


  26.The book store is far away from here. You’d better____________.

  A.by bus B.on a bus C. take a bus D. in a bus

  27.-Would you please go out for a walk with me?

  -_______, but I’m too busy now.

  A. That’s right. B.I’d love to

  C. Of course not D.That’s all right

  28.-I’m hungry ,Mom. --__________

  A .What about a pizza? B.I’m hungry ,too

  C. It’s time for lunch   D.What about you?

  29._________interesting dolphin it is!

  A. How an B.How a

  C. What an D.What a

  30.Thank you for_________me the good news

  A. tell B. to tell C. telling D.told

  31.Chinese people’s favorite food is ________

  A. rice B. hamberger

  C. hot dog D. lemonnada

  32.--________do you want to be an actor? --It’s very interesting.

  A. What B.When C. How D.Why

  33.--Would you like some drink? --_______.

  A. Here you are B. Yes, just a little

  C.Please give me some D.Yes’ I like

  34.If you are hungry ,you can buy_______in a supermarket.

  A. Water B. house C. drink D. food

  35.Is there a pay phone________the neighborhood?

  A. in B. on C. to D. off

  36.I________know where the post office is.

  A. not B. don’t C.doesn’t D.am not

  37.Why_______he like koala bears?

  A. is B. are C. do D. does

  38.________late for school again.

  A. Not B.Not be C.Don’t be D. Aren’t

  39.--___________pizza would you like? --A small one ,please

  A. What kind of B.What size C.How many D.How much

  40.--________you’re your uncle do? – He is an engineer.

  A. What B.Where C. How D.Why

  41.There__________some iced tea in the cup

  A. are B.is C.have D.has

  42.Whose book are these? – They are________.

  A. him B. her C.Mr. Green D.Mr. Green’S

  43.--_______did you go last Sunday? -- I went to the zoo

  A. How B.Where C.When D.Why.

  44—Do you like the pop music? -- No, I don’t . They’re__________.

  A.silly B.pretty well C. beautiful D. awful

  45Go straight and ___________left. The hospital is next to the post office.

  A. turn B.take C.go D. carry

  46.--What________your English teacher_____like?—She is tall with long hair.

  A.is, look B.is, looks C.does, look D.do, looks

  47. The tall boy is good at_________football.

  A. play B.plays C.played D.playing

  48.-What is John like? -________

  A.He is tall and handsome B.He likes reading books C.Shy D.Baby face

  49.My friend ________a medium build and she ________medium height.

  A.has, has B.is , is C.has , is D. is , has

  50.--How was your vacation, Sarah? --________.

  A. It’s pretty good B.It was pretty good

  C.It’s hot D.It was hot


  It 51 Sunday yesterday . We has 52 classes. I got up at 6:30 53 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 54 . My mother wanted to buy some food 55 super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop 56 early in the morning. 57 a lot of people in the shop. They were 58 , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 59 friendly 60.

  51.A.is B.was C.it’s D.it was

  52.A.no B.not C.not any D.much

  53.A.in B.in the C.at D.at the

  54.A.shops B.shoping C.shopping D.shop

  55.A.for B.to C.with D.at

  56.A.open B.opening C.is opening D.opened

  57.A. There is B.There has C.There were D.There have

  58.A.man and woman B.mans and womans C. men and women D.a man and a woman

  59.A.was B.were C.did D.have

  60.A.for we B. to us C. for our D. to ours



  Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition( 作文 )“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brother’s. The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam’s. “We have the same mother, don’t we?”answered Billy.


  61.Sam was older than Billy.

  62.Sam and Billy were in different classes

  63. The name of the composition was”My Mother”

  64.Billy’s composition was the same as Sam’s

  65.Billy was not lazy. He was very clever



  Channel 1 Channel 2

  18:00 Around China 17:45 Computers today

  18:30 Cartoon network 18:10 Chinese arts

  19:00 News 18:30 English classroom

  19:30 Weather report 18:50 Animal world

  19:40 Around the world 19:25 China’s 2004

  20:10 TV play: Sisters 20:20 Sports

  21:00 English for today 21:00 TV play: Big family

  21:15 Popular music 21:45 English news

  21:55Talk show 22:00 Music

  66.You want to know something about Japan, you can watch________

  A.Weather report B.China’s 2004 C.Around the world D.Animal world

  67.You are a football fan. You may watch TV at___________.

