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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-20 11:22:11编辑:皮带君


1、娉婷寓意:结合意为美好优雅的婷字,名字有柔美温和,优美文雅,亭亭玉立的意思,在人名中意指女孩娉婷袅娜,姿态优美,性情温顺。出自:唐 · 杜牧《赠别二首之一》“娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。”释义:姿态美好举止轻盈正是十三年华,活象二月初含苞待放一朵豆蔻花。注:提取诗句中的单字“娉”。2、之琳寓意:琳原本指美玉,用作人名可理解为美好,有才的意思,结合具有修饰作用的之字,让名字更加的清新文雅。形容女孩光彩亮丽,明艳动人,雍容华贵,皮肤细腻有光泽。出自:唐 · 顾况《游子吟》“层城登云韶,王府锵球琳。”释义:王宫中的音乐未曾停止,王府环佩声不觉。注:提取诗句中的单字“琳”3、清妍寓意:结合意为清纯脱俗的清字,名字有高洁,清纯,廉洁,巧慧,美丽的意思,在人名中意指女孩志行高洁,清纯美丽,心思巧慧,聪明伶俐。出自: 唐 · 李煜《梅花》“共约重芳日,还忧不盛妍。”释义:记得当时还曾担心,梅花“重芳日”,只恐“不盛妍”。注:提取诗句中的单字“妍”。男孩名;1、森罗出自:李白《永王东巡歌》“战舰森森罗虎士,征帆一一引龙驹。”释义:战舰森森地站满了彪虎之士,战船满载着征战的良马。森罗这个名字听起来给人一种国际范,非常好听;但其实在诗中是形容战舰的意思,所以也可引申寓指男孩子不凡的气质。从名字上给人一种男孩英俊挺拔的形象,让人产生了画面感。2、暖墨出自:李贺的《杨生青花紫石砚歌》“纱帷昼暖墨花春,轻沤漂沫松麝薰。”释义:纱帐中白天暖融融,磨动的墨花添春意,轻盈的墨泡和漂动的墨沫散发出松麝的芬芳。暖墨一名使人联想到这是一个有着儒雅气质的男孩子,对此所产生的印象是非常好的。暖字是为了突出男孩拥有着阳光开朗温暖的性格,墨字则是表示男孩文采斐然,优秀出众,结合起来你十分文雅好听。扩展资料;取名技巧;1、姓氏的搭配:所谓姓名,就是姓氏和名字的结合体。姓名选字讲究很大,不仅仅要注意名字的音形义,更要注重姓和名的整体组合搭配,特别是那些有特殊意义,或者谐音容易让人联想的姓氏,起名时候更要特别注意。2、不要重名取名字不要取重名的,因为名字其实是孩子独一无二的代号,记得以前一个公司里面同时出现3个同名的同事,这个时候同事后面就会被莫名的带了个小尾巴,比如某某1号,某某2号等等类似的。这样其实对于孩子来说,内心肯定是不舒服的,可能有的时候还会责怪自己的爸爸妈妈给自己取的名字吧,所以取名字最好不要取重名,不能图省事,要重视。3、字形和谐字形的和谐不仅仅是韵律上面的美感,这个跟孩子以后的签名都是有很大的关系的,如果注意字形搭配的话,宝宝的名字在书写方面也会比较简便,同时签字的时候也会有视觉上面的美感。一个好的签名也会给人留下很深刻的印象。有的时候说字体的情况,可以看出来这个人的性格方面等等,因此一个字形和谐的名字,书写出来也必定大气好看。


Bill Shankly :
"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."

2 "If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains." Bill Shankly

3 "The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game." Bill Shankly

4 "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe that you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Liverpool we always said we had the best two teams in Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." Bill Shankly

5 "If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later." Bob Paisley

6 "Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool." Bill Shankly
Roy Evans 7 "Liverpool without European football is like a banquet without wine." Roy Evans

8 "Mind you, I've been here during the bad times too - one year we came second." Bob Paisley

9 "I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?" Robbie Fowler

10 "Sometimes I feel I'm hardly wanted in this Liverpool team. If I get two or three saves to make, I've had a busy day." Ray Clemence

11 "Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting." Robbie Fowler

12 "Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic." Emlyn Hughes

13 "I'd kick my own brother if necessary... it's what being a professional footballer is all about." Steve McMahon
Ian Rush 14 "It was like playing in a foreign country." Ian Rush on his time with Juventus in Italy

15 "I said to Kevin (Keegan), 'I'll go near post' and he replied, 'No, just go for the ball.'" Tommy Smith

16 "Anybody who plays for me should be a bad loser." Graeme Souness.

