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Michael Jordan 翻译成中文是什么意思?

Michael Jordan 生词本简明释义n.迈克尔·乔丹;历史在最伟大的篮球职业运动员!以下结果由 金山词霸 提供1. 麦克尔•乔丹2. 迈克尔-乔丹3. 迈克尔乔丹4. 麦可·乔登5. 米高·佐敦例句Unlike bo jackson or michael jordan in their prime, they don't dominate marketing.不同于鼎盛时期的博•杰克逊和迈克尔•乔丹,他们在该公司的营销计划中并不占主导地位。


迈克尔·乔丹迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日-):美国NBA著名篮球运动员,被称为“空中飞人”。他在篮球职业生涯中创造了刷屏般无可枚举的纪录,是公认的全世界最棒的篮球运动员,也是NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”称号的巨星。他将NBA推广至全球每个角落,成为好莱坞以外又一无可阻挡的美国文化,他为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿以上,也把耐克公司从一家小公司变成闻名世界的超级巨头。2010年3月19日,已经退役的迈克尔·乔丹成功收购NBA夏洛特山猫队,成为山猫队的老板。2011年9月,乔丹已与相恋多年的古巴名模女友普列托订婚。

中文名: 迈克尔·乔丹
外文名: Michael·Jordan
别名: 米高·佐敦、“空中飞人”
国籍: 美国
出生地: 纽约市布鲁克林区
出生日期: 1963年2月17日
毕业院校: 北卡罗莱纳大学
身高: 198cm
体重: 98.1kg
运动项目: 篮球
专业特点: 得分、防守、领导力超强
主要奖项: 6次NBA总冠军
司职: 得分后卫(2号位)
臂展: 218cm
妻子: 胡安尼塔(已离婚)
选秀: 1984年第一轮第3顺位
生涯最高分: 69分

The God in Youth: Michael Jordan
There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he would take his skill level.” The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.
It was the worst day of Jordan’s young life. The list was alphabetical, so he focused on where the Js should be, and it wasn’t there, and he kept reading and rereading the list, hoping somehow that he had missed it, or that the alphabetical listing had been done incorrectly. That day he went home by himself and went to his room and cried. Smith understood what was happening — Michael, he knew, never wanted you to see him when he was hurt. “We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular. The entire varsity began to come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games. Smith noticed that while Jordan had been wildly competitive before he had been cut, after the cut he seemed even more competitive than ever, as if determined that it would never happen again. His coaches noticed it, too. “The first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. “We went over to Goldsboro, which was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up. There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out. The way he was playing I thought his team was down one point with two minutes to play. So I looked up at the clock and his team was down twenty points and there was only one minute to play. It was Michael, and I quickly learned he was always like that.”

Between the time he was cut and the start of basketball in his junior year, Jordan grew about four inches. The speed had always been there, and now he was stronger, and he could dunk .His hands had gotten much bigger, Smith noticed. He was as driven as ever, the hardest-working player on the team in practice. If he thought that his teammates were not working hard enough, he would get on them himself, and on occasion he pushed the coaches to get on them. Suddenly Laney High had the beginning of a very good basketball team, and its rising star was Michael Jordan.


  The God in Youth: Michael Jordan
  There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he would take his skill level.” The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.
  It was the worst day of Jordan’s young life. The list was alphabetical, so he focused on where the Js should be, and it wasn’t there, and he kept reading and rereading the list, hoping somehow that he had missed it, or that the alphabetical listing had been done incorrectly. That day he went home by himself and went to his room and cried. Smith understood what was happening — Michael, he knew, never wanted you to see him when he was hurt. “We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular. The entire varsity began to come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games. Smith noticed that while Jordan had been wildly competitive before he had been cut, after the cut he seemed even more competitive than ever, as if determined that it would never happen again. His coaches noticed it, too. “The first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. “We went over to Goldsboro, which was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up. There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out. The way he was playing I thought his team was down one point with two minutes to play. So I looked up at the clock and his team was down twenty points and there was only one minute to play. It was Michael, and I quickly learned he was always like that.”

  Between the time he was cut and the start of basketball in his junior year, Jordan grew about four inches. The speed had always been there, and now he was stronger, and he could dunk .His hands had gotten much bigger, Smith noticed. He was as driven as ever, the hardest-working player on the team in practice. If he thought that his teammates were not working hard enough, he would get on them himself, and on occasion he pushed the coaches to get on them. Suddenly Laney High had the beginning of a very good basketball team, and its rising star was Michael Jordan.

迈克尔 乔丹曾说过的名言 最经典的有哪些?

  1.Talent wins games,but teamwork wins championships.
  天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军 .

  2.I can accept defeat but could not accept to give up .

  3.When I step out on to the basketball court, I consider myself to be the best basketball player I can be. I have total confidence that once I step on the basketball court that I can do all the things that I'm capable of doing. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。

  4."We're entertainers. I don't think my job is more important than all the firemen and policemen's jobs each and every day. There is a place for relaxation, and I think that's where my responsibility lies. Hopefully, I can provide relaxation for some people." 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松!

  5.I'm not about the money. I don't care if I get paid a dime. I've said that many years. I'm going to play the game of basketball because I love it. 我不关心钱,我不在乎,哪怕我只是得到了很少的钱,我只想说在很长的岁月里,我尽力打了篮球,因为我热爱篮球!


  7."I'm not walking into this scenario thinking I'm failing. I'm walking in thinking I'm confident and pretty sure that I can make it work. If I sit here and listened to everyone else tell me that I can't do it, then obviously I wouldn't be here." 我不是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来的时候满怀信心,我相信仍然能够有所作为。如果我只是坐在这里听别人告诉我不能复出,那我肯定不会出现在这里。

  8."Physically, I know that I'm not 25 years old. I'm not stepping up and saying I will be 25 years old when I step on that court, but I feel like I can play the game of basketball at the highest level, and that's what I aim to do." “从身体上来说,我知道我已经不是25岁的年轻人了。当我走上赛场时,我也不会说我跟25岁时一样强壮,但我相信我可以的最高的水平,这也是我的目标。”

  9."I come from where you're expected to dominate and you are the target - everybody's shooting at you. Well, here, no one's expecting anything, so I'm kind of coming from the underdog aspect of things, which is kind of different, but yet it's fresh, it's new. We're not expected to win 50 games. From what I hear from most of you guys, we're not expected to win 30 games. And that's a challenge. I'm not coming in with these preconceived ideas that we're going to be 50-32. I'll be totally surprised if we're 50-32, but I think we can be far better than 19-63." 当我退役时,我可以控制赛场,我是每一个人欲打倒而后快的目标,但现在,没人对我有所指望,我是以低调的姿态出现的,这反差太大了,但这也很新鲜。没人指望我们会取得50场胜利,很多人说我们不会取得30场胜利。这是一个挑战……我并不是带着将取得50胜的信心复出的,如果我们50胜32负的话,我会很吃惊的,但我想我们肯定会比19胜63负好.

  10."I am going to have to be patient and let things fall into place and not expect myself to come out and score 40 or 50 points the first night. I'm just going to try to work my way back into the intensity of the game." 我将会有足够的耐心,我不敢奢望在第一场比赛就拿下40分或者50分。我将以自己的方式逐渐适应激烈的比赛 .

  11."If that was my concern, I wouldn't do this. I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step. If I fall, I fall, pick myself up and move on." 如果关心这个,我就不会复出了……我从不害怕挑战……我从不怕走出新的一步,如果我失败了,那我会爬起来重新开始.

  12."I'm all about challenges and seeing if I can go out and see if I can achieve something. If at the end of the day I do it, great. If I don't, I can live with myself."