  A.19:00 on Channel 2 B.19:40Channel 1 C.20:20Channel 2 D.21:15Channel

  68.How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?

  A.30 minutes B.50 minutes C.90 minutes D.120 minutes

  69.You can watch _______if you want to learn English.

  A.English news B.English classroom C.English for today D.A、B and C

  70.Children often like to wat ch_________.

  A.Cartoon network B.News C.Weather report D.Sports


  Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr Brown , a worker, the other is Mr Black. Mr Brown is going to a chair. It is beside the road. Mr Black is after him. Mr Brown finds Mr Black. Now Mr Black begins to walk faster(更快). Because he wants to get to the chair before Mr Black. Now Mr Black begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run .Mr Black runs faster than (比) Mr Brown. So he gets to the chair forst and sits down on it. Mr Brown runs after Mr Black. When he gets to the chair. He sees Mr Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice(通知)with the words“Wet Paint(油漆未干)”to Mr Black . Now Mr Black knows why Mr Brown is going to the chair.

  71. Where are Mr Brown and Mr Black?

  A.In the garden B. On the chair C. In the park D.Beside the road

  72.What are they doing? They are________

  A. talking B.walking to the chair C.holding a notice D.sitting on a chair

  73._________is after_________at first

  A.Mr Black ,Mr Brown B.The worker, Mr Brown C.Mr Brown ,Mr Black D.Mr Brown The worker

  74.________get to chair first.

  A.The worker B.Mr Brown C.Mr Black D.A strange(陌生人)

  75.Mr Brown goes to the chair because__________.

  A.he wants to sit there B.it is his chair

  C.he wants to talk to Mr Black on the chair D.he wants to tell people ”Wet Paint”



  A.That’s a good idea

  B. I’m calling to thank you for your present.

  C. Yes, very much.

  D.Well, I saw many old things on show.

  E.I called you yesterday, but you were not in.

  A:Hello, Jim .This is ANN speaking.

  B:Hi, Ann.

  A: 76

  B:Do you like it?

  A: 77 It’s a beautiful sweater. I really like the color.

  B:I think the blue is just the right color for you . By the way, you looked wonderful at the party.

  A:Thank you ,I really enjoyed it. 78

  B:Oh, I’m sorry. I went to the Science Museum.

  A:What did you see?

  B: 79

  A: Wow! Are there any new things ?

  B: Yes, many more! Why not go there and have a look?

  A:Don’t worry. I’ll go with you.

  B: 80 But I don’t know the way to the museum.

  A:Don’t worry. I’ll go with you.

  B:Great! Thanks.


  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  81.What does your brother look like? A. Yes, they did.

  82.How was your weekend? B. It’s ten yuan

  83. What time did Tom get to school? C. He’s tall with brown hair

  84.Did your parents go to the movies yesterday? D. At about six o’clock

  85.Where does Mr Smith come from? E. Yes, there is.

  86. What is your best friend like? F. They are playing soccer.

  87.Are the children playing soccer or basketball? G. I like Chinese.

  88. Do you like English or Chinese? H. America.

  89.How much is the book? I. S he is really friendly.

  90.Is there a post office near here? J. It was great.
  题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  答案 B B A A C C B A B C B A C C B B A B

  题号 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

  答案 C C B D C B A C B A C C A D B D A B

  题号 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

  答案 D C B A B D B D A C D C C B B A[ B B

  题号 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

  答案 A D C C B B B B A A B C C B D A C B

  题号 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

  答案 A D D B C E D A C J D A H I F G B E

  一、1. She went to the zoo She saw the monkeys

  2.He went to the park he played soccer.