17 "It's best being a striker. If you miss five then score the winner, you're a hero. The goalkeeper can play a blinder, then let one in… and he's a villain." Ian Rush

18 "Of course I didn't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present, it was her birthday. Would I have got married in the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves." Bill Shankly
Kevin Keegan 19 "They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different." Kevin Keegan

20 "Bruce Grobbelaar will play on until he is 40 - and at the top level." Bruce Grobbelaar

21 "He's better than Brian Lara because he's 600 not out. What a guy." Roy Evans on Ian Rush's 600th appearance for Liverpool

22 "Should the aggregate score be level after 90 minutes, extra time will be played." Fulham's matchday programme for the second leg of the Littlewoods Cup tie in 1986-87. Liverpool were 10-0 up from the first leg

23 "There are those who say maybe I should forget about football. Maybe I should forget about breathing." Gerard Houllier

24 "Nobody likes being criticised, particularly by players who will be in Disneyland this summer on their holidays rather than the World Cup in Japan." Phil Thompson responding to criticism from Frank de Boer of Barcelona who said Liverpool were boring

25 "Son, you'll do well here as long as you remember two things. Don't over-eat and don't lose your accent." Bill Shankly to Ian St John

26 "If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing." Bill Shankly

27 "Don't worry Alan. At least you'll be able to play close to a great team!" Bill Shankly to Alan Ball after he signed for Everton

28 "Shanks was the father figure but Roger Hunt was something special. It might sound daft but just picking up his sweaty kit gave me satisfaction.” Phil Thompson

29 "As Arnold Schwarzenegger said, 'I'll be back." Gerard Houllier

30 "There is no way the second half can be as entertaining as the first." Alan Hansen during the UEFA Cup Final v Alaves with Liverpool leading 3-1 at half time

31 "We don't have any splits here. The players country is Liverpool Football Club and their language is football." Gerard Houllier

32 "It's there to remind our lads who they're playing for, and to remind the opposition who they're playing against." Bill Shankly about the 'This is Anfield' plaque

33 "Just go out and drop a few hand grenades all over the place son." Bill Shankly to Kevin Keegan

34 "It broke my heart to leave Liverpool." Kenny Dalglish

35 "Ay, here we are with problems at the top of the league." Bill Shankly suggesting to a journalist that Liverpool were in difficulties

36 "Where are you from?" "I'm a Liverpool fan from London." "Well laddie, what's it like to be in heaven?" Bill Shankly to a Liverpool fan

37 "Yes Roger Hunt misses a few, but he gets in the right place to miss them." Bill Shankly to a reporter

38 "With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal." Bill Shankly after signing Ron Yeats

39 "Steve Nicol never gives more than 120 per cent." Kevin Keegan

40 "At Liverpool we never accept second best." Kenny Dalglish

41 "Bill was so strong it was unbelievable. You couldn't shake him off the ball. It didn't matter where he was playing, though I suppose his best position was outside-left. He could go round you, or past you, or even straight through you sometimes!" Bob Paisley on Billy Liddell
Gerard Houllier 42 "We will beat them one day, I can promise you that!" Gerard Houllier on Manchester United

43 "If anybody thinks either myself or my team are afraid of Liverpool, they can think again. I believe I've got a team that can go out and do the business against them." Coventry manager John Sillett before a match with Liverpool in 1987. Liverpool won 4-1 with Sillett declaring them champions elect in August.

44 "For me Liverpool can have Everton's title right now! Everton are good but Liverpool are better. They are the best in England – the side we can all learn from." Coventry boss John Sillett on Liverpool's title chances after Kenny Dalglish's new look team's second match of the season. Sillett was to be proved right as the 1987-88 Reds side of course went on to win the league

45 "You can't build a cathedral in a day. A look at the club's history tells you these things take time." Gerard Houllier

46. Barnes did what we expected him to do. He made a goal, scored one, and entertained. You remember that." Kenny Dalglish after John Barnes Anfield debut for Liverpool in a 2-0 win over Oxford in 1987

46 "He couldn't play anyway. I only wanted him for the reserve team!" Bill Shankly upon hearing Celtic's Lou Macari had snubbed Liverpool in favour of a move to Manchester United."