  13."Everybody was so negative about what I was trying to do. If I read every newspaper about negative things that I was trying to do, I swear I wouldn't live in America. America's supposed to be the free will to do whatever you choose, do whatever you want to do. That's all I'm doing. I'm not committing a crime here. I'm just trying to play a game of basketball. What if I'm tired of playing YMCAs or the Boys and Girls Clubs? I want to step into the elite competition. If I can do it, great. If I can't, that's great, too. But you can't take my six championships away." 所有人都对我将要做的事情感到沮丧。如果我读了那些反对我复出的报纸,我发誓我肯定不能够在美国生存下去。美国的宗旨是随心所欲地做你想做的事。我现在正是这么做的,我不是在这里犯罪,我只是想打一场真正的篮球比赛。如果我厌倦了与小孩子的比赛,我会参加精英赛的。不论成败与否,都是好事。不管怎么说,你不能将我的六枚总冠军戒指剥夺。”

  14."The young dogs are going to chase me around. Well, I'm not going to bark too far away from them, either. I'm not running from nobody. If anything, it'll be a great challenge." 那些年轻的家伙将在场上追得我团团转,我也不会离他们太近的。如果是,那将会是一场很伟大的挑战。

  15."I'm not saying that I can take Kobe Bryant, that I can take Tracy McGrady. You guys are the only ones saying that they can take me. All good and fine. I'm pretty sure they're sitting back welcoming the challenge. Guess what - I'm sitting back welcoming the challenge, too." 我不是说我可以打败科比·布莱恩特,可以打败麦克格拉蒂。你们都说他们将取代我,我相信他们一定在迫不及待地想会会我,我也在急着见他们。

  16."I'm not walking into the dark. I know what I'm capable of doing. I know what's going to be expected of me. I know everybody's putting my head on the block. Everybody's motivated to come out and play against me. Everybody's motivated to come out and play against me. Well, everybody was motivated to play against me when I left. So things haven't changed."我不是走进黑暗,我知道自己的实力,我知道人们对我的期望,我知道每个人都想将我打败。当我离开时每个人都想与我比赛,现在也没有改变.

  17.If i could fly ,i would catch the sky .(Air Jordan. He has given all the audience a flying image.)

  18."Obviously, when I left the game, I left something on the floor. You guys may not be able to understand that. After we won the last title, I didn't sit down, ready to quit the game. I didn't want to go through the whole rebuilding process at that time. If Phil (Jackson) had stayed there and the team had stayed intact, I would have still been playing." 很显然,在我离开比赛时,我在赛场上留下了一些东西。你们也许不会懂,当我们取得最后一个总冠军时,我并没有打算退役,我并没有打算在当时推翻建立起来的基业。如果菲尔(杰克逊)呆在公牛队的话,我现在还会在比赛。”

  19."There's an itch that still needs to be scratched here, and I want to make sure the scratch doesn't bother me for the rest of my life." 如果自己被当作某场比赛的最佳球员,我就得向人们展示自己有那种水平,是因为我比别 人更努力、付出更多。我的成功并非来自安逸享受。(这句的原文不太一致)

  20."I didn't realize the scratch was still there until I got close to the game, became involved in the responsibility, got close to the players. I understood that the competition created an itch. What I'm trying to do now is get that last scratch in - so that when I walk away I don't have to worry about that itch." 在我接近比赛之前,参加了比赛接近运动员之前,我没有意识到这痒。我现在要做的就是挠最后一痒,当我再次离开时我就不会有所遗憾了.

  21."A lot of people were very nervous about me stopping the growth of the NBA because of my participation. I'm here to aid, to help, and at the same time, get that itch scratched. I'm not asking for the league to market me in any way. I'm not asking them to put me on television. I just want to play the game of basketball." 许多人都担心我的复出会让NBA的成长停止。我就是出来帮助(NBA成长)的。我没有让他们在商场挂我的Logo,我也没有叫他们用电视转播我的比赛,我打篮球只是出于对这项运动的热爱。


  24.我聆听着人们对我的称赞,我享受着成功带来的喜悦,我知道自己所追求的是什么,但是 ,我从来没有停止过向更高境界迈进的脚步。

  25.I love this game!

  26.step by step,I can not see any other way of accomplishing anything.

