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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-04-03 19:02:01编辑:皮带君


《穿PRADA的恶魔》片头曲Suddenly I See〔漏网之鱼〕


每个看过the devil wears Prada的人对这首歌一定印象深刻.
歌曲来源于歌手KT Tunstall的专辑"Eye to the telescope",
歌名是"Suddenly I see".,


her face is a map of the world
is a map of the world
you can see she's a beautiful girl
she's a beautiful girl
and everything around her is a silver pool of light
the people who surround her feel the benefit of it
it makes you calm
she holds you captivated in her palm

suddenly i see
this is what i wanna be
suddenly i see
why the hell it means so much to me

i feel like walking the world
like walking the world
you can hear she's a beautiful girl
she's a beautiful girl
she fills up every corner like she's born in black and white
makes you feel warmer when you're trying to remember
what you heard
she likes to leave you hanging on a wire

suddenly i see

and she's taller than most
and she's looking at me
i can see her eyes looking from a page in a magazine
oh she makes me feel like i could be a tower
a big strong tower
she got the powe《穿PRADA的恶魔》片头曲Suddenly I See〔漏网之鱼〕




1. Vogue - Madonna
2. Bittersweet Faith
3. City of Blinding Lights - U2,
4. Seven Days in Sunny June - Jamiroquai
5. Crazy - Alanis Morissette
6. Beautiful - Moby
7. How Come - Ray LaMontagne
8. Sleep - Azure Ray
9. Feelin' Hypnotized [Black Liquid Remix] [Mix] - DJ Colette
10. Tres Tres Chic - Mocean Worker
11. Here I Am [Kaskade Radio Edit] [Edit] - Keenan, Tamra, David Morales
12. Suite from The Devil Wears Prada - Theodore Shapiro


The Devil Wears Prada (2003) is a best selling novel by Lauren Weisberger about a young woman who, freshly graduated from college, is hired as a personal assistant to a powerful fashion magazine editor, a job that becomes hellish as she struggles to keep up with her boss's capricious and demeaning requests. It was greatly successful, spending six months on the New York Times bestseller list and becoming the basis for the 2006 film of the same name, starring Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, and Emily Blunt。《穿普拉达的女王》(The Devil Wears Prada)是由萝伦·薇丝柏格(Lauren Weisberger)纂写的畅销小说。本书讲述一个刚从大学毕业的女孩,被一家顶尖时尚杂志招聘为私人助理,却在工作中要极力满足上司的无理要求的种种无奈。本书获得了巨大的成功,占居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜长达六个月之久,并且在2006年被改编为同名电影(请见《穿普拉达的女王》),并邀请到梅丽尔·斯特里普、安·海瑟薇与艾蜜莉·布朗特参与演出,此电影也深受好评,而电影情节和结局则与本书略有不同。


  The Devil Wears Prada

  The story tells the professional adventure of Andrea, whose greatest dream is to become a journalist. Andrea gets a job in the fashion industry through Runway magazine, the most famous of its type, to make ends meet. But Andrea won't develop her writing skills in the magazine, but her talents as the editor in chief's assistant, Miranda. The problem is that Miranda is a merciless, posh and cruel woman, making the experience a living hell for the girl. The environment in the place will be cold and extremely critical with the physical appearance. The girl will have to change her simple and plain style, for a more trendy and elegant one, in order to gain the acceptance of her ruthless boss and colleagues, specially Emily, her unpleasant workmate. Despite everything against Andrea in the office, she will consider the experience as a challenge, drastically changing her clothes and self-image, with the help of Nigel, the magazine's art director. Nevertheless, the job becomes extremely demanding, because of Miranda's tough work rhythm and nearly impossible tasks, leaving Andrea without a private life with her boyfriend, family and friends. Maybe the old Andrea has gone, now more preoccupied about her image and her future in the magazine.




  Andly.sanches (Anne. Hathaway ornaments) is beginning to the society to the famous fashion magazine "RUNWAY" interview to be the editor-in-chief Miranda smart.( Sterry S & P) license, so she was his second assistant.beginning was very aggrieved, even more than their own hard work can not be appreciated by a veteran of the show will be to reinvent themselves. Soon more and more work, or even replace the first assistant in the minds of the status of Miranda, the smart decisions with the girls to go to France. changes may have lost her boyfriend and friends love her very self-contradictory.
  Arrived in France, she was informed of the status of Miranda can not be maintained, Miranda did not expect even sacrifice their own good partner for many years to keep its own position, has caused deep disappointment. Andly, with exit to leave the ideas, thinking over and over again, and finally chose to have her own life, left the Miranda.


