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i am me

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-10 15:14:57编辑:皮带君

英语中有yes,i am not.吗?

http://www.it-info.net/success/2006920-38890.html-- 中外文化差异比较 在开放的现代社会,跨文化的言语交际显得愈发重要,已经成为现代交际中引人注目的一个特点。交际中的文化差异随处可见,言语环境中的文化因素受到普遍重视。下面是英汉文化中十大常见差异。 1.回答提问 中国人对别人的问话,总是以肯定或否定对方的话来确定用“对”或者“不对”。如: “我想你不到20岁,对吗?” “是的,我不到20岁。” (“不,我已经30岁了。”) 英语中,对别人的问话,总是依据事实结果的肯定或否定用“Yes”或者“No”。如: “You\'re not a student,are you?” “Yes,I am.” (“No,I am not.”) 2.亲属称谓 英语的亲属以家庭为中心,一代人为一个称谓板块,只区别男性、女性,却忽视配偶双方因性别不同而出现的称谓差异。显得男女平等。如: 英文“grandparents,grandfather,grandmother”,而中文“祖辈、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆”。 再如,父母同辈中的称谓:英文“uncle”和“aunt”,而中文“伯伯、叔叔、舅舅等,姑妈、姨妈等”。 还有,英文中的表示下辈的“nephew和 niece”是不分侄甥的,表示同辈的“cousin”不分堂表、性别。 3.考虑问题的主体 中国人喜欢以对方为中心,考虑对方的情感。比如: 你想买什么? 您想借什么书? 而英语中,往往从自身的角度出发。如: Can I help you? What can I do for you? 4.问候用语 中国人打招呼,一般都以对方处境或动向为思维出发点。如: 您去哪里? 您是上班还是下班? 而西方人往往认为这些纯属个人私事,不能随便问。所以他们见面打招呼总是说: Hi/Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! How are you? It\'s a lovely day,isn\'t it? 5.面对恭维 中国人的传统美德是谦虚谨慎,对别人的恭维和夸奖应是推辞。如: “您的英语讲得真好。” “哪里,哪里,一点也不行。” “菜做得很好吃。” “过奖,过奖,做得不好,请原谅。” 西方人从来不过分谦虚,对恭维一般表示谢意,表现出一种自强自信的信念。如: “You can speak very good French.” “Thank you.” “It\'s a wonderful dish!” “I am glad you like it.” 所以,学生要注意当说英语的人称赞你时,千万不要回答:“No,I don\'t think so.”这种回答在西方人看来是不礼貌的,甚至是虚伪的。 6.电话用语 中国人打电话时的用语与平时讲话用语没有多少差异。 “喂,您好。麻烦您叫一声王伟接电话。”“我是张英,请问您是谁?” 英语中打电话与平时用语差别很大。如:“Hello,this is John speaking.” “Could I speak to Tom please?” “Is that Mary speaking?” 西方人一接到电话一般都先报自己的号码或者工作单位的名称。如: “Hello,52164768,this is Jim.” 中国学生刚开始学英语会犯这样的错误: “Hello,who are you please?” 7.接受礼物 中国人收到礼物时,一般是放在一旁,确信客人走后,才迫不及待地拆开。受礼时连声说: “哎呀,还送礼物干什么?” “真是不好意思啦。” “下不为例。” “让您破费了。” 西方人收到礼物时,一般当着客人的面马上打开,并连声称好: “Very beautiful!Wow!” “What a wonderful gift it is!” “Thank you for your present.” 8.称呼用语 中国人见面时喜欢问对方的年龄、收入、家庭等。而西方人很反感别人问及这些私事。西方人之间,如没有血缘关系,对男子统称呼“Mr.”,对未婚女士统称“Miss”,对已婚女士统称“Mrs.”。 中国人重视家庭、亲情,认为血浓于水。为了表示礼貌,对陌生人也要以亲属关系称呼。如: “大爷、大娘、大叔、大婶、大哥、大姐等”。 9.体贴他人 在西方,向别人提供帮助、关心、同情等的方式和程度是根据接受方愿意接受的程度来定的;而中国人帮起忙来一般是热情洋溢,无微不至。例如:一位中国留学生在美国看到一位老教授蹒跚过车水马龙的马路,出于同情心,他飞步上前挽住老人,要送他过去,但是他得到的却是怒目而视。请看下面的对话: Chinese student:Mr.White,you are so pale,are you sick? English teacher:Well...yes.I have got a bad cold for several days. Chinese student:Well,you should go to a clinic and see the doctor as soon as possible. English teacher:Er...what do you mean? 中国人建议患上感冒的人马上去看医生,表示真诚的关心。而美国人对此不理解,会认为难道他的病有如此严重吗?因此,只要回答:“I\'m sorry to hear that.”就够了。 10.请客吃饭 中国人招待客人时,一般都准备了满桌美味佳肴,不断地劝客人享用,自己还谦虚:“没什么菜,吃顿便饭。薄酒一杯,不成敬意。”