  27.I am back! (乔丹最经典名言)


Jordan,读作: ['dʒɔ:rdn] ,约旦(国家),乔丹,多用于男子名。例句:1、He was an excellent player, but he was overshadowed by Jordan. 他是一名杰出的运动员,但乔丹的才华令他黯然失色。2、Mike: I like Jordan. 麦克:我喜欢乔丹。3、The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan 总统下令对美国向约旦提供的经济援助进行审查。扩展资料用jordan做名字的人和物:1、迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan)2、哈尔·乔丹(Hal Jordan)即绿灯侠(Green Lantern),是美国DC漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《展示橱》(Showcase)第22期(1959年10月),由约翰·布鲁姆(John Broome)和吉尔·凯恩(Gil Kane)联合创造。3、乔丹·希尔(Jordan Hill),1987年7月27日出生于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,美国职业篮球运动员,司职大前锋/中锋,现为自由球员。4、Jordan river,约旦河源于叙利亚境内的赫尔蒙山,向南流经以色列,在约旦境内注入死海,全长360多公里,它是世界上海拔最低的河流。


迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日-):美国NBA著名篮球运动员,被称为“空中飞人”。他在篮球职业生涯中创造了刷屏般不胜枚举的纪录,是公认的全世界最棒的篮球运动员,也是NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”称号的巨星。他将NBA推广至全球每个角落,成为好莱坞以外又一无可阻挡的美国文化,他为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿以上。2010年3月19日,已经退役的迈克尔·乔丹成功收购NBA夏洛特山猫队,成为山猫队的老板。2011年9月,乔丹已与相恋多年的古巴名模女友伊薇特·普列托订婚。


.Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface”Capone.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal.Almost single-handedly,Jordan turned Chicago's image on its head,as the city on the shore of Lake Michigan moved from crime capital to basketball capital of America.Jordan is widely regarded as the sports greatest player,and his retirement announcement in early 1999 came as a blow to the sport and to his millions of fans in America and around the world.

His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents,but his graciousness made him an American and international icon.He is most famous as the face of Nike,the athletics shoe and clothing company whose products he has endorsed for the past decade.

Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire,thanks to lucrative product endorsement deals such as his Nike promotion.As his fortune grew he put money back into the community,creating a foundation to fund athletics facilities and other projects for children from the inner city of Chicago,his adopted home.Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel most comfortable,and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time“most respected newsmakers.”

But not everyone thought well of him.Some critics said he set a bad example,on and off the basketball court.He gambled;sometimes he mocked opponents during game and when the Nike company was accused of unfair labour practices,he virtually ignored the controversy.Certain black Americans accused him of dismissing less fortunate blacks,many of whom could not afford the expensive shoes marketed by Nike under the “Air Jordan”brand.

His easy charm ensured that he remained popular with the vast majority of basketball supporters,despite these criticisms.And none of those who criticised his behavior could do the same when it came to his athletic performance.Nobody could undermine his achievements.

Jordan was born on February 17,1963,is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 98kg.College players of the Year in 1983-4,he joined the struggling Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season.By the next year,the Bulls had started a winning streak.In the 1986 season Jordan shot 3041 points,the third-highest score ever.In 1987 he was named the National Basketball Association (NBA) Slam Dunk Champion.He first won the Most valuable player award in 1988,an honour repeated four times in the 10 years to 1998.He guided his team to six championship wins during the 1990s,scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals including the winning point in the game's closing seconds.

Over his career,Jordan captured 10 consecutive scoring titles.His jumping ability at goal was matched by excellent court and team play.Jordan retired from the club and the game in 1993,in pursuit of a dream to play basketball,but he returned to the baketball court and the Chicago Bulls in 1995.

In 1996 he was named one of the 50 greatest players in history.

