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big hero

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-09 04:02:18编辑:皮带君

为什么大陆将Baymax译为大白,将Big Hero 6译为超能陆战队

作为进军中国电影市场的电影,有个响亮的名字是理所当然的。《Big hero 6》如果直白翻译是《6个超级英雄》或《6个少年英雄》,可能观众数量大大减少了。修改下变成《超能陆战队》。同类电影《冰雪奇缘》直白翻译《冻住了》改下《冰冻世界》如果观众不看海报、宣传画以为是一部纪录片。“Baymax”知所以译为大白一是身体肥胖的白色的充气机器人二是大白的性格和中国的长辈完全一样。台湾地区译为“杯面”是根据谐音翻译的。

为什么大陆将Baymax译为大白,将Big Hero 6译为超能陆战队

作为进军中国的外语影片,给中国观众的第一印象首先就是名字,好的名字既要酷炫响亮吸引人又要突出影片重点。《超能陆战队》原名Big Hero 6,如果直白地翻译,译成《六个超级英雄》、《超能英雄六人组》,就难以匹配影片本身呆萌可爱少年英雄式的主题了。再看类似动画类影片的翻译,《冰雪奇缘》原名Frozen,倘若真的直白地译为《冻住了》,恐怕观众数量就要大打折扣了,亦或者改进一下,译为《冰冻世界》,不看海报以及其它宣传的话,观众也许会以为是一部纪录片呢。

求《Big Hero 6》(超能陆战队)英文观后感,初二水平的

Superheroes don’t always need to have six packs and cooldemeanors. They can also have a chubby face, a beer belly anda warm smile like the white inflatable healthcare robot Baymax from Disney’s Oscar-winning 3-Danimated film Big Hero 6.
  Based on a Marvel comic, the film centers on 14-year-old robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. After hisolder brother Tadashi, who is a university student delving into robotics loses his life in a fire, the boyreprograms Tadashi’s Baymax into a fighting robot and forms a superhero team to investigate thetruth behind the tragic accident.
  The biggest selling point of the movie is the super lovable and balloonish Baymax. Looking like awalking marshmallow and moving and speaking slowly, he is the movie’s star. Although he mightnot look like the professional nurse he is, Baymax serves as a reasonable and competent healthcarecompanion. In any case, Hiro’s health condition, physically and psychologically, is always Baymax’sfirst concern.

  When Hiro commands Baymax to fight, something it doesn’t understand, the cute medical carerobot instead tilts his head and tenderly asks what would improve Hiro’s mood, melting theaudience’s hearts.
  Most Disney films start out with a feeling of impending doom. However, when trouble hits, ouremotional investment in the characters only increases. We don’t want to see the innocent robotbecome an instrument of revenge.
  Robot movies are not new and have provoked profound thoughts for ages. In 2004 sci-fi film I,Robot, humanoid robots pose a fatal threat to humanity, and the 2009 animated film 9 opens withthe near extinction of human beings at the hands of robots. But Big Hero 6 chooses to tell a simplebut heartwarming story about the bond between humans and a robot.
  The ending of the movie seems a bit predictable. When Hiro’s possessed with thoughts of revenge,it is video clips of his brother that keep him from being swallowed by rage. Some might say thistransformation comes too easily. But I’d rather believe family affection has this power. It’s love thatinspires the young, indifferent genius to start to care about people around him and the world,changing Hiro into a true hero.




