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  弗洛伊德、西格蒙德(Frend,Sigmund 1856—1939)



  他的主要著作有:《歇斯底里研究》 (1895)、
  《梦的解释》 (1900)、
  《性欲三论》 (1905)、
  《论无意识》 (1915)、
  《自我与本我》 (1923)、
  《焦虑问题》 (1926)、
  《自我和防御机制》 (1936)。


Sigmund Freud (German pronunciation: [zikmnt ft]), born Sigismund Schlomo Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), was a Jewish-Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry. [1] Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression, and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient, technically referred to as an "analysand", and a psychoanalyst. Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, as well as for his therapeutic techniques, including the use of free association, his theory of transference in the therapeutic relationship, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires. He was an early neurological researcher into cerebral palsy, and a prolific essayist, drawing on psychoanalysis to contribute to the history, interpretation and critique of culture. While some of Freud's ideas have fallen out of favor or have been modified by Neo-Freudians, and modern advances in the field of psychology have shown flaws in some of his theories, Freud's work remains seminal in humans' quest for self-understanding, especially in the history of clinical approaches. In academia, his ideas continue to influence the humanities and social sciences. He is considered one of the most prominent thinkers of the first half of the 20th century, in terms of originality and intellectual influence.

谁能给我FRELLD (佛罗伊德)的简介。 英文和中文的都要。

Freud was born in Frieberg, Moravia in 1856, but when he was four years old his family moved to Vienna, where Freud was to live and work until the last year of his life. In 1937 the Nazis annexed Austria, and Freud, who was Jewish, was allowed to leave for England. For these reasons, it was above all with the city of Vienna that Freud's name was destined to be deeply associated for posterity, founding as he did what was to become known as the 'first Viennese school' of psychoanalysis, from which, it is fair to say, psychoanalysis as a movement and all subsequent developments in this field flowed. The scope of Freud's interests, and of his professional training, was very broad - he always considered himself first and foremost a scientist, endeavouring to extend the compass of human knowledge, and to this end (rather than to the practice of medicine) he enrolled at the medical school at the University of Vienna in 1873. He concentrated initially on biology, doing research in physiology for six years under the great German scientist Ernst Brücke, who was director of the Physiology Laboratory at the University, thereafter specialising in neurology. He received his medical degree in 1881, and having become engaged to be married in 1882, he rather reluctantly took up more secure and financially rewarding work as a doctor at Vienna General Hospital. Shortly after his marriage in 1886 - which was extremely happy, and gave Freud six children, the youngest of whom, Anna, was herself to become a distinguished psychoanalyst - Freud set up a private practice in the treatment of psychological disorders, which gave him much of the clinical material on which he based his theories and his pioneering techniques. .弗洛伊德(Freud,Sigmund 1856-1939) 犹太籍精神病医生,精神分析学派创始人。生于现属捷克的摩拉维亚的弗赖堡,1873年入维也纳大学学医,1881年获医学博士学位。1882年与精神病学家J.布洛伊尔合作,用催眠术医治并研究癔病。1885年和1886年间,先去巴黎就学于J.M.沙可,后赴南锡参观催眠疗法。回维也纳后认识到催眠疗法的局限性,1895年后改用自己独创的精神分析或自由联想法,以挖掘患者遗忘了的特别是童年的观念和欲望。在治疗过程中,他发现患者常有抗拒现象,认识到这正是欲望被压抑的证据,因而创立了他的以潜意识为基本内容的精神分析理论。初期概念有防御、抗拒、压抑、发泄等。在临床治疗时患者还出现了对医生的“移情”现象,从而认为人的神经活动大都以性欲为基础,被压抑的欲望绝大部分是属于性的,性错乱是产生神经症的根本原因。1909年应美国克拉克大学校长、著名心理学家S.霍尔邀请,与荣格等赴美国参加该校20周年校庆纪念,并与美国著名心理学家W.詹姆斯、E.B.铁钦纳、J.Mck.卡特尔等晤面。发表了以精神分析为主题的演讲,声名远扬。回国后,他的一些弟子A.阿德勒、C.G.荣格和O.兰克反对他的泛性论,先后背离他而自立门户。第一次世界大战期间及战后,他不断修订和发展自己的理论,提出了自恋、生和死的本能及本我、自我、超我的人格三分结构论等重要理论,使精神分析成为了解全人类动机和人格的方法。30年代他的理论登峰造极。1930年被授予歌德奖金。1936年寿辰时,荣任英国皇家学会会员。他在最后16年曾与口腔癌作斗争,坚持工作。在纳粹分子的胁迫下,1938年被迫离开维也纳去伦敦。1939年9月23日在伦敦死于癌症。主要著作有:《梦的解析》、《日常生活心理病理学》、《精神分析引论》、《精神分析引论新编》、《弗洛伊德自传》。