2.Michael Jordan, the best known athlete in the world, is a leading scorer in the National Basketball Association (NBA), who led the Chicago Bulls to many recent NBA championships. He is, by far, and will be for a time to come, the best basketball player in the history of the game. Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. He accepted a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina and as a freshman scored the winning basket in the 1982 NCAA championship game against the Hoyas of Georgetown. Jordan was selected college player of the year for the 1983-1984 season, and in 1984 he led the United States basketball team to a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
Jordan left college in 1984 to play with the Bulls. He finished his first season (1984-1985) as one of the top scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. He was also named rookie of the year and made the first of his nine All-Star game appearances. Jordan finished the 1986-1987 season as the second player, after Wilt Chamberlain, to score more than 3000 points in a single season. He led the NBA in scoring for seven consecutive seasons (1987-1993), tying Chamberlain's record, and averaged more than 30 points per game in each season. He also became the Bulls' all-time leading scorer and set numerous scoring records, including most points in a playoff game (63 points against the Boston Celtics in 1986); and highest scoring average for an NBA championship series (41 points per game in the 1993 NBA finals). He led the Chicago Bulls to their first NBA championship title in 1991; with Jordan, the Bulls won again in 1992 and 1993. In addition to his three league Most Valuable Player awards (1988, 1991, 1992), Jordan won the All-Star game MVP award twice (1988, 1996) and a record three-consecutive NBA championship series MVP awards (1991-1993). Jordan was also a member of the United States Olympic basketball team, known as the Dream Team, that captured the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.

Stating that he had lost his desire to play professional basketball, Jordan announced his retirement prior to the 1993-1994 season. Initially noted for his scoring, his tenacious defensive play had made him one of the greatest all-around basketball players in NBA history. He had also become a worldwide celebrity due to his success in the NBA and the Olympics, and his numerous commercial endorsements.

Early in 1994 Jordan returned to professional sports, this time as a baseball player. He signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox of the American League (AL), reported to spring training, and was assigned to the team's minor league system. That summer he batted .202 with the Birmingham Barons, a class AA affiliate of the White Sox. Later in the year he batted .252 with the Scottsdale Scorpions in the Arizona Fall League. Jordan ended his retirement from professional basketball by rejoining the Bulls near the end of the 1994-1995 NBA regular season. In the 1995-1996 season he enjoyed another great year, leading the NBA in scoring with 30.4 points per game and being named league MVP. The Bulls also became the first NBA team to win 70 games in a season, finishing with 72 victories, and they went on to win the NBA championship title. Jordan was named MVP of the NBA finals, becoming the first player to earn the honor four times.


位 置:后卫
司 职:后卫   

主要战绩: 6次获得NBA总冠军:(1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97 和1997-98)
荣誉: 1985年获NBA年度最佳新人奖 6次当选NBA总决赛最有价值球员:(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998)
5次当选NBA最有价值球员:(1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998)
3次当选NBA全明星赛最有价值球员:(1988, 1996, 1998)

NBA职业生涯总得分:29,277 列NBA第4位




  迈克尔·乔丹(英语:Michael Jeffrey Jordan,1963年2月17日-)男,也译作米高·杰佛瑞·佐敦。是前美国NBA职业篮球运动员,身高6英尺6英寸(1.98米),主打位置为得分后卫或小前锋,球衣背号为23号。1984年毕业于美国北卡罗莱那州的北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,在NBA选秀中以第一轮第三顺位被芝加哥公牛队选中。在15年的NBA篮球生涯中,先后宣布退休3次,前13个赛季效力于芝加哥公牛队,生涯最后两季则在华盛顿奇才队度过;目前是夏洛特山猫队的老板。在15年中,佐敦总共获得6次总冠军,5次最有价值球员,6次总决赛最有价值球员,10次入选年度最佳阵容,更史无前例地获得十届得分王,其中有七届(1987~93)是蝉联。他目前仍保持NBA常规赛球员职业生涯的每场平均得分最高纪录(30.12分)和季后赛每场平均得分最高纪录(33.45分)。他在2009年入选篮球名人堂。在NBA官方网站里,迈克尔·乔丹传记的第一句为:“在齐声喝采中,米高·佐敦是史上最伟大的篮球员。”
  纠错 编辑摘要
  1 人物档案
  2 婚姻家庭
  3 职业生涯
  4 商业活动
  5 职业年史
  迈克尔·乔丹 - 人物档案