47 "Laddie, I never drop players, I only make changes." Bill Shankly to a journalist who criticised his team selection

48 "I don't believe everything Bill tells me about his players. Had they been that good, they'd not only have won the European Cup but the Ryder Cup, the Boat Race and even the Grand National!" Celtic manager Jock Stein on Bill Shankly

49 "We’ve got a lot of Cockneys in the team, but really, it doesn’t matter where they’re from – we’re all playing for Liverpool.” Robbie Fowler

50 "It's great grass at Anfield, professional grass!" Bill Shankly comparing the Anfield pitch to other grounds

51 "I owe Bob more than I owe anybody else in the game. There will never be another like him." Kenny Dalglish on Bob Paisley

52 "I go by records and Bob Paisley is the No 1 manager ever!" Alan Hansen.

53 "Liverpool wouldn't be the club it is today without Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley and the players who played there. When I first went there it was a typical Second Division ground and look at it now!" Ian Callaghan

54 "If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands." Tommy Smith

55 "I was Bob's first signing. He changed my life, as he did so many others. He gave us great memories and you can't put a price on that. He made me an adopted scouser." Phil Neal
David Moores 56 "Bob's knowledge of players and the game in general is unsurpassed. Football has known no equal in management or prize-winning, but his modesty and dignity were overwhelming as he led this club from one triumph to another. His name will always be synonymous with Liverpool." Liverpool chairman David Moores on Bob Paisley

57 "Hold on a minute, John Wayne hasn't arrived yet." Bill Shankly to the awaiting TV crews and journalists for the press conference to announce he was retiring from football

58 "Liverpool had such a marvellous group of players. It was no surprise the trophies kept coming." Kenny Dalglish

59 "I may have left Liverpool but the city and club will always be part of me." Kenny Dalglish

60 "If Liverpool had waited until the summer, and then asked me to go back as manager, I would have gone back." Kenny Dalglish, having had time to reflect on standing down as Liverpool manager in 199

61 "He was the greatest person I know." Ron Yeats on Bill Shankly

62 "I always carry a picture of him, he comes into my conversation a lot; I learned a lot from him and owe the man a great deal." Kevin Keegan on Shankly

63 "The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!" Bill Shankly

64 On awaiting Everton's arrival for a derby game at Anfield, Bill Shankly gave a box of toilet rolls to the doorman and said: "Give them these when they arrive – they'll need them!"

65 "If Shankly had been paid overtime, he'd have been a millionaire." Tommy Docherty on Bill Shankly
Graeme Souness 66 "He's better than Platini, certainly better than Rumminegge and Maradona. For me he is the greatest footballer in the world." Graeme Souness on Kenny Dalglish

67 "I used to stand on the Kop when I was here in 1969. The atmosphere and passion on the pitch as well as the terraces was intoxicating and Liverpool became part of me from that day on." Gerard Houllier

68 "Our job is to make the fans happy. When we win, 45,000 people go home happy. When we lose, it not only affects them, it affects their cats." Gerard Houllier

69 "We don't destroy our heroes today when we worshipped them yesterday." Gerard Houllier.

70 'The only pleasure I take is that the fans are happy with the team. But I don’t believe in anything other than my team." Gerard Houllier.

71 "I notice a former captain of ours said recently that this squad is so good that we don’t need a manager. I took this as a great compliment. He must have changed his mind since leaving as he said at the time that Phil Thompson and I would drag the club down. On that point I suppose he was right - we dragged the club down to Cardiff three times in the last 10 months." Gerard Houllier referring to comments made by Paul Ince

72 “We scored 127 goals - the third highest total in the club's history. Although, if you believe everything you read in the papers, 126 probably came from a breakaway from the edge of our penalty area. The other one was probably an own goal.” Gerard Houllier

73 "Liverpool players must play like a lion, give his all. There must be determination, commitment and resolve to be a Liverpool player." Gerard Houllier

74 "These players are my true heroes." Gerard Houllier

75 "Players have responsibilities, because, whether they like it or not, they are public figures. They have to be aware that the people who come to the ground spend fortunes in relation to what they earn." Gerard Houllier

76 "When I see the Bill Shankly statue, I look at the sentiment on the base. It says: 'He made the people happy’. Well now the modern Liverpool is making the fans and the city happy. And that makes me so proud." Gerard Houllier

77 "To me, the team is more important than any individual member of the squad, and the players have to realise that and accept that my priority is to pick a side with the best possible chance of winning each match." Gerard Houllier

78 "I want to keep an English heart to the team. I believe in that. Michael Owen is that. Never think Michael is afraid of anything." Gerard Houllier

79 "At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques". Bill Shankly on boardroom meetings

