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my days

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-14 09:24:15编辑:皮带君

窦靖童靖童my days中文歌词

My Days我的时代 I was sitting by my door,我坐在自家门口,A couple of things I can’t ignore:冒出些缠人念头:Am I wise or am I just a fool?我算聪明人,还是傻得透?Strangers passing by,陌生人擦肩而过,Say ‘hello’, eye to eye.说声‘嗨’,目光交错,Do they think the same things as I do?他们是否和我有同样念头?I wanna escape, leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll till the sky.(?)我要追逐世界,开垦天空。(?) Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界,Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。 To see in white and black,就像看一场黑白电影,Face to face but back to back.面不改色地同床异梦。Feel the shadow everywhere I go.我在每个角落看见阴影。I’m facing down the street,我大步走上街,Tracing back ten more feet. (?)试着往回寻找,(?)Is there one place only I would know?有没有一个地方只有我知道I wanna escape, leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll till the sky. (?)我要追逐世界,开垦天空。 (?) Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界。Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。

求窦靖童 my days 歌词!

With You

By Leah Dou Jingtong

There isn't a minute I would spend without you
There isn't a moment I would breathe without you
Every piece of my heart belongs to you
Nothing can stop us now

I walked in with a smile on my face
Cause seeing you makes me feel living grace
So I need to tell you right, right now something

I know you're scare of what the future holds
Don't get me wrong cause I do too
But right now I can tell you
You don't have to fear

Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower
Without you I can't live for an hour
I say you are crazy but I know that it is true
that if there was a forever I would spend with you
With you ...

You say 'You're down, what's on your mind ?'
I say 'Nothing, but I am hypnotized'
But would this moment last forever, forever

I know you're scare of what the future holds
Don't get me wrong cause I do too
But right now I can tell you
You don't have to fear

Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower
Without you I can't live for an hour
I say you are crazy but I know that it is true
that if there was a forever I would spend with you
With you ...

求窦靖童新歌《My Days》 中英对照歌词

My Days谱 曲:Leah Dou 编 曲:Leah Dou填 词:Leah DouI was sitting by my door,我坐在自家门口,Couple of things I can’t ignore:冒出些缠人念头:Am I wise or am I just a fool?我算聪明人,还是傻得透?Strangers passing by,陌生人擦肩而过,Say ‘hello’, eye to eye.说声‘嗨’,目光交错,Do they think the same things as I do?他们是否和我有同样念头?I'll run escape leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll tell the sky.我要追逐世界,开垦天空。Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界,Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。They see in white and black,就像看一场黑白电影,Face to face but back to back.面不改色地同床异梦。There's a shadow everywhere I go.我在每个角落看见阴影。I’m pacing down the street,我大步走上街,Tracing back to my feet.试着往回寻找,Is there one place only I would know?有没有一个地方只有我知道I'll escape leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll tell the sky.我要追逐世界,开垦天空。Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界。Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。扩展资料:《My Days》,是窦靖童的第四首原创歌曲,也是她推出的个人首支MV。窦靖童遗传了爸爸窦唯和妈妈王菲的优质嗓音,唱歌时有一种独特的魅力。《My Days》一经上传,得到了大家的喜爱以及疯狂转载,可想而知大家对窦靖童唱歌水平的肯定。窦靖童在个人主页上传新歌《My Days》的MV,MV中童童以中性打扮,十分有个性,且拍得非常专业。MV的突出之处在于用黑白影像记录生活。MV在网上热传,得到了众多网友的喜爱,而其母王菲也在微博表扬自己女儿的歌曲:“好听,会演!”陈坤、姚晨、张一白等名人也给予转发。

My Day什么意思

make my day翻译:让我高兴示例:1.You make my day. you're not like all the other cops. 你让我很高兴。你跟其他警察都不一样。2.You are so wonderful; you always make my day. 你实在太好了,你时时令我愉快。3.Well, I know what would make my day. Let's go out to have brunch? 我知道怎样会让我整天都快活起来。我们何不去外头餐厅吃早午餐呢?4.That would make my day! He is such a stud-muffin. 如果是他就好了,他是个开心果。5.Gee, thanks. you make my day. 哈,谢谢。你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。6.What can I do now is to make my day significant, and to strive for a perfect, atleast good opportunity for me to come back to the place I am yearning for dayand night. 7.我现在所能做的就是让我的生活过得有意义,为了能够有一个绝佳的机会,至少是一个好机会,让我回到那个我朝思暮想的地方,而努力。8.To say "make my day" means "do something that'll really please me". 指的是“做点什么事情让我乐一下”。9.it would make my day. 它会使我今天很高兴。10.Make my blood day and night boil amain. 在躯体内,血液日夜沸腾。拓展资料make my trip:规划我的旅行1.Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to America interesting. 谢谢你的多方帮助,使我的美国之行,极为有趣。2.Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)( resultful). 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。3.I think I had better make a plan for my trip. 我认为我最好制定一个旅行计划。