行动上多以主人为客人夹菜为礼。 西方人会对此大惑不解:明明这么多菜,却说没什么菜,这不是实事求是的行为。而他们请客吃饭,菜肴特别简单,经常以数量不多的蔬菜为可口的上等菜,席间劝客仅仅说:“Help yourself to some vegetables,please.”吃喝由客人自便自定。 可见在学习语言的过程中,不可忽视语言交际中的文化倾向,要适时导入相关的文化背景知识,以充实学习者的知识结构,提高认知能力。 http://d.baidu.com/rs.phpq=%D6%D0%CD%E2%CE%C4%BB%AF%B5%C4%B2%EE%D2%EC&tn=baidusite 中外文化差异 作者:佚名 第一幕:一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的美国老师 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA.对这番话,美国女教师一脸难堪的样子。 文化差异:中国人介绍来宾,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞。但美国人认为,初次结识,相互介绍,不必评头论足。凡是主观性的评论,尽管是美言,也会给人唐突、强加的感觉。对以上那番话,美国女教师感到难堪的是pretty和good两个词。在那种场合,介绍应该突出背介绍人的身份、学历、职务等,而不应该是外貌和抽象的评论。相比之下,如果把pretty和good改成实际教育背景和经历,这样的介绍句比较客观,令人容易接受。比较下面改变措辞的介绍: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA., Miss Ann Brown. She is a doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language. 特别忠告:介绍客人要介绍客观事实,不要主观评论。要注重身份,不要着眼外貌。 第二幕:一位美国同事感冒了,中国同事表示关心 Chinese: You look pale. What's the matter American: I'm feeling sick. A cold, maybe. Chinese: Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills Chinese medicine works wonderful. Would you like to try Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. American: You are not my mother, are you 文化差异:美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不能使对方认为自己小看他的能力。美国人对上面第一句话的反应通常是"Take care of yourself. I hope you'll be better soon."不必教人怎么做。中国人则以出主意提建议表示关心,而且以兄弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻,或以过来人的口气,这对美国人行不通。 特别忠告:对病人表示关心,不必尽提建议。 特别成就感:(1)I'm sorry to hear that (you've got a bad cold). (2)I hope you'll be all right very soon. (3)Take extra care of yourself. (4)That's too bad. What's the matter (5)How are you feeling now 第三幕:有空来坐坐 一位美国教师在中国任教,中国同事总是对她说:"有空来坐坐"。可是,半年过去了,美国同事从来没有上过门。中国同事又对她说:"我真的欢迎你来家里坐坐。如果没空的话,随时打电话来聊聊也行。"一年下来,美国同事既没有来电话,也没有来访。奇怪的事,这位美国人常为没人邀请她而苦恼。 文化差异:中国亲朋好友合同事之间的串门很随便,邀请别人来访无需喂对方确定时间,自己去探访别人无需郑重其事征得同意。美国人则没有串门的习惯。一年内遇到大节日,亲朋好友才到家里聚一聚。平时如果有事上门,事先要有时间确切的预约。没有得到对方的应允,随时随地随便上门时不礼貌的行为。因此,美国同事对"有空来坐坐"这句话只当作虚礼客套,不当作正式邀请。无事打电话闲聊也是美国人视为打乱别人私人时间和活动安排的毛是行为。若想邀请美国人上门,应当诚意的于对方商定一个互相都方便的时间。 特别忠告:有心约会要主动约时间地点 特别成就感:(1).I'd like to make an appointment with you. When will you be free/available (2). Let's get together some time next week. What date do you suggest (3). How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday (4). I'd like to… What time would be convenient for you (5). Would…suit you (6). I wonder if we could arrange a meeting… (7). Do you happen to be free on… (8). Have you got any plan for this weekend How about… (9). I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us