80 "I'm just one of the people who stands on the kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It's a kind of marriage of people who like each other." Bill Shankly on the fans

81 "If he isn't named Footballer of the Year, football should be stopped and the men who picked any other player should be sent to the Kremlin" Bill Shankly on Tommy Smith

82 "It was the most difficult thing in the world, when I went to tell the chairman. It was like walking to the electric chair. That's the way it felt." Bill Shankly on the leaving of Liverpool

84 "The only thing I fear is missing an open goal in front of the Kop. I would die if that were to happen. When they start singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone' my eyes start to water. There have been times when I've actually been crying while I've been playing". Kevin Keegan
Ian St John 85 The goal looked as big as the Mersey Tunnel." Ian St John after his winning goal in the 1965 FA Cup Final against Leeds.

86 "If a player is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage, then he should be." Bill Shankly on the off-side rule

87 "Take that bandage off. And what do you mean about YOUR knee? It's Liverpool's knee!" Bill Shankly to Tommy Smith, who had a bandage on his injured knee

88 “Ladies and Gentlemen, yesterday at Wembley we might have lost the Cup but you the Liverpool people have won everything. You have won the admiration of the policemen in London and you have won the admiration of the public in London." Bill Shankly after losing the FA Cup in 1971 to Arsenal

89 "Chairman Mao has never seen a greater show of red strength." Bill Shankly

90 "It is our fifth trophy in just a matter of months and that shows what can be achieved when you have a united team who have great trust in each other." Gerard Houllier after Liverpool won the Super Cup in Monaco

91 "This was a special atmosphere only Anfield can produce. This was St Etienne part two and the fans cheered every tackle and it's one of the greatest nights in this football club's history." Phil Thompson after Liverpool's 2-0 victory over Roma in the Champions League 2002

92 "I will never forget today and I want to thank all the fans who gave me such a great ovation. They were immense. I thought I would get a decent reception but that surpassed all my wildest dreams. That sort of ovation is normally reserved for players who have won European Cups for a club. It was a brilliant day and it was nice to hear the Kop's humour at its best again when they were telling me to go back to Coventry." Gary McAllister after his last game for Liverpool at Anfield

93 "Playing Roma in Rome in the European Cup final and scoring a penalty in the shoot out to help us win it. That was my very last kick for Liverpool and it doesn't really get any better than that." Graeme Souness
Sammy Lee 94 "We are the real people's club." Sammy Lee

95 "He has not changed his religion." Gerard Houllier to a reporter when asked if Nick Barmby would become a recluse following his move from Everton to Liverpool

96 "I used to hate Ian Rush when I was young, because I was a devout Evertonian in those days, and he seemed to score every time Liverpool played against us. It's strange to think he used to support Everton too when he was a kid. He was brilliant to me at Anfield always giving me good advice." Robbie Fowler

97 "I was once offered Eric Cantona at Liverpool." Graeme Souness admitting he turned down the chance to sign the Frenchman during his reign as Liverpool manager

98 "You may have found me mean and thirsty in my search for trophies, but the bad news is the man who is taking my place is hungrier than me. Fagan's the name and I don't think he'll need any help from the Artful Dodger!" Bob Paisley on Joe Fagan

99 "If you can't make decisions in life, you're a bloody menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!" Bill Shankly

100 "I just hoped that after the trials and tribulations of my early years in management, someone up high would smile on me and guide my hand. My plea was answered when we got Kenny Dalglish. What a player, what a great professional!" Bob Paisley