  3. No, he didn’t Yes , he did

  二. 1.eating 2.was 3.speak 4.Don’t open 5. likes

  6. saw 7.are making 8. take 9.to play 10. did

  三、1.got to 2.What day 3. Did go 4. Does have 5. I didn’t

  6. How beautiful 7. What favorite 8. When did 9. was yesterday 10.are playing

  四、1. between and 2. like walking 3. do go 4. Would some 5. Did have

2017年七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案相关 文章 :

1. 2017年七年级下册英语期末试卷

2. 人教版七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案2017

3. 2017年七年级期末英语试卷答案

4. 七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案2017

5. 2017新目标七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案


  2017年七年级下册英语期末的考试就要到来,十年磨砺一杆笔,十年冬夏练功力。祝你 七年级英语 期末考试顺利,金榜题名,一飞冲天。我整理了关于2017年七年级下册英语的期末考试卷及答案,希望对大家有帮助!   七年级下册英语期末考试卷2017   第I卷 选择题 (共70分)   一、听力理解 (共四节,满分25分)   I.听对话,选图片 请听下面五段对话,选择与你听到的内容相符的图片。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读一遍。(5分)   ( )1. A. B. C.   ( )2. A. B. C.   ( )3. A. B. C.   ( )4. A. B. C.   ( )5. A . B. C.   II.听 句子 选 答语 (5分)   听下面5个句子 ,选择恰当的答语。听完每句后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答问题和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两遍   ( )6. A. No, I wasn’t. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I’m not.   ( )7. A. I play basketball. B. I played soccer. C. It was good.   ( )8. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes, she didn’t.   ( )9. A. They’re in the classroom. B. They’re taking photos. C. It’s raining.   ( )10. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I don’t. C. It’s cold.   III.听对话,回答问题 (共5个小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)   请听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。   ( )11. How was Ann’s weekend?   A. It was a busy day. B. It was good. C. It was not good.   ( )12. What did Li Lei and Alice do last weekend?   A. They did their homework. B. They watched TV. C. They played soccer.   ( )13. Where was Li Mei over the weekend?   A. She was at home. B. She was at school. C. She studied math.   ( )14. What’s Jack doing?   A. He is playing with snow. B. He is walking in the wind.   C. He is running in the rain.   ( )15. What is the weather like in Jinlin now?   A. It’s snowy. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s rainy.   IV.听短文,选择正确答案 (每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)   请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。听前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读题目。短文读两遍。   ( )16. The girl is _____years old.   A. 14 B. 15 C. 13   ( )17. The girl is ____________________________.   A. tall   B. thin C. fat   ( )18. Today she is wearing a _____sweater and _____trousers.   A. blue; yellow B. yellow; red C. yellow; brown   ( )19. Is her hair short and blonde?   A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.   ( )20. What is she good at?   A. Singing. B. Reading. C. Playing chess.   二.单项选择: (15分)   (一)语音知识考查:找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的单词。   ( )21. A. plane B. race C. snake D. bad   ( )22.A. ride B. fish C .miss D. pick   ( )23. A. tooth B. three C. month D. weather   ( )24. A. hear B. near C. wear D. year   ( )25. A .beach B. heavy C. bread D. health   (二)语言知识运用:从A,B,C三个选项中,选出可以填入句中相应空白处的最佳选项。   ( )26. My friend Bob likes to play _______ basketball before _________supper.   A. the; the B. /; the C. / ; /   ( )27. My sister is _____ medium height ,and she has _____ long hair .   A. of ,a B. about ,/ C. of ,/   ( )28.The show wasn't ______. I wasn't ______ in it at all.   A.interesting;interesting B.interesting;interested C.interested;interested   ( )29.— _____________________?   — I watch ed TV at home.   A.How was your weekend B. What did you do C.When did you watch TV   ( )30. I was so tired ______ I went to sleep early .   A. and B. but C. that   ( )31. I__ _______ my room every day. But now I __________. .   A clean, am reading B am cleaning, reading C cleaning, read   ( )32. Jenny ________ late to study for the test last night .   A. put up B. stayed up C. woke up   ( )33.Please never________ the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.   A. cut down B. cut up C. blow out   ( )34.—Mary is not here. Can I ______ a massage for her?   —Yes. Could you please tell her to milk a cow.   A. take B. leave C. give   ( )35.—Can I help you, boy? —Yes. There is _________wrong with my bike.   A. something B. anything C. nothing   三.阅读理解:(30分,每小题2分)   A   Mr. Green works in a high school. He likes reading and often borrows some books from the library. He keeps reading newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His students loves him very much. Mike, his little son, is only nine. He also likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Green always answers difficult ones.   One day Mike read something about phones and he was interested in it. He asked his father a few questions, and his father answered all. His father said, “ Fathers always know much, but sons always know little!” The boy thought for a minute and said,” I don’t agree with(同意) you.”   “Oh? Why?”   Mike didn’t answer but asked, “Who invented the phone?”   “Bell.” answered Mr. Green.   “Why didn’t his father invent them?”   Looking at his son, Mr. Green didn’t know how to answer it.   ( )36. What does Mr. Green do?   A.A reporter B.A teacher C.A librarian D.A waiter   ( )37. What does Mr. Green often do after supper?   A. He often takes a walk. B. He often watches TV.   C. He often reads newspapers. D. He often helps Mike with his homework.   ( )38. Why do the students love Mr. Green?   A. Because he knows a lot and teaches well. B. Because he is friendly to them.   B. Because he didn’t ask them to do homework. D. Because he works hard.   ( )39. Who invented the phones?   A. Bell B. Mr. Green C. Mike. D. Bell’s father.   ( )40. From the story ,we know that Mike is a ______boy.   A. lazy B. seven-year-old C. clever D. stupid( 愚蠢的).   B   Go to Thailand(泰国)—it’s a great place to spend your holidays. I spent my last summer vacation in Thailand. It’s really a beautiful place to travel(旅游) to.   Thai people are very helpful. They helped me a lot during traveling. I enjoyed outdoor activities(活动) like swimming, biking and diving( 潜水 ). All of these were wonderful(精彩的,好极了的). I visited many temples(寺庙)and learned about their history. Their history is very old and interesting. It’s very different from ours.   I shopped at the special market(市场). It’s on a river and everyone sells their goods(货物)from their boats. Thai food is delicious, too! I also learned a little Thai boxing( 拳击 ) from their schools. You’ll love Thailand, too.   ( )41.When did the writer go to Thailand?   A. last month B. last week C. last summer   ( )42. How are Thai people?   A. They’re friendly. B. They’re excited. C. They’re strange.   ( )43. Their history is _____.   A. short and interesting B. long and interesting C. old and boring   ( )44.Where did the writer shop?   A. In a supermarket B. In a bookstore C. In a boat market   ( )45.Which of the following is NOT TRUE(不正确)?   A. The write didn’t learn their history.   B. The write did a lot of outdoor activities such as swimming and diving.   C. The write also learned some Thai boxing.   C   On New Year’s Day, many people eat special food for good luck.   In Spain(西班牙) and some Latin American countries(拉丁美洲国家),people eat twelve grapes (葡萄)at midnight(半夜) on New Year’s Eve—One grape for good luck in each month of the new year.   Chinese people eat dumplings. Some are made with a coin inside. Everyone tries to find the coin for good luck and money in the new year. Of course(当然) they don’t eat the coin(硬币). In the south of China, people make rice cakes for New Year. The Chinese pronunciation(发音) for rice cake is “Nian Gao”, which means “get better year after year”.   Japanese people eat noodles on New Year’s Eve and on their birthdays. They think it may bring them good luck and long life.   The food may be different in each country, but the meaning is the same---people hope the food will bring them luck and happiness(快乐,幸福) in the coming year.   ( )46. In Spain, what do people eat in the new year?   A. rice cake B. noodles C. grapes D. d umplings   ( )47. Is the food in South China the same as the food in North China for the whole year(整年)?   A. Yes B. No C. Not sure D. Not mentioned(提到) in the article   ( )48. What do people do with the coins in the dumplings?   A. They eat it B. They give it to children C. They don’t eat it D. They spend(花) it   ( )49. What’s the meaning for Japanese noodles on New Year’s Eve?   A. good luck B long life C. money D. both A and B   ( )50. What do the writer want to express(表达) in the article( 文章 )?   A. People like to eat B. Different countries have different food   C. People around the world use food to express their good wishes for the coming year   D. The writer likes to travel   七年级下册英语期末考试卷2017参考答案   一. 听力:1—10每小题1分,11—20每小题1.5分   答案:1--5 AABBB 6--10ABBBB 11---15CBABA 16---20 ABBBC(25分)   二 单项选择:(15分, 每小题1分,)   21—35: DADCA CCBBC ABBAA   三 阅读理解:(每小题2分, 30分)   36---40: BCAAC 41—45:CABCA 46—50:CBBDC   四.任务型阅读:(10分,每小题2分)   1. It was terrible.   2. went / got, by   3. How was the weather? / What was the weather like?   4.was; to take   5. 人也太多了, 我真的根本看不见导游,也听不见导游的话。   五.综合填空:(10分,每小题1分)   1. between 2. reading 3. quickly 4. turn 5. across from   6. what 7. difficult 8. so 9. differently 10. is   六.词汇运用:(10分,)每小题1分   1. children 2. exciting 3. to drink 4. lovely 5. easily   6. come true 7. looked out of 8. show us around 9. stay up late 10. am interested in   七. 写作(20分)   第一部分:连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)   1. Is there a post office near here?   2. What time do you usually get up?   3. I worked at the museum as a guide.   4. What does his uncle look like?   5. What did you have for lunch at school?   第二部分: 答案略   评分要求:   1. 要点表达齐 全,语法错误少, 书写干净规范,9—10分。   2. 要点表达基本齐全, 句式、语法错误较少 ,书写基本规范, 7—8分。   3. 要点表达不齐全,句式、语法错误多,书写不干净不很规范, 5—6分。   4. 要点表达遗漏多,内容不完整,句式、语法错误多,书写潦草,3—4分。   5. 只写少数几个句子,形不 成语 篇,内容很不完整,句式、语法错误多,书写潦草 1—2分。   >>>下一页更多精彩“2017七年级下册英语期末测试卷及答案”


