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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-17 22:21:46编辑:皮带君


1、作为副词来讲,deep和deeply都有“深深地,深切地”的意思。但deep常用来表示具体的深度,如:sink deep、dig deep、study deep into the night、study deep into the subject 等。而deeply常用于引喻的场合,有时等于“非常地”的意思,如:I am deeply grateful to you. 我非常感激你。2、当修饰动作时,deep和deeply都可以用,但deep更为常用。形容静止状态时只用deep,不用deeply。3、修饰形容词只用deeply,不用deep,如:We were all deeply disturbed when we heard the news.我们听到这个消息都深感不安。4、在被动结构中,deeply 常用于过去分词之前;deep 常用于过去分词之后。如:The oil-pipe lines were deeply buried.(=The oil-pipe were buried deep.) 输油管深埋地下。资料补充deep [diːp]n. 深渊; 深处adj. 深的; 远离中心的; 纵深的adv. 深入地deeply [deep·ly || 'diːplɪ]adv. 在深处; 强烈地; 到深处; 深刻地



两者均可表示“深”、“深深地”,修饰具体的动作, 有时可互换:

The doctor asked me to breathe deep [deeply]. 医生叫我做深呼吸。


He sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思。

The meeting continued deep into the night. 会议一直开到深夜。

Karen and Dave are deeply in love with each other.

的动词(如 hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret 等),通常要用 deeply,另外,修饰形容词、过去分词等,一般也要用 deeply:

He deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼。

We deeply regret your misfortune. 我们对你的不幸深表遗憾。

I am deeply grateful to you. 我衷心感谢你。

He was deeply moved by [at] the story. 听了这个故事,他深受感动。


无论面对风暴或是雪花, 还是太阳对我们微笑; 火热的白天, 寒冷的夜晚, 扑面的灰尘, 但我们享受着这种乐趣, 我们享受着这种乐趣。 我们的坦克轰鸣向前, 伴随着阵阵尘沙。 当敌人的坦克露出踪影 我们加大油门全速向前! 我们生命的价值 就是为了我们光荣的军队而战! 为德国而死是至高的荣誉! 伴随着雷鸣般的引擎, 我们在坚实的装甲板后像闪电一般冲向敌人。 与同志们一起向前, 并肩战斗, 这就是为什么我们能深扎进敌人的(坦克)队列 面对敌人所谓的屏障 我们给予轻蔑的嘲笑 然后简单的绕过; 如果前面的黄砂之中, 隐藏的是那炮火的威胁, 我们就找寻自己的道路, 跃上那冲向胜利的通途! 如果我们为命运女神所抛弃 如果我们从此不能回到故乡 如果子弹结束了我们的生命 如果我们在劫难逃, 那至少我们忠实的坦克, 会给我们一个金属的坟墓。 歌词原文(德语) Ob\\'s stürmt oder schneit, Ob die Sonne uns lacht, Der Tag glühend hei?, Oder eiskalt die Nacht. Bestaubt sind die Gesichter, Doch froh ist unser Sinn, Ja unser Sinn; Es braust unser Panzer Im Sturmwind dahin. Mit donnernden Motoren, So schnell wie der Blitz, Dem Feinde entgegen, Im Panzer geschützt. Voraus den Kameraden, Im Kampfe ganz allein, Steh\\'n wir allein, So sto?en wir tief In die feindlichen Reihn. Wenn vor uns ein feindlicher Panzer erscheint, Wird Vollgas gegeben Und ran an den Feind! Was gilt denn unser Leben, Für unsres Reiches Heer, Ja Reiches Heer? Für Deutschland zu sterben Ist uns h?chste Ehr. Mit Sperren und Tanks H?lt der Gegner uns auf, Wir lachen darüber Und fahren nicht drauf. Und droh\\'n vor uns Geschütze, Versteckt im gelben Sand, Im gelben Sand, Wir suchen uns Wege, Die keiner sonst fand. Und l??t uns im Stich Einst das treulose Glück, Und kehren wir nicht mehr Zur Heimat zurück, Trifft uns die Todeskugel, Ruft uns das Schicksal ab, Ja Schicksal ab, Dann ist unser Panzer Ein ehernes Grab. 英文版歌词 Panzer Lied (Tank Song) If there's storm or it snows, Or the sun smiles on us, The day is burning hot, Or the night icy cold. Dusty are the faces, But joyful is our mind, Joyful our mind; Our tank roars ahead Within the storm wind. When a hostile tank appears ahead of us, Full throttle is given And we close with the foe! It's not our life we value, For the army of our realm, Army of our realm For Germany to die Is honor most high. And if we are abandoned By that unfaithful luck, And if we don't return To our homeland again, If a bullet strikes us down, If our fate calls on us, Yes calls on us, Then our tank will give us A metal grave. With thundering engines, Fast as a lightning bolt, The enemy engaging, Within our armor plates. Ahead of our comrades, In the battle, all alone, We stand all alone That's how we strike deep Into the enemy's ranks. With obstacles and tanks The foe blocks our path, We laugh about it And simply pass them by. And if ahead guns threaten, Hidden in the yellow sand, In the yellow sand, We seek out our way,