当晚8时20分,一牌号为苏ATH900黑色别克君越轿车在金盛路由南向北行驶,行至第26号路灯杆时,车辆失控,撞上路边一西瓜摊后,沿途撞倒9名路人,撞坏路边停放的6辆轿车。 经查,肇事者系醉酒驾车,事故造成3人当场死亡,2人经送医院抢救无效死亡,另外4人轻伤,正在江宁医院接受治疗。这起惨烈车祸发生在江宁区岔路口金盛路天地新城附近。一醉酒后驾车男子连撞9人后逃离。事发5分钟后,肇事司机张某被警方截获。 目前,已有三男两女在车祸中死亡,另外4人正在江宁区医院救治。  据了解,肇事车是牌号为苏ATH900的黑色别克君越轿车,当时在金盛路由南向北行驶。据现场目击者称,这辆轿车速度非常快,先是在一家饭店门口撞上一名骑电动车男子,电动车和骑车男子当即被撞飞,骑车男子落下时身体撞碎了停在路边一辆商务车后窗玻璃,人砸进了商务车内。在众人的叫停声中,司机非但没有停止,车头反而猛地向左,撞进了路边的瓜摊。  接着,这辆别克车继续疯狂前冲,前行大约10米左右,又撞上一名骑自行车的30多岁女子,该女子和自行车都被撞飞了起来,自行车落在一辆行使的出租车引擎盖上,该女子则飞过出租车摔在地上。  随后一对手挽手的夫妇经过,其中女子是名孕妇。由于车速太快,孕妇躲闪不及,被当场撞倒。在撞倒孕妇后,别克车又撞上路边停着的一辆雪铁龙轿车,将雪铁龙轿车左后轮撞掉,在向前逃离时又撞上一名走路的男子。该男子被撞飞后落在路边一辆黑色轿车后窗上,将后窗玻璃砸得粉碎。  据多位目击者称,事发时现场发出连续巨响。一位目击车祸的市民描述了现场惊恐的一幕:“我刚下班走到天地新城天柱门,听到砰砰的响声,声音很响,一开始还以为是汽车撞到垃圾桶的声音,但听到路边的尖叫声,回头一看一辆黑色的小轿车往双其路疾驶,看上去有100码以上的速度,撞上了一个人又撞上了停在旁边的小轿车尾部,又向前逃窜了,速度太快了!”  看到这一场景的市民,纷纷加入到抢救伤员和追赶肇事车的行列中,并有市民立即报警。  很快,这一重大警情被反映至市公安局。市公安局领导高度重视,紧急启动重大警情处置预案。救援警力第一时间赶赴现场,抢救伤员,追缉肇事车辆。在长达1400余米事发路段,共有9名行人被撞。其中3人当场死亡,两人经抢救无效死亡,另外4人正在江宁区医院救治。  同时,警方沿线设卡,对肇事司机进行缉捕。一些过路司机和群众也自发加入到追缉行列中。在距事发地不远的一家幼儿园门口,别克轿车被4辆轿车逼停在路边,愤怒的群众将开车男子拖下车来一顿暴揍。一位路人说,周围人都闻到男子身上有浓烈的酒气。不多时,110民警赶到,将别克车司机抓获。此时,别克车也被撞得面目全非,4个气囊全部打开,前挡风玻璃破碎,引擎盖完全变形。  经查,肇事司机姓张,男性,44岁,是一家房地产公司工程技术副总,现住江宁区东山街道,所驾车辆系他人所有。经警方检测,张某系醉酒后驾驶。 江宁公安分局岔路派出所民警巡逻途中发现车辆异常情况后,随即与群众一同将其逼停,将张予以控制,并带回派出所进行审查。经抽血化验鉴定,张明宝的血液中酒精含量为每百毫升381毫克,属醉酒驾驶,目前被警方依法刑事拘留。 记者从南京市江宁区检察院获悉,造成5死4伤的南京“630”特大交通事故肇事司机张某,7月15日被检方以涉嫌“以危险方法危害公共安全罪”批准逮捕。 11月27日该案在南京中级法院开庭审理,检方调查,张明宝此前就常有酒后驾车的经历,他拥有的3辆轿车2006年以来有过80次违章记录。据悉,事故发生后,由于张明宝现有财产一时无法足额支付赔偿,南京江宁区政府代为偿付了300多万元赔偿金。  庭审中,控、辩双方对案情事实没有异议,分歧主要在犯罪主观意愿及罪名认定上。控方认为,张明宝明知酒后驾车违法、醉酒驾车会危害公共安全,却醉酒驾车,肇事后继续驾车冲撞,造成重大人员伤亡,其行为触犯了刑法规定,应当以“以危险方法危害公共安全罪”追究刑事责任。  张明宝的辩护律师则辩称,张明宝没有危害公共安全的故意,且过去有过酒后驾车经历,吃饭的地点离家较近,路况熟,属于“过于自信的过失犯罪”,应当以“过失以危险方法危害公共安全罪”量刑。同时考虑到张明宝犯罪后认罪态度较好,有悔罪表现,积极对受害者进行经济赔偿等,要求法庭依法对其减轻处罚。  11月27日当天,张明宝对犯罪事实供认不讳。在庭审结束前,他痛哭流涕,向受害人家属道歉。惨死小夫妻郑琳和康伟东的父母以及另一位死者家属表示,坚决不接受道歉,要求严惩张明宝。 12月23日上午,南京江宁“630”案在南京市中院一审宣判,肇事者张明宝被判无期,剥夺政治权力终生。