  父亲:詹姆斯·乔丹James Jordan
  母亲:德洛丽斯·乔丹Deloris Jordan
  毕业学校:北卡罗来纳大学(North Carolina)84年毕业.选秀: 1984年第1轮第3位
  最喜欢的歌曲:《空中大灌篮》的主题曲:《I believe I can fly》
  迈克尔·乔丹 - 婚姻家庭
  迈克尔·乔丹 - 职业生涯
  在1985-1986赛季的第三场比赛中,乔丹脚部骨折缺席64场比赛。尽管如此,芝加哥公牛队还是杀入季后赛,但最终被劲敌波士顿凯尔特人队击败。在第二场比赛中,乔丹历史性地独得63分,成为迄今为止NBA历史上季后赛的个人最好成绩。这场比赛后,凯尔特人队主将拉里·伯德 (Larry Bird) 评价乔丹是“上帝化装成的”。

  接下来的赛季成就了乔丹联盟最佳球员的地位。在常规赛中,他8次得分50分以上,平均每场得分37.1分,成为了继张伯伦后第二个在一个赛季得分3000分以上的球员。在NBA最有价值球员的投票评比中,他击败了魔术师约翰逊 (Magic Johnson)。
  1988-89赛季,乔丹平均每场得分32.5分,8个篮板球和8次助攻,并往往在关键时刻发挥巨大作用。公牛队凭借乔丹及新秀斯科蒂·皮蓬 (Scottie Pippen) 和霍瑞斯·格兰特 (Horace Grant) 的发挥,在东部半决赛中击败了纽约尼克斯队但最终再次负于底特律活塞队。1989-90赛季,主教练菲尔·杰克逊 (Phil Jackson) 执教公牛队,乔丹平均每场得33.6分,6.9个篮板和6.3次助攻,在最有价值球员评选中列第3位。公牛队在东部赛区的比赛中再次被活塞队击败。
  1992-93赛季,乔丹平均每场得分32.6分,得6.7个篮板球和5.5次助攻,但失去了赛季最有价值球员的奖项(被查尔斯·巴克利 (Charles Barkley) 获得)。但在公牛队击败菲尼克斯太阳队,第三次夺得NBA总冠军后,他第三次获得总决赛最有价值球员。
  1993年10月,由于父亲被杀,乔丹首度宣布退役,震憾整个篮球界。1994年,他签约芝加哥白袜队(Birmingham Barons, 2A),开始了短暂的棒球职业生涯。

  1995-96赛季,由于加入了一位优秀的篮板好手丹尼斯·罗德曼(Dennis Rodman),公牛队的实力得以空前增强,加上上一赛季乔丹深深被失败所刺激,公牛队打得更加疯狂:开局10胜2负后,在接下来的32场比赛中狂胜31场,包括球队历史最佳的18连胜,并且以72胜10负的成绩获得NBA历史上最好的赛季成绩,还有33胜8负的历史最佳客场战绩。乔丹获得常规赛及全明星赛双料最有价值球员。在季后赛中,公牛队仅输3场,并最终战胜西雅图超音速队获总冠军。乔丹第四次获得总决赛最有价值球员,超过魔术师约翰逊所保持的纪录。
  在1996-97赛季,乔丹带领公牛队获69胜13负的成绩。但在这一年,他被卡尔·马龙 (Karl Malone) 取代最有价值球员的位置。在总决赛中,他们面对马龙率领的劲敌犹他爵士队。乔丹的篮球天赋与球场的灵魂作用再一次展现,在第一局比赛中,他以一个压哨球击败爵士队。在第五场最终决赛中(前4场双方战成2-2平),尽管因为食物中毒有发烧及脱水之病状,乔丹仍独得38分,并最终帮助公牛队以90-88取得关键的第五战胜利。最终公牛队以4-2赢得第5次NBA总冠军,而他则再一次当之无愧地获得总决赛最有价值球员的称号。