跪求永远的七日之都的op my days

作曲 : とくP,作词 : MARiA,梦と现実(リアル)の暧昧 混ざり合って,梦与现实(REAL)的暧昧 交错混杂,融け出した黒が 饮み込んでいく,唯有咽下那 融化而出的漆黑,见上げた空はいつも 大きすぎて,抬头仰望 天空依旧辽阔无边,ちっぽけなボクを 笑ってるようだ,仿佛在嘲弄着 渺小无助的我,意味の无いことなど 1つも无いんだ,这世界上本没有什么 毫无意义的事,失うことでしか 手に入らないモノもあった,有些东西唯有失去之后 方能握入掌心,いつか结びついて「答え」に繋がっていくから,总有一天 我们会找到与之关联的「答案」,止まることない悲しみ 越えていこう,跨越永无止境的 哀恨情仇,これはきっと终わりじゃなくて始まりへと向かうCount Down,这绝非终结 而是奔赴全新开端的倒计时(Count Down),

求school days的op的罗马音…

Plastic Lies みつめるだけで満たされた
Mi tu me ru da ke de mi ta sa re ta

Paper Heart あの顷には戻れないから…
A no ko ro ni ha mo do re na yi ka ra

ひと目 あなたに逢いたくて 声が聴きたくて
Hi to me a na ta ni a yi ta ku te ko e ga ki ki ta ku te
想见你一面 想听听你的声音

駆け抜けた街角で 息を止めた
Ka ke nu ke ta mi chi ka do de yi ki wo to me ta
穿过街角 屏住呼吸

月が照らすふたりの影 不意に重なって
Tu ki ga te ra su hu ta ri no ka ge hu yi ni ka sa na te
月光映着我俩的影子 竟不经意地重叠在一起

立ちすくむ 永远より长い一瞬
Ta chi su ku mu eyi en yo ri na ga yi yi shun
呆呆地站着 那一瞬间比永远更长

いつも あなたの隣で はしゃぐ私がいたよね
Yi tu mo a na ta no to na ri de ha sya gu wa ta shi ga yi ta yo ne
以前 你的身旁总是有着淘气的我

ひとつ またひとつ消える 私だけの场所
Hi to tu ma ta hi to tu ki e ru wa ta shi da ke no ba syo
一个 又一个地消失 只剩下我一个

Plastic Lies みつめるよりは幸せと
Mi tu me ru yo ri ha shi a wa se to

Paper Heart 自分についた嘘が騒ぐ
Ji bun ni tu yi ta u so ga sa wa gu

情けないほどに 爱してる
Na sa ke na yi ho do ni a yi shi te ru

Ya ri ba no na yi jyou ne tu da ke no ko ta

きっと谁もが臆病な 素颜隠すため
Ki to da re mo ga o ku byou na su ga o ka ku su ta me
肯定 谁都是在胆小地藏起自己的脸

无理に笑う事ばかり 上手くなるね
Mu ri ni wa ra u ko to ba ka ri jyou zu ku na ru ne
都是些强颜欢笑 变得很擅长

时が経てば忘れられる そんななぐさめも
To ki ga ta te ba wa su re ra re ru so n na na gu sa me mo
经过时间的洗刷就能忘记 你给的那种安慰也会随之一起

虚しいほど本気だって 気付けなかった
Mu na shi yi ho do hon ki da te ki zu ke na ka ta
真心变的如此空虚 我竟没有注意到

どこへ逃げても苦しい 思い出ばかり溢れて
Do ko he ni ge te mo ku ru shi yi o mo yi de ba ka ri a hu re te
逃到哪里都逃不出痛苦 回忆却在漫溢