Willow Smith I am me中英歌词

我就是我自己 我有自己的风格
尽我所能 也只能做到这些
我就是我自己 我与众不同
竭尽全力 我也只能做到这里
日子随着时间的流逝 我试着找寻心中那个真正的我
我艰难的下定决心 剪掉我那美丽的秀发
我就是我自己 我有自己的风格
尽我所能 也只能做到这些
我就是我自己 我与众不同
竭尽全力 我也只能做到这里
夜魔降临 我发现我难得能生活得如此安静宁祥
和一些心灵失去方向的人做朋友 抚慰他们
表达我内心的感受 因为这是我的人身自由
我就是我自己 我有自己的风格
尽我所能 也只能做到这些
我就是我自己 我与众不同
我就是我自己 我与众不同
竭尽全力 我也只能做到这里
我就是我自己 纯正的自我
我现在很自由 不受约束
我就是我自己 不需要听别人的谗言
我很自由 生活中没有流言蜚语充斥于脑海
我就是我自己 纯正的自我
我现在很自由 不受约束
我就是我自己 不需要听别人的谗言
我很自由 生活中没有流言蜚语充斥于脑海
对 我不会让你们的种种反对充满我的人生
创造属于你自己的人生 但还是要做你自己
做你自己 做你想做的事情
高高昂起你的头 什么事情都会迎刃而解
你就是你 我也就是我 让我们住在一个和睦相处的世界
双方共同生存 关爱双方
你必须做你自己 做真实的自己 做正直的自己
随着时间的消逝 没有人再会来诋毁你
他们真的不会 现在听我说
仔细聆听这首歌 它包含了人生的大道理
这是所有我想说的 我真的很爱你们这群可爱的人
我希望你们喜欢这首歌 还有那些刚刚进入社会的人 加油!

I AM ME的英文歌词

I’m meee' I’m mee' and that’s all I can be I’m meee' I’m eee' it’s my one abilityI’m freeAnd you can’t stop meee'I’m free' and that’s all I can beDays pass' I’m tryna find who I really amI’ve been lookingPeople don’t like the way I dressSo it won’t matter' I’ve been lookingI’ve done my hair and it’s not just that easyI’ve been lookingYour validation it’s not just that important to meI’m meee' I’m mee' and that’s all I can beI’m meee' I’m meee' it’s my one abilityI’m freeAnd you can’t stop meee'I’m free' I’m meee' and that’s all I can beNight falls and I find it here I am in peaceI’ve been lookingMaking friends with spirits lostAnd it sets me free' I’ve been lookingExpress myself cause it’s my libertyI’ve been lookingYour validation it’s not just that important to meI’m meee' I’m mee' and that’s all I can beI’m meee' I’m eee' it’s my one abilityI’m freeAnd you can’t stop meee'I’m meee' I’m free' and that’s all I can beI am me' I am me' I am meI am free' I am free' I am freeI am me' I am me' I am meI am free' I am free'I am me' I am me' I am meI am free' I am free' I am freeI am me' I am me' I am meI am free' I am free'OoooooooooooohhhhhhhCreate yourself' redo yourselfRenew yourselfBe you' do what you do'Hold your head up high' everything’s gonna alrightYou’re you' I’m me' let’s livei n harmonyCoexist with each other' love each otherBe yourselfYou have to be yourself' be real' be honestCause ain’t nobody got time for thatThey really don’t' so listen to meListen to this song' because this is real factsThat will help you move along' yeahThat’s all I wanted to say' so I love you guys so muchHope you like the song and you know' yolo' misfits' argh haha.

谁能提供下<Take Me As I Am>这首歌的英文歌词??