1、《闪电部队在前进》是指由《布兰诗歌》改编、Era合唱团演唱的单曲《The Mass》。正确的名字应该是《弥撒》。2、完整歌词:Semper crescis aut descrescis变化无常盈虚交替Vita detestabilis可恶的生活Nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem把苦难和幸福交织在一起Nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem把苦难和幸福交织在一起Egestatem potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem无论贫贱与富贵命运之轮Divano divano re divano resi神圣的神圣的神圣的顺序Divano resido divano resia神圣的赐福神圣的赐福Divano divano re divano resido神圣的神圣的神圣的赐福Divano resia神圣的赐福Sors salutis et virtutis michi nun contraria我的健康和美德被命运摧残着Est affectus et defectus semper in angaria与意志疲劳不堪永远疲于奔命Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite就在此刻不要拖延让琴弦拨响Divano divano re divano resi神圣的神圣的神圣的顺序Divano resido divano resia神圣的赐福神圣的赐福Divano divano re divano resido神圣的神圣的神圣的赐福Divano resia (resia resia resia resia)神圣的赐福(雷斯肯雷斯肯雷斯肯雷斯肯)Divano divano re divano resido神圣的神圣的神圣的赐福Divano resia (resia resia resia resia...)神圣的赐福(雷斯肯雷斯肯雷斯肯雷斯肯……)(Divano)(神圣的)Sors salutis et virtutis michi nun contraria我的健康和美德被命运摧残着Est affectus et defectus semper in angaria与意志疲劳不堪永远疲于奔命Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite就在此刻不要拖延让琴弦拨响Divano divano re divano resi神圣的神圣的神圣的顺序Divano resido divano resia神圣的赐福神圣的赐福Divano divano re divano resido神圣的神圣的神圣的赐福Divano resia神圣的赐福Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite就在此刻不要拖延让琴弦拨响Quod per sortem sternt fortem mecum omnes plangite因为命运也已被命运击垮要把痛苦全部消灭。该师的前身是1933年3月17日组建的“柏林警备队”,当时希特勒从慕尼黑的卫队中亲自挑选出120名士兵,作为个人的贴身警卫。同年9月的慕尼黑大会中,正式改称“阿道夫-希特勒”党卫队。由迪特里希任首领。1939年发展到3700人。在闪击波兰的战役中,它从南部发起进攻,势如破竹,于9月底攻入华沙。


  Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?
  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
  Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好
  She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。
  Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫
  (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)? (绿林深处山冈旁)
  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
  (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)
  Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线
  (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)
  Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。
  (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)
  Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地
  (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)
  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
  (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)
  Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间
  (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)
  Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。
  Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割
  (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)
  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
  (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)
  And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束
  (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)
  Then she`ll be a true love of mine她就会是我真正的爱人。
  Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?
  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
  Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好
  she once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。

英文歌曲《Scarborough fair》的歌词?