安陆论坛是安陆人建立的以安陆地域文化和群体为基础的论坛,安陆论坛的发展经历了曲折的发展过程。 2008年6月18日,安陆白兆山下论坛诞生,这是安陆论坛发展过程中的一个重要事件。安陆白兆山下论坛以探索建设公办民管、无为而治的大众论坛为目标,成为安陆论坛建设和发展过程中的一个重要里程碑。安陆论坛经历过一些曲折的发展过程,一大批网友为安陆论坛的发展进行了艰辛的探索。大约从2001年开始,安陆市开始出现与个人兴趣和爱好相融合的民办网站和网络论坛,那时上网的人不是很多,但在网络世界里开始有了以安陆为名的网络了,回顾安陆网络发展的历史不能忽略了这个重要的细节。2002年3月,当时的安陆日报社适应互联网络发展的形势创办了《安陆新闻网》,并在旗下挂接了“安陆论坛”,此举引起了早期安陆网友,特别是在外地工作和生活的家乡网友的强烈关注,并通过交流激发了他们空前的热情,这种难得的热情在安陆网络后来的发展进程中是很少看到的。安陆的早期活跃网民,大都在这个时期有了非常出色的表现,并对后来论坛的发展产生了持久而强烈的影响,亲身经历这段历史的安陆网民,对当时网络论坛的初步繁荣和网民的惊人团结倍感珍贵。然而好景不长,就在新闻网创办不久,国家在减轻基层和农民负担的大背景下,安陆日报跟其他县市一样无一幸免的被关闭和撤销,机构人员随之被安排和消化在市直有关部门。与此同时,挂靠在安陆日报下面的《安陆新闻网》成了无人照看的孤儿,好端端的安陆网站和论坛就象被遗弃的婴儿,几近夭折。已经看好并习惯论坛的安陆网友们,不忍心看到广大网民心目中这块神圣的阵地就此消失,whr在几位得力网友的支持下,历尽艰辛让面临消失的安陆论坛重新运转起来,网站性质也由开始的官方转为民办。大概也是从此时开始,关于网站的发展方向和运作方式的讨论十分突出和激烈,网站从官方断奶独立出来,也就面临生存危机。所有这些都有网友见证和记录,在过去残留的一些帖子上面依然能够找到当时的艰难选择。网站和论坛向何处去?原为同一战线的网友在讨论中没有达成共识,以“首都之声”等一批从原安陆日报安陆论坛走出来的骨干网友,经过没有声张的筹备和策划于2005年8月,建成了“安陆地域发展网”并同时开通了论坛。网站和论坛开通后,立刻在安陆论坛以及早前莫云飞创办的《安陆热线》以及两个网站铁杆支持者的网民之间激起了极大的波澜,并形成安陆民间论坛“三国鼎立”的局面。受此刺激,当年9月11日,经过会商确定,将早期以个人爱好为主的莫云飞网站《安陆在线》跟whr在新闻网基础上改创的《安陆信息网》论坛实行整合,形成了新的安陆论坛,有人将安陆网络论坛上的这次变革称为“安陆网络的9.11”。之后,地域发展网和合并后的安陆论坛都经过了在竞争中求发展的打拼过程,并且都产生了较大的影响。期间由于孝感日报槐荫论坛的影响,部分网友也参与了其中的交流,并且能够和谐相处,最好的例证是,几个网站的网友齐心协力,联手开展了救助解放路初中病困学生的活动。正当各方及其支持者都已适应共生共荣的格局时,安陆地域论坛因为技术和管理问题,后期很不稳定,直至停办,安陆论坛在管理团队的努力和支撑下,也经过一些分化和调整,经过了种种困难和磨练,直到现在仍然坚定地生存下来了,该论坛的核心管理员方伟深有感慨地说:“安陆论坛活到现在容易吗?”这句话背后的确包含了许多常人难以想象的酸甜苦辣。安陆日报创办《安陆新闻网》论坛又转为民办论坛之后,安陆市委市政府、市直有关部门及乡镇办事处,又创办了一些官方网站,并经历了一些变迁,但没有哪个网站独立办好自己的论坛。而孝感槐荫论坛在发展过程中,根据现实需要又调整增设了县市区版块,安陆版块较长时间没有人出来打理,曾同时兼任任地域论坛和安陆论坛版主的白店游子毅然选择出任槐荫论坛安陆版版主,并投入了大量的时间和精力,想了很多办法和对策,将安陆网友引导到槐荫论坛安陆版块,槐荫安陆版终于从一个没有版主的版块变成为县市区最活跃的版块。安陆市政府门户网站建立后,经民意调查和网友探讨,尝试建立主动接受政府管理,既能赢得政府支持又能保持相对自由的大众论坛,这个论坛就是为安陆白兆山下论坛。安陆网站及论坛现在的格局都是历史地发展而来的,其现实变化的背后也有很多深层次的原因在影响和支配着变化的进程,这个过程无论多么曲折,但一定还会往前发展。