[ti:Take Me As I Am]
[ar:Wyclef Jean feat &.Sharissa]
[al:Love Actually]
[by:lin Ning]
[00:00.01]Take Me As I Am
[00:01.01]Wyclef Jean feat &.Sharissa
[00:03.21]I wanna send this one out to my vanilla ice-cream chocolate pudding pie
[00:08.51]That stayed with me in the hood, do or die
[00:13.49]Yeah, this one goes out to my almond joy
[00:16.26]My banana that never split
[00:19.13]The one that stuck with me
[00:20.82]Before I had the bling bling
[00:24.07]I thought I\'d hit up in Sing Sing
[00:27.25]Who would have ever thought that we\'d be doing our thing
[00:32.57]I know I did a little cheating
[00:35.13]But once I got caught
[00:37.70]I send you a parcel of roses
[00:41.00]You sent them back and told me go to hell
[00:42.00]But girl you know that, you take me as I am
[00:49.50]Even though my fam don\'t understand
[00:55.00]Why I put that rock up on your hand
[00:59.00]That\'s cos you take me as I am (take me as I am)
[01:06.00]You take me as I am (yeah, I\'m a take you as you are)
[01:11.00]Even when my girls can\'t understand(they don\'t know oh oh)
[01:16.50]I choose you as my man
[01:20.50]But you take me as I am, my, my man
[01:27.00]You\'re my girl (my man)
[01:30.00]You\'re my girl (my man)
[01:32.00]You\'re my lady (my man)
[01:35.00]You\'re my baby
[01:36.50]When I was rocking jelly and had a little belly
[01:41.00]Who woulda ever thought, you\'d think I was sexy
[01:46.00]I say it with an attitude, I admit I came off rude
[01:51.00]But still you love me
[01:53.50]I know I get on your nerves sometimes
[01:55.30]And I don\'t know why
[01:58.50]You take me as I am
[02:03.00]Even when my girls can\'t understand
[02:09.00]I choose you as my man (my man, yeah)
[02:13.00]Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
[02:20.00]You take me as I am, girl I\'m a take you as you are
[02:24.00]Even though my fam don\'t understand (they can\'t understand no, no, no, no)
[02:30.00]Why I put that rock up on your hand (girl)
[02:33.50]That\'s cause you take me as I am
[02:39.50]You\'re my girl (you\'re my man)
[02:41.50]You\'re my girl (you\'re my man)
[02:44.50]You\'re my lady (you\'re my baby)
[02:47.50]You\'re my baby (my honey)
[02:52.00]You\'re the ocean that breathes that I feel when I\'m blowing my trees alone
[02:57.00]You\'re the sun that shines when the darkness strikes at night
[03:02.00]You\'re the love of my life, you\'re my girl, you\'re my wife
[03:05.50]You\'re mine, and I\'m yours, you take me as I am(Wait a minute)
[03:14.00]Can\'t believe you take me as I am, am, am, no, oh
[03:20.00]Even when they don\'t understand why you love me
[03:26.00]I choose you as my man
[03:30.00]Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
[03:33.00]You take me as I am, girl I\'m a take you as you are
[03:41.00]Even though my fam don\'t understand
[03:44.00]My people on the block, they don\'t understand, no, no
[03:46.00]Why I put that rock up on your hand
[03:51.00]Cause I take you as you are, you\'re a star
[03:56.00]You\'re my girl (my man)
[03:58.00]You\'re my girl (you\'re my man)
[04:01.00]You\'re my lady (you\'re my baby)
[04:04.00]You\'re my baby (my honey)
[04:09.59]For my girl. Celen,I love you forever..
[ti:Take Me As I Am]
[00:05.51]Take Me As I Am
[00:11.19]I never knew my father
[00:15.26]I never knew his pain
[00:18.13]Or that an empty home life
[00:20.82]Would break him down again
[00:23.57]So when I feel like running I have to look inside
[00:29.32]I want to find the answer
[00:32.07]I want to break my line
[01:42.73][00:34.95]Fear falls down like rain
[01:49.85][00:42.20]And it makes me whole again
[01:54.04][00:45.58]Fear falls like rain
[02:50.51][01:59.42][00:51.58]Take me as I am
[02:52.26][02:01.30][00:53.39]I'm not broken
[02:55.88][02:04.73][00:56.39]Pieces of my life are not tokens
[03:01.45][02:10.42][01:02.58]I want to let you know that I'm still learning
[03:07.07][02:16.11][01:08.02]How to love again and stop hurting
[01:20.60]I want to roll my darkness into a million suns
[01:26.10]I need to find forgiveness when all the pain is done
[01:31.48]I want to hear I'm sorry, I want to let you go
[01:37.22]I have to find my own life, I want to learn to grow
[02:30.37]It makes me whole again
Take Me As I Am