无口すぎる优しさが 今は罪になる
Mu ku chi su gi ru ya sa shi sa ga yi ma ha tu mi ni na ru
沉默寡言的温柔 现在却是一种罪

Plastic Night フェンス越しの夜空に见た
Fe n su go shi no yo zo ra ni mi ta
(塑料似的夜晚)越过围墙 遥望夜空

Paper moon 冷たい月明かりに叹く
Tu me ta yi tu ki a ta ri ni na ge ku

Ka ko chi yo ru u ne ri ni yo ri ku ra ku

Yu re ru o mo yi da ki shi me te sa ke bu no

Still I Love You

英语作文My Day:我的一天

My Day英语优秀范文网上可多了,但只有自己掌握才是真本事!分享免费的欧美外教一对一试课给大家,跟着外教学习丰富的英语写作知识!【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,口语地道标准,除了能快速提升写作水平外,还能跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

my day英语作文 50词 三段式

Today is Sunday.
I get up at 6:30 in the morning. At 7:00 I have breakfast with my parents. Later, my friends call me to go to the West Hill for a picnic. We take many kinds of food there.At lunchtime, Jack and Mary cook for us and I get some water. Lucy would like to fly a kite with us, but we have no time. So she plays with her dog, Wangwang.
We have a happy day.

my day英语作文用一般过去式加翻译的女人

上周日,我和山姆去了动物园。8:00,我们来到了超市买了面包,火腿,饮料。出了超市,我们打算乘公共汽车。天气很好,很多人都去动物园,我们决定步行去动物园。一路上,我们互相讲故事,不知不觉就到了动物园。在动物园里,我们观赏了大象表演,参观了各种各样的野生动物,度过了一个快乐而有意义的一天。Last Sunay, I went to the zoo and Sam.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weather was good, a lot of people go to the zoo, we decided to walk to the zoo. Along the way, we tell each other stories, unknowingly went to the zoo. In the zoo, we saw an elephant show, watch the variety of wildlife, spent a happy and meaningful day.


my day
I have his breakfast at 7:00 。 I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at 7:00 . I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school on foot at 7:10 . Class begin at 8:00 I have four classes in morning. At 11:30, He has lunch at school. . I have four classes in the afternoon. I have math ,English ,Chinese , and art ,i like them very much I Play football at half past four in the afternoon 。 i go home at 5:30. I have his supper at 6:00 I do his homework at 7:00. He watches TV for about half an hour . i go to bed at nine . This is my day 翻译 我六点起床。我吃早餐在7点。我吃面条为早餐。我在7:10步行上学。课程8点开始。我在早上有四节课。十一点半,我在学校吃午饭。。我有四节课在下午。我上数学,英语,中文,和艺术。我非常喜欢它们 我踢足球在下午4点半 ,我5:30回家。我吃晚餐6点 我在7点做作业。我看半个小时的电视。我九点上床睡觉。 这是我的一天

你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

MYday 英语作文60词左右

My day【原创】 I have his breakfast at 7:00 i get up at 6:00. i have my breakfast at 7:00 . i have noodles for breakfast.I go to school on foot at 7:10 . Class begin at 8:00 I have four classes in morning. At 11:30, He has lunch at school. . I have four classes in the afternoon. I have math ,English ,Chinese , and art ,i like them very much I Play football at half past four in the afternoon 。 i go home at 5:30. I have his supper at 6:00 I do his homework at 7:00. He watches TV for about half an hour . i go to bed at nine . This is my day 我六点起床。我吃早餐在7点。我吃面条为早餐。我在7:10步行上学。课程8点开 始。我在早上有四节课。十一点半,我在学校吃午饭。。我有四节课在下午。我上 数学,英语,中文,和艺术。我非常喜欢它们 我踢足球在下午4点半 ,我5:30回家。我吃晚餐6点 我在7点做作业。我看半个 小时的电视。我九点上床睡觉。 这是我的一天 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

英语小作文 题目 Open day at my school

Open day at my school
Every morning I go to school by bike. I have 7 lessons a day. I learn seven subjects, such as English, Chinese, Maths,Geography, History, Physical Education and so on. All the teachers in our school work very hard. They do their best to help us with our studies. We are busy having lessons in the morning.At noon, we can borrow different kinds of books from the library. Sometimes we are allowed to.