安陆职高是安陆市中等职业技术学校。学校简介:安陆市中等职业技术学校1986年创建,经历两次合并、一次搬迁,学校现有开发区、蒿桥2个校区学校,依山傍水,区位优越。师生概况:学校师资力量雄厚,现有教职工169人,其中高级教师43人,双师型教师52人。29人被评为市级以上学科带头人、骨干教师,两人获“安陆十大名师”称号,9人获“楚天名师”称号。在校生规模2229人,另有成教系列17个专业的本、专科学历生640人。办学条件:固定资产总值 1.37亿元,其中教学仪器设备1708万台(套),总值1887.6万元,实习实训工位1980个,拥有国家级计算机应用专业与软件技术实训基地和湖北省电子技术实训基地各一个。学校总占地面积205.3亩,总建筑面积9.73万平方米,其中教学用房7.6万平方米,图书馆1000平方米,体育馆1500平方米。安陆市中等职业技术学校办学能力及学校荣誉:办学能力:建有电工电子综合实验室、家电维修实验室、单片机实验室、可编程控制器实验室、机电一体化实训教室、机加实习车间、机加综合实习车间、焊接实习教室、钳工实习教室、数控实训车间等实习基地。拥有车、铣、刨、磨、钻、计算机、焊接、机电一体化等实习设备2000多台套,有各工种实训工位1500多个,能同时容纳1500人实习,实验、实习开出率达100%。另外还有校外实训基地20个。学校荣誉:学校的发展,凝聚着安职人的辛勤耕耘,也获得了社会的认同。学校先后被评为“国家级重点职业学校、湖北省首批示范中职学校、第二批“国家中等职业教育改革发展示范学校”、“湖北省职业教育先进单位”。“全国61个新型农民工培训点成员单位”并受到团中央等七部委的联合表彰,连续多年获“湖北省安全文明校园”、“孝感市十佳平安校园”“最佳文明单位”“人民满意学校”等荣誉称号。



