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channel one

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chanel one的中文翻译
chanel one
Rhombus space line: The stereoscopic rhombus space line is extensively alsoCHANEL one of the sign, be made use of the clothing and the skin piece.
All the great houses had to move beyond their founding geniuses: Coco Chaneldied, one must remember, and so did Cristobal Balenciaga and Yves Saint Laurent.
所有伟大的时装品牌都得超越自己天才的缔造者。要知道,可可·香奈儿(CocoChanel)已经去世,克里斯托瓦尔·巴伦夏卡(Cristobal Balenciaga)和伊夫·圣·洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)也一样。
Chanel shoes history chanel most classic shoe money is one of the doublelubricious chanel shoes.


第一是first。n. 第一,最初;头等;一号。adv. 首次;最早,最初;宁愿;优先 。 adj. 第一流的;最初的,最早的;基本的,概要的;高音的。 num. 第一。1、She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet. 她节食的头一个月就减掉了16磅。2、This is the first time she has experienced disappointment. 这是她第一次感受到失望。3、We heard it on the TV last night — that was the first we heard of it. 昨晚我们在电视上听到了这件事——那是我们头回听说。4、Lucky for you Christmas is just around the cornerand everyone of you will run each other over to be the first one to the cash register.对你们来说,幸运的是圣诞节近在眼前,你们每个人都要挤破头的抢占收银台的第一个排队的人。5、It would be the first oil exported from the rebel-heldeast in over a week.这将是一周多以来被反抗者占领的利比亚东部地区的首次石油出口。

Yours Truly, The Commuter 歌词

歌曲名:Yours Truly, The Commuter歌手:Jason Lytle专辑:Zweiohrküken (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Jason Lytle - Yours Truly, The CommuterThe last thing I heard I was left for deadI could give two shits about what they saidI may be limping, but I'm coming homeAll work and no play might' done me inSo I'm stoked, I'm back after where I've beenI may be limping, but I'm coming homeSo take a day off, keep it to yourselfCus I don't wanna see anybody elseI may be limping, but I'm coming homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/58911019

The O'Jays的《Wildflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Wildflower歌手:The O'Jays专辑:Love Songs【Bonnie Pink-Wildflower】【作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK】I'm not a teacher, nor a preacherI think I'm street wiseBut I trip all the timeMy lips are too small and you're too tallHard for me to stroke your hairand do clear the airI wanna feel we're the same under the skinHow can I be a queen without the King?It's never easy to form a ringI'd do anything to be your batteryI can be anything to make you happyI swear to GodI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you blamed yourselfI was there when you were giving upWish I'd had a word to extendWe live in a zoo, woodering who trusts whoYes, sometimes they are flakyand too greedyI'm not a vower, but trying to be a wildflowersupposed to keep your peace of mindbut to leave you behindI wanna feel we're the same as peas in a podFor me to stay away from you is oddI see a long path we've trodI'd do anything if you want me toYou're the rain to make me bloomSo you're allowed to cryI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were under cloudsI was there when you were raving at the worldI was there for youI've been watching you become tougherNow the rainy season is overI'm scared, to tell the truthCause you're so free to fly awayI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were looking downI was there when you lost your wayWish I'd had a word to extendDid you know?http://music.baidu.com/song/8710977


  影片讲述格蕾丝、艾玛和梅格是三个好朋友。虽然她们性格迥异,但却有着同一个愿望,那就是去巴黎游玩。在存了很久一段时间的钱之后,她们三个终于有“经济实力”去巴黎自助游了。   可是这次的巴黎之行却是一个悲剧的行程。旅馆又小又破、巴黎的街头显然无法和美国相比、博物馆之旅又太过于匆忙,而且她们还错过了旅行巴士。从诸多方面来看,这次的旅游是糟糕透顶的选择和令人难堪的回忆。为了找回一点巴黎的美好印象,这一行人鬼鬼祟祟地溜进了一家5星级饭店,就在这里,格蕾丝被误认为是英国名门望族的女后代,所有人--从家人、爱慕者到饭店的服务人员和媒体都对此深信不疑--格蕾丝就是那个叫做科迪莉亚·温斯洛普·斯科特贵族富家小姐。   也许是为了弥补巴黎之行的遗憾,或许是饭店送上的超大龙虾和珍馐美味让她们欲罢不能,格蕾丝假扮成了斯科特,而艾玛和梅格则变成了她的朋友和随从。阴差阳错之下,三个人一起被送到了摩纳哥的首都蒙特卡洛。在那里,一切开始变得梦幻和美好,她们得到了女孩子所希望的一切,名牌的鞋子和包包、数不清的华服和价值连城的首饰。   格蕾丝原先只准备体验一下“富二代”的生活就和朋友全身而退,但是她却和一个叫做赛罗的帅哥共坠爱河。赛罗相信他眼前的这个女孩就是斯科特,而当真正的斯科特来到这里的时候,她们所作的一切,包括那段浪漫而纯真的爱情,又该如何收场?



