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changes in my hometown英语作文

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-03-01 11:13:08编辑:皮带君


  .由于英语作文考查的是学生词汇、语法、句式等各种知识的掌握情况,因此学生要写好英语作文,就必须全面掌握英语知识。你的家乡的变化是怎样的呢?下面是我为你整理的我家乡的变化初中英语作文,希望你喜欢!   我家乡的变化初中英语作文篇1   My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.   While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. What's more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now.   【翻译】   我的家乡过去是一个落后的地方,因为它在深山里面,那里没有漂亮的建筑物,公路也是又小又脏的。人们的生活都很贫苦。   近年来,随着社会的发展,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。现在的路是越来越大了。有许多不同的汽车和公交车在道路上运行。道路两边种满了树木和鲜花。他们可以为我们提供氧气,与污染物抗争。现在天空变得更清洁、更明亮。更重要的是,你随处可见到许多现代和美丽的建筑,人们的生活条件也得到了改善。现在人们在享受舒适的生活。   我家乡的变化初中英语作文篇2   There has been a lot of significant changes in my hometown in recent years. On the one hand, industry gave its way to tourism. There used to be many factories that produce coal in the mountains nearby my hometown. But over years, local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution. As a result, the leading economy has become tourism instead of industry. Downtown areas saw the change of many citizens taking new jobs as tour guides or running souvenir stores. On the other hand, there are more schools and universities in my hometown compared to the situation several years ago. Nowadays more and more people have the chance to attend schools or to further their studies in high-level educational institutions. In general, my hometown has developed to a great extent in these years.   翻译   我的家乡近几年来经历了很多重大变化。一方面,工业转型为了旅游业。过去在我家乡附近的山中,曾经有很多产煤的工厂。但是经过这几年,当地政府努力控制环境污染。所以,引领经济已经变成了旅游业,而不再是工业。镇中心目睹了城镇居民的工作转变,许多人当上了导游,或者开了纪念品商店。另一方面,与过去相比,我家乡现在有了更多的学校和大学。越来越多的人有上学的机会,他们也可以进入高等学府进一步深造。总的来说,我的家乡这几年发展很大。   我家乡的变化初中英语作文篇3   In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town. People live a happy life.


  转眼间过了很多年,家乡在不知不觉中发生着变化。我们变得富裕了,家乡也越来越漂亮了,你知道怎么把这些变化写成 英语 作文 吗?下面是我给大家整理的家乡的变化英语作文,供你参考!   家乡的变化英语作文篇1   The twinkling of an eye, the elementary school six years has quietly but go to, my side there are many, many items are in change as time goes by, but the most obvious changes in my hometown - build.   Remember in elementary school, a grade one the way home or small TuDao, whenever it rains, the road will be muddy, a walk would step a foot mud, so at home when it rains, go out to buy things or have things out, to Wellington boots, or you go out, come back after your feet must be turning into mud strange feet.   But now, the strips into a muddy path paved roads, when it rains out walking shoes does not become dirty, instead of walking, watching the roadside trees, also another appeal.   Hometown house also is better than before, either before they are miserable, every rain cloudy, the house will leak rain, but now the house is no longer leak, tattered house turned into a two-storey houses before, people lived a happy life.   Six years in elementary school are gone, and things have changed dramatically. I think we will have a better life in the future.   家乡的变化英语作文篇2   "Ah! My hometown has changed! "I cried with joy.   The change in my hometown is really big in these years! It used to be dirty and smelly, and there was a lot of junk in it. There were no trees on the hillside, only one tree stump. Around us there are some factory chimneys discharge smoke, gas, disorderly discharge, even lead to the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, all become withered yellow, often stink in the river, some fish died, rarely see the figure of a bird. Because of the bad environment, the air is seriously polluted and people often get sick.   With the improvement of people's living standards, the awareness of the environment has improved greatly. Now people no longer throw garbage, factory construction also becomes a green plant, factory around trees and flowers in full bloom, the air becomes pure and fresh, the river water becomes clear gone, the water is very little fishes. Every year on March 12, people will plant trees with shovels and saplings, and now the trees are thick and the birds often sing on the branches. The environment is better, and people's mood is better and healthier.   The changes in my hometown made me love my hometown more and helped me to study harder and work harder for a better home.   啊!家乡变了!”我高兴的叫了起来。   这几年,家乡的变化真大啊!以前这里的河水又脏又臭,里面还有许多垃圾。山坡上已经没有树了,只有一个个树桩。我们周围有些工厂的烟囱排放浓烟,毒气,甚至还乱排放污水,导致周边的树木、花草都变枯变黄了,河里经常发出臭味,有些鱼都死了,很少能见到小鸟的身影。因为环境恶劣,空气受到严重污染,人们也经常生病。   随着人们的生活水平提高,对环境的认识也有了很大的提高。现在人们再也不乱扔垃圾了,工厂也建设成了环保工厂,工厂周围绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,空气也变得清新了,小河的水变得清澈透底了,水中嬉戏的鱼儿们也多了。每年的3月12日,人们都会带着铁锹和树苗去种树,现在山坡上的树木茂密,鸟儿经常站在树枝上 唱歌 。环境变好了,人们的心情也变好了,身体也越来越健康。   家乡的变化让我更爱家乡,也促使我更加勤奋地学习,为建设更美好的家乡而努力。   家乡的变化英语作文篇3   My hometown is yanzhou, which used to be a rotten place, with no bread, no head, no corn. Sometimes I can't even eat him. It rains all dare not wear shoes, be afraid of stepping on pool son, if stepped on pool children, it sank into the whole foot down, very not easy pulled out feet, but stay in the mire, shoes in front of the piles of cow dung, dirty and smelly, stepped down what also don't know; I was in the car, and I broke my ass on the dirt road. The place to sleep is in the dry grass, which is the bed. In the summer, there is no bed net, and the mosquito bites at night.   Now, every house is a tall building, with an air conditioning, a fan, a watch on TV, a broadband installed on the computer... Schools are also equipped with teaching equipment. The rough road was now a paved asphalt, lined with flowers and trees. Tall buildings have sprung up. There are flowers and flowers between the building and the building, and they want to live in the fairyland.   A: wow! What a big change in my hometown! With the development of our country, I believe that there will be more progress and more perfect and more intelligent things.   >>>下一页更多精彩“家乡的变化英语作文A”


  到了初二的时候,大部分的同学还没有离开过家乡,对于家乡的变化不是很能够注意到,所以对于这样的英语写作题材就需要积累与观察。下面是我给大家整理的初二英语作文家乡的变化,供大家参阅!   初二英语作文家乡的变化篇1   The traffic problem is one of themost serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have privatecar, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavytraffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses areunable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the trafficaccidents. How miserable it is!   在我的家乡交通问题是最严重的问题之一。现在越来越多的人拥有私家车,但道路却是如此的狭窄,所以我们出门的时候都必须和交通拥挤对抗。尤其是在繁忙时间段,汽车和公共汽车都动不了。更糟的是,许多人在交通事故中丧生。那是多么悲惨的啊!   For the sake of our life andsecurity, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In thefirst place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number ofprivate cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often.Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so asto ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, theