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merry christmas to you

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-04-01 08:35:50编辑:皮带君

平安夜快乐用英语怎么说? 圣诞节的一些祝福语用英语怎么说?

平安夜快乐英语:Happy Christmas Eve.重要词汇:1、happy 英 [ˈhæpi] 美 [ˈhæpi] 释义: adj. 感到(或显得)快乐的;高兴的;给予(或带来)快乐的;使人高兴的;幸福的;表示祝愿。例句:Except for her illnesses, she had had a particularly happy childhood .除了体弱多病外,她的童年特别幸福。2、christmas 英 [ˈkrɪsməs] 美 [ˈkrɪsməs] 释义:n. 圣诞节(12月25日);圣诞节期间。例句:Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year's Day .商店只在圣诞日和元旦停业。圣诞节祝福语:Merry Christmas.重要词汇:1、merry 英 [ˈmeri] 美 [ˈmeri]释义: adj. 愉快的;高兴的;(圣诞节祝贺语)圣诞快乐;微醉。例句:He was much loved for his merry nature .他快乐的天性很是招人喜欢。

merry Christmas to you是什么意思

merry Christmas to you的意思是祝您圣诞节快乐。Christmas是圣诞节的意思。当别人说Merry Christmas!可回答Thank you或者The same to you,意为谢谢或你也圣诞快乐。重点词汇:1、Merryadj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏du作乐的2、Thankvt. 感谢n. 感谢int. 谢谢3、sameadj. 相同的;同一的;上述的;无变化的pron. 同样的事物或人adv. 同样地参考资料:merry的用法1、vi. 结婚 She married young . 她很早就结婚了。2、marry sb 娶了某人,嫁了某人,与某人结婚She married a rich man. 她嫁给了一个有钱人。I’m going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine’s Day. 我打算让她在情人节嫁给我。3、 be/get married to sb 娶了某人,嫁了某人,与某人结婚Nicole is married to my brother for 3 years. Nicole嫁给我的哥哥三年了。

平安夜快乐用英语怎么说? 圣诞节的一些祝福语用英语怎么说?

平安夜快乐用“Merry Christmas Eve”表示。圣诞节祝福语如下:1、Merry Christmas,my best friend.祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。2、A Christmas greeting to cheer you,my good friend.希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。3、3、Take your passion and make it come true.发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。4、I hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过圣诞节。5、Wish all the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝愿。6、Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。7、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。8、May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。9、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。10、May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness.愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。


Merry Christmas to you!重点词汇:1、merry英 [ˈmeri] 美 [ˈmɛri] adj.愉快的,快活的;有趣的;[口]微醉的;生动的。n.甜樱桃;梅里(姓氏)。2、Christmas英 [ˈkrɪsməs] 美 [ˈkrɪsməs] n.圣诞节。例句:1、Merry Christmas to you and your family. 祝你和你的家人圣诞节快乐!2、Merry Christmas to you, Mary Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐,玛丽。圣诞。扩展资料:Christmas原指耶稣基督的诞辰,后来成为许多国家,尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是12月25日,可缩写成Xmas。“在圣诞节”要说at Christmas,不用on,但可说on Christmas Day〔Christmas day〕。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。Christmas的词汇搭配:1、celebrate〔keep〕 Christmas庆祝圣诞节。2、enjoy〔spend〕 Christmas欢度圣诞节。3、happy〔splendid〕 Christmas幸福的圣诞节。4、merry〔pleasant〕 Christmas愉快的圣诞节。5、warm Christmas气氛热烈的圣诞节。


“祝你圣诞节快乐”翻译成英语为“ Merry Christmas to You”。习俗庆祝:圣诞卡圣诞卡(圣诞卡片)在美国和欧洲很流行,许多家庭随贺卡带上年度家庭合照或家庭新闻,新闻一般包括家庭成员在过去一年的优点特长等内容。圣诞节这天,指出天下一家世界大同的理想,只有以和平与仁爱的言行达成。圣诞袜最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。因为圣诞袜是要用来装礼物的,所以是小朋友最喜欢的东西,晚上他们会将自己的袜子挂在床边,等待第二天早上收礼。圣诞帽是一顶红色帽子,据说晚上戴上睡觉除了睡得安稳和有点暖外,第二天你还会发现在帽子里多了点心爱的人送的礼物。圣诞节环西方国家圣诞节其间挂在家门口用的装饰品,通常用绿色的枝叶或藤条(松毛、松针等)和银色的金属及金色的铃铛配以红色的缎带组成主色调绿、白、黄、红代表欢乐喜庆上面写着MERRY CHRISTMAS。


merry Christmas.圣诞节的食品是圣诞节的一大特色。浪漫的法国人可不仅沉醉于美味的食物,平安夜的他们会随着悠扬的节奏缓缓起舞,浓郁的白兰地(brandy)和香槟酒(champagne)散发着别样的香气,让人们沉醉于这个欢乐的夜晚。与德国人一样,英国人也喜欢喝啤酒(beer)。圣诞节期间,除了开怀畅饮外,他们还喜欢与家人团聚或者去远方旅行。英国人的平安夜历史最久,据说在1602年的圣诞节,大批来自英国的移民(immigration)抵达美洲大陆。“漫山遍野”的火鸡就成了物资匮乏时代最美味的补给,火鸡也便成了节日里的主菜。其实,英国人的圣诞大餐是烤鹅(roast goose)。

The Christmas Song (Merry To You) 歌词

歌曲名:The Christmas Song (Merry To You)歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:20 Christmas ClassicsChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYule-tide carols being sung by a choirAnd folks dressed up like EskimosEverybody knows a turkeyAnd some mistletoeHelp to make the season brightTiny tots with their eyes all aglowWill find it hard to sleep tonight.They know that Santa's on his wayHe's loaded lots of toysAnd goodies on his sleighAnd every mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeerRealy know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple phraseTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been saidMany times, many waysMerry Christmas to youMerry ChristmasTo luluhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7552250

The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) 歌词

歌曲名:The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)歌手:LENA HORNE专辑:Merry From Lena倪安东 - The Christmas SongChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choirAnd folks dressed up like EskimosEverybody knows a turkey and some mistletowHelp to make the season brightTiny tots with their eyes all aglowWill find it hard to sleep tonightThey know that Santa's on his wayHe's loaded with lots of toys and goodies on his sleighAnd ev'ry mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeer really know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple phraseTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been said many times, many ways"Merry Christmas to you"http://music.baidu.com/song/3490710

The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Christmas Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!倪安东 - The Christmas SongChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choirAnd folks dressed up like EskimosEverybody knows a turkey and some mistletowHelp to make the season brightTiny tots with their eyes all aglowWill find it hard to sleep tonightThey know that Santa's on his wayHe's loaded with lots of toys and goodies on his sleighAnd ev'ry mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeer really know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple phraseTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been said many times, many ways"Merry Christmas to you"http://music.baidu.com/song/2718108

The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) 歌词

歌曲名:The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)歌手:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles&The Temptations专辑:Best Of/20Th Century - Christmas倪安东 - The Christmas SongChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choirAnd folks dressed up like EskimosEverybody knows a turkey and some mistletowHelp to make the season brightTiny tots with their eyes all aglowWill find it hard to sleep tonightThey know that Santa's on his wayHe's loaded with lots of toys and goodies on his sleighAnd ev'ry mother's child is gonna spyTo see if reindeer really know how to flyAnd so I'm offering this simple phraseTo kids from one to ninety-twoAlthough it's been said many times, many ways"Merry Christmas to you"http://music.baidu.com/song/8740844