  在前5场比赛中战成3-2后,公牛队与爵士队进行第6场比赛。比赛中,乔丹的一个动作造就了NBA历史上最伟大、最经典又饱受争议的投篮:在比赛的最后一分钟,当公牛队以83-86落后时,主教练杰克逊叫了暂停。乔丹接到传球后投篮命中,将比分追至85-86。爵士队发球后传至前场底线的马龙,马龙与防守他的罗德曼对抗后占上风,但突然被乔丹断球。随后乔丹运球至前场,面对着防守他的爵士队的队员布莱恩·拉塞尔 (Bryon Russell),他先是向右路突破,然后在罚球弧附近突然变向。布莱恩·拉塞尔因为刹不住车而滑倒。这样,在无人防守的情况下,乔丹在比赛还有5.2秒时将比分反超。爵士队的最后一击虽然成功传到了斯托克顿手中,却因哈帕的干扰而没能命中。最终,公牛队以一分的微弱优势再次战胜爵士队,第6次夺得总冠军。乔丹在总决赛中平均每场得分30分以上,第6场得分45分,第6次获得总决赛最有价值球员。乔丹的6次总决赛最有价值球员的成绩,是排在他之后的魔术师约翰逊、沙奎尔·奥尼尔 (Shaquille O'Neal) 和蒂姆·邓肯 (Tim Duncan) 成绩(均为3次)的整整2倍。

  乔丹曾两次参加奥运会美国篮球队“梦之队”并获得金牌,分别为:1984年洛杉矶奥运会和1992年巴塞罗那奥运会。梦之队的其他著名球员还包括:魔术师约翰逊、拉里·伯德、查尔斯·巴克利、斯科蒂·皮蓬、卡尔·马龙、约翰·斯托克顿 (John Stockton)、大卫·罗宾逊 (David Robinson)、克里斯·穆林 (Chris Mullin)、克莱德·德雷克斯勒 (Clyde Drexler) 和帕特里克·尤因 (Patrick Ewing) 等。 值得注意的是,在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会美国队公布大名单的时候,联盟最出色的小个子控球后卫伊塞亚·托马斯没有出现在名单里面。这是因为乔丹由于个人恩怨(包括1984年全明星赛托马斯孤立乔丹,和活塞队的野蛮战术)向美国奥运领队提出:“我可以去奥运会,但是活塞队那个小个子不能去。”由于当时魔术师约翰逊和拉里·伯德皆因琐事困扰(约翰逊是艾滋病阳性,伯德是肩伤复发)而有可能无法参赛,美国队只能接受乔丹的要求。
  乔丹在声明中说道,“我非常高兴能拥有这个机会,去打造一支胜利的团队,而且这还是我家乡北卡罗来纳的球队。我将把山猫变成令夏洛特人自豪的球队,为此,我将竭尽所能。” [2]
  迈克尔·乔丹 - 商业活动
  作为体育史上最耀眼的巨星之一,乔丹一直是各大商家争夺的对象。由他代言过的品牌包括:Nike、开特力饮料(Gatorade)、恒适服饰(Hanes)、麦当劳、Ball Park Franks热狗、雷诺威电池(Rayovac)及MCI电信等。 以他的名字命名的“飞人乔丹”篮球鞋一度成为篮球迷们争相购买的产品。
  1996年,乔丹与兔宝宝等众多好莱坞卡通明星共同出演电影《空中大灌篮》(Space Jam),整部影片耗资近1.2亿美元。不幸的是这部电影被美国《体育画刊》杂志评为历史上最差的体育电影,形容它的“商业味道让华纳卡通明星过去那种自由自在的精神荡然无存,迈克尔·乔丹的国王风范被彻底荡涤”。
  迈克尔·乔丹 - 职业年史
  1984年 乔丹终场前17秒决定性的一投,使北卡罗莱纳大学以63比62战胜了尤因率领的乔治敦大学,夺得NCAA总冠军。
  1985年 以优异的表现荣获NBA年度最佳新人奖。
  1986年 由于受伤,大部分比赛无法参加,论为看客。
  1987年 荣获NBA年度“得分王”称号。
  1988年 荣获常规赛最有价值球员称号,全明星赛最有价值球员称号,NBA年度最佳防守球员称号。
  1989年 荣获NBA年度“得分王”称号。
  1990年 荣获NBA年度“得分王”称号。
  1991年 率队以4比1战胜落衫机湖人队,夺得第一个总冠军。
  1992年 带领公牛队以4比2击败波特兰开拓者队,蝉联总冠军。