Scarborough Fair(斯卡布罗集市) From the Film"The Graduate" By Paul Simon&Garfunkle 电影《毕业生》插曲 保罗.西蒙,加丰科演唱
*Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
* Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green)
叫她替我做件麻布衣衫 (绿林深处山冈旁)
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown)
芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)
Without no seams nor needle work (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)
上面不用缝口,也不用针线 (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)
Then she`ll be ture love of mine (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
她就会是我真正的爱人。 (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)
Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves)
叫她替我找一块地 (从小山旁几片小草叶上)
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears)
芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)
Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun)
就在咸水和大海之间 (士兵擦拭着他的枪)
Then she`ll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion)
叫他用一把皮镰收割 (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill)
芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)
And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten)
将收割的石楠扎成一束 (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)
Then she`ll be a true love of mine
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He was once a true love of mine

scarborough fair的歌词及翻译

Scarborough Fair斯卡保罗集市歌手:Sarah Brightman词曲:Sarah BrightmanAre you going to Scarborough Fair?你这是去斯卡布罗集镇吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme那是个青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方!Remember me to one who lives there请代我问候住在那里的一个友人,He once was a true love of mine他曾是我的挚爱Tell him to make me a cambric shirt告诉他:请他为我做件麻布衬衣Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方Without no seams nor needle work不要有接缝,不去用针线Then he'll be a true love of mine他会成为我的挚爱Tell him to find me an acre of land告诉他:请他为我找一块栖息地Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方Between salt water and the sea strands座落在悠长的海岸之间Then he'll be a true love of mine他会成为我的挚爱Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather告诉他:请他用皮革镰刀去收割Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方And gather it all in a bunch of heather收集起来编成一束优雅的石楠花Then he'll be a true love of mine他会成为我的挚爱Are you going to Scarborough Fair?你这是去斯卡布罗集镇吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方Remember me to one who lives there请代我问候住在那里的一个友人,He once was a true love of mine他曾是我的挚爱扩展资料:Scarborough Fair(斯卡堡集市,也译作“斯卡波罗集市”)曾作为第40届奥斯卡提名影片《毕业生》(The Graduate)的插曲,曲调凄美婉转。Scarborough Fair 原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,原唱歌手为保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。此外还收录了2010年未公开发行的单曲《Done》,整张专辑的选曲都与日本有或多或少的联系,也是莎拉对日本多年来支持她的歌迷们送上的一份薄礼;莎拉在欧美已走红多年,她主演的那些音乐剧,诸如《歌剧魅影》 、《猫》 、《歌与舞》的主题曲和剧中的歌曲不径而走,广为传唱,莎拉也被誉为“歌舞剧皇后”。


In The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaWe Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaLet's Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveOooh Oooh Ooh OooohI've Been Waiting For Summertime To ComeWalk On Beaches Lying In The SunMusic Playing People EverywhereNo Need To Worry The Tequila Is HereAnd When The Sun Goes Down We Are Having FunCoz There Will Be A Party Going OnIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaWe Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaLet's Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveOooh Oooh Ooh OooohHeat Of The NightHeat Of The NightLife Is Easy On A HolidayOnly Problems Seem So Far AwayThe Bar Is Open And Everybody SingsExcuse Me Senorita For You Free DrinksAnd When The Sun Goes Down We Are Having FunCoz There Will Be A Party Going OnIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaWe Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaLet's Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveOooh Oooh Ooh OooohHeat Of The NightCoz When The Sun Goes Down We Are Having FunAnd There Will Be A Party Going OnIn The Heat Of The NightWe Are Having A FiestaIn The Heat Of The Night NiiiiightWe Are Having A FiestaLet's Swing It Copa De DanceHola Senorita Let's Go To The BeachIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaWe Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveIn The Heat Of The Night We Are Having A FiestaLet's Dance Until Siesta When The Sun Comes AliveHeat Of The NightHeat Of The Night



