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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-17 11:16:00编辑:皮带君


boyfriend,n. 男朋友;情郎名词复数:boyfriends 例句:Today I met my boyfriend 's parents.今天我见到了男朋友的父母。短语Absolute Boyfriend 绝对达令 ; 绝对彼氏 ; 绝对男友 ; 绝対彼氏Hatoful Boyfriend 帅鸽男友 ; 鸽子男友The Boyfriend 男朋友 ; 一往情深 ; 交男朋友Boyfriend Dungeon 男友地下城 ; 男友地牢Naughty Boyfriend 恶作剧男友Invisible Boyfriend 隐形男友Abaloneyolute Boyfriend 尽对彼氏扩展资料:friendn. 朋友;助手;赞助者n. (Friend)人名;(英)弗兰德如果特意为某个区间开放的话,可以把某区间作为自己区间的朋友(friend)即可。这些墙,在程序编译的时候才起作用。短语Best Friend 最好的朋友 ; 好朋友 ; 天王星 ; 西野加奈My Friend 我的朋友 ; 好友 ; 我朋友 ; 我的好友Talking Friend 会说话例句:I had a long talk about this with my best friend.我和我最好的朋友就此进行了长谈。


①Boyfriend是韩国Starship Entertainment于2011年推出的六人男子组合,由金东玄、沈贤星、李政敏、赵荣旻、赵光旻、 卢珉宇6名成员组成。
④《boyfriend》是仓木麻衣和Michael Africk合作歌曲,收录在仓木麻衣专辑《FUTURE KISS》。

boy+friend=boyfriend 是什么意思?

My foreign teacher told us, her boy-friend's grandpa died and she could not teach us. She must came back to Britain with her boyfriend as soon as she can.


boyfriend的意思时候男朋友,句中作为名词使用。一、词汇分析boyfriend英 ['bɒɪfrend] 美 ['bɔɪfrɛnd] n. 男朋友,情郎二、短语1、Absolute Boyfriend 绝对达令 ; 绝对彼氏 ; 绝对男友 ; 绝対彼氏2、Hatoful Boyfriend 帅鸽男友 ; 鸽子男友3、The Boyfriend 一往情深 ; 男朋友 ; 交男朋友4、Naughty Boyfriend 恶作剧男友三、例句1、She perked up when her boyfriend arrived. 她男朋友一到她就精神起来了。2、Do get your new boyfriend round to see us. 把你新交的男朋友带来给我们看看。扩展资料近义词有swain , inamorato。一、swain英 [sweɪn] 美 [swen] n. 乡村青年;情郎;求爱者1、"It's a little bit of an assumption to say that this planet, just because it's in the rightplace, has water, " Swain said. “说到这个星球可能有生命迹象只是因为它在一个适宜的位置并且有水存在,这只是一个小小的假设。” 斯温说。2、"Dubai has taken advantage of people," said Australian school teacher Terry Swain, 43. "The way the government generates money is wrong. 43岁的澳大利亚教师Terry Swain说:“迪拜利用了人们。二、inamorato英 [ɪ,næmə'rɑːtəʊ] 美 n. 情人;情郎1、The sun is shining in the blue sky while my inamorato hea… 太阳在蓝天上闪耀,我的心上人看着我的眼睛,有点羞涩。2、The first sentiment comes from inamorato , child or friend. 第一种感情是情人的,子女的,朋友的,年轻的。


I'm sorry for me buggin' you 很抱歉我对你如此迷恋
sorry for being such a fool 很抱歉我像个傻子一样
God knows I've tried but I can't let go 我努力的想放弃却做不到
I'm crazy 'bout you know who 因为你是如此的令我着迷
I'm sorry for me needing you 很抱歉我如此的需要你
sorry girl that you don't feel it too 但你并没有相同的感受
I get the point, should be a man about it 我知道应该怎么做
I've never been good at that - no no 但是我却做不到
forgive me for being me 原谅我如此执着
I've tried to let go 我已试着再让自己解脱

I know you got a boyfriend - another man 知道你以心有所属
another guy by your side 他陪伴在你身旁
someone who hopefully treats you right 给你真心宠爱
but you don't know how much I wish that I was 但是你不知道我愿,我是多少
your boyfriend - that other guy 但你可知我有多想成为你的挚爱
the only one who's allowed 唯一的谁有允许
in your room to lay in your arms at night 再夜里与你相依偎
now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend 你不知道我有多想成为你的挚爱
I'm sorry for me wanting you 很抱歉我对你的渴望
sorry for not playing by the rules 很抱歉我违反了游戏规则
but what would you do if you were in my shoes 但如果你是我你将会怎么作
feeling lost and blue Mnn 感到无尽的失落与沮丧
I'm sorry for me lovin' you 很抱歉我是如此的爱你
sorry for being such a fool 很抱歉我像个傻子一样
God knows I've tried but I can't let go 我努力的想放弃却做不到
I'm crazy 'bout you know who 因为你是如此的令我着迷

another man is by your side 你已心有所属
I hope he treats you right 希望他真心待你
I wish I was the only one 我愿我是唯一的一个
to lay in your arms at night 多盼望我是那个可以与你相守的男人
well you can't blame a guy for tryin' 别责怪我的天真
now what else can I do 我不知道此刻还能做些什么
and how I wish that my prayers, thoughts and dreams 多希望我的祈祷、梦想
would become reality 能够成真