  饰演小女孩的Anne Hathaway当时24岁,在她19岁那年首次出演了电影《The Princess Diaries》(《公主日记》),片中她饰演了一位十几岁的、可爱的小女孩,但这部影片以后她的职业生涯并不顺利。她曾在独立电影《Nicholas Nickleby》(《尼古拉斯.尼克贝尔》)饰演女配角,但票房成绩很差,之后不得不回归到儿童片的道路上来。在2004年她主演了电影《Ella Enchanted》(《》)和《公主日记2》。此后她放弃了所有梦幻般的理想而变得更加现实,接着出演了电影《Havoc》(《历劫俏佳人》),但这部电影推迟了一年多最终也没有在美国本土上映。虽然影片本身遭受了许多非议,但Anne的演艺事业却因此到达了一个新的高度。2005年她参加演出了著名的影片《Brokeback Mountain》(《断背山》),其中的表演颇为大胆。虽然该片在今年的奥斯卡颁奖时备受瞩目,但Anne的演出却被忽视,不过仍有许多男性观众为其为其清纯的演出叫好不迭。
  这次Anne在《The Devil Wears Prada》中饰演了一个有个性而且令人佩服的女孩子,虽然她以前的纪录不一定能使投资方信心百倍,但相信谁也不能抗拒她迷人的魅力。也许她不属于独立电影的表演领域,但也决不永远是幼稚女孩电影的女主角。在这部影片中她终于找了属于自己的风格:来自小城市的个性女孩,适合Anne的角色。
  Meryl Streep(梅丽尔·斯特里普)是观众非常熟悉的好莱坞女星。她早在1979年就凭借影片《Kramer vs. Kramer》(《克莱默夫妇》)荣获奥斯卡最佳女配角的殊荣,而后于1982年其凭借影片《Sophie's Choice》(《索非亚的抉择》)最终登上了奥斯卡最佳女主角的宝座。在这部新片《穿普拉达的魔鬼》中,她饰演的是一个女强人,在时尚杂志社任主编。在片中个性非常强硬的她对Ann饰演的女助手百般折磨、刁难,自己却享受着荣华富贵的生活。相信其一流的演技一定会给观众带来超凡的享受。

电影《穿PRADA的恶魔 时尚女魔头》的故事情节有哪些。

主角安迪 刚刚从名牌学校西北大学毕业,被贝斯坦福法学院录取,但是却拒绝入学,她有着自己不同的想法,她选择了为Andrea Runway(一本时尚杂志)的负责人Miranda做助理,Miranda在别人看来是个工作狂,而能为她工作上一年的人,可以认识很多设计名家名流,更可以结识很多关于她喜爱的编辑和作家等等。刚刚到杂志社工作,她自己感觉上是负责人一直在挑剔她,而Nigel的一句话让她顿悟:“她只是在工作...”






当时andy不知道是什么的shu uemura睫毛夹是24k镀金款,是为了造给眼部过敏的女士的,并不怎么离奇的昂贵,不超过30美金的样子,andy搞不清楚到底选哪条的腰带则是roberto cavalli。
小助理这是似乎以在时尚中游刃有余,是calvin klein的裙子, kate spade的手袋, 书中是说kate spade给总编送圣诞礼物之类。鞋子仍然是giuseppe zanotti的,墨镜当然还是chanel。戴的戒指和项链手镯看不真切,抱歉了。
andy脖子上的项链chanel的,这是david rodriguez的船领上衣,衬衫是miu miu,帽子也是是chanel。
这个重要晚装,andy穿了john galliano的裙子,手上带的是chanel山茶花戒指,是镶钻的还是装饰用的不知道,看着满闪的。miranda则穿的是valentino裙子,梅丽尔很喜欢这个牌子,我想是她的主意。
这包是la rue的呵呵,还蛮别致的捏。项链还是chanel,为啥这个片子满眼都是logo飞呢?
rebecca taylor大衣和christian louboutin的靴子,同色的帽子和同色的靴子搭配的真不错,field居然找到和这种靴子搭配的毛线帽子,不容易哟。里面是gucci衫, 加上chanel的包,又是chanel,又是chanel。
这是andy返璞归真以后的装束,但是她所表现出来的气质和刚进入runway不同了,是vince外套, 内衫是dkny, japanese fabric牛仔裤, 穿着calvin klein鞋。

请问电影 穿PRADA的恶魔里面的一双休闲鞋的牌子,有截图