I never knew my father

I never knew his pain

Or that an empty home life

Would break him down again

So when I feel like running I have to look inside

I want to find the answer

I want to break my line

Fear falls down like rain

And it makes me whole again

Fear falls like rain

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

I want to roll my darkness into a million suns

I need to find forgiveness when all the pain is done

I want to hear I'm sorry, I want to let you go

I have to find my own life, I want to learn to grow

Fear falls down like rain

And it makes me whole again

Fear falls like rain

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

It makes me whole again

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

Take Me As I Am

I never knew my father

I never knew his pain

Or that an empty home life

Would break him down again

So when I feel like running I have to look inside

I want to find the answer

I want to break my line

Fear falls down like rain

And it makes me whole again

Fear falls like rain

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

I want to roll my darkness into a million suns

I need to find forgiveness when all the pain is done

I want to hear I'm sorry, I want to let you go

I have to find my own life, I want to learn to grow

Fear falls down like rain

And it makes me whole again

Fear falls like rain

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

It makes me whole again

Take me as I am

I'm not broken

Pieces of my life are not tokens

I want to let you know that I'm still learning

How to love again and stop hurting

求I am mugler的完整英文歌词

Fxck Swag(Fxck Swag)
Fxck Fashion(Fxck Fashion)
Fxck Mugler(Fxck Mugler UP!)
Look at all the ****s I give, look what little ****s I give.
Look how many fxcks I give, look what little fxcks I give.
Look how many fxcks I give, look at all the girls I fxck!
(puss puss puss)
Listen, who am I ?
Where am I? Say who am I ?
Even deaf people tell me the answer g-d, g-o-d. (Oppa)
I'll be your happiness like g-o-d. (Oh god!)
No Fact. No Fame
No Fortune (no fortune)
No Love (no love)
Look at all the fxcks I give, look what little fxcks I give.
Look how many fxcks I give, look what little fxcks I give.
Look how many fxcks I give, look at all the girls I fxck!
No Fact. No Fame
No Fortune (no fortune)
No Love (no love)

急!I am as tall as you.这句话错在哪里

这三个句子都是对,没有错呀1 我和你一样高。2 她和我一样高。3 我和Lisa 一样高。*********************************************************************************************May you be happy every day and make greatprogress ! 本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!**********************************************************************************************




宾格(accusative case;objective case;casus accusativus)表示一个动词直接宾语的名词或一个前置词的宾语。人称代词里的:主格放在句首做主语和表语,宾格放在句末或句中做动词和介词的宾语.打个比方,主人邀请宾客,主格就像主人,宾格就像宾客。主格在动词前面,宾格在动词或介词后面。英语中的人称代词(Personal Pronouns)有主格、宾格和之分,如:I, me, my ; he, him, his ; they, them,their等。顾名思义,主格(The nominative case)用作主语,宾格(The objective case)用作宾语,所有格(The possessive case)则表示所有之物。在实际运用中,主格和宾格代词有时会混淆。


"This is me."this 英[ðɪs] 美[ðɪs] pron. 这,这个; 这事,这人; 这时; 下面所说的事; adj. 这,这个; 刚过去的,即将到来的; 今…,本…; adv. 这样地; 就是这样; 这么地; 1、这个是我的!夏洛蒂说,他是惠灵顿公爵。'This one is mine!'Charlotte said.'He's the Duke of Wellington!'2、这个是我过去一直用的方法。Here's a tip I've used regularly in the past. 3、至于头发的颜色,现在的这个是我的自然色。As for the hair, its pretty much my natural colour. 扩展资料:这个是我的说法:"This is mine.1、这个是我的!夏洛蒂说,他是惠灵顿公爵。'This one is mine!'Charlotte said.'He's the Duke of Wellington!'2、至于头发的颜色,现在的这个是我的自然色。As for the hair, its pretty much my natural colour. 3、这个是我的!布兰韦尔说,他是拿破仑·波拿巴。'And this is mine!'said Branwell.'He's Napoleon Bonaparte!'


If I were you


3.这两个是be动词的一般过去时形式,用大致与 are is 相同,如:I was in London yesterday. Last year you were the tallest of them.
复数用were,单数用was 。
注意虚拟语态时只能用were,如:If I were there,your problem would have been solved already.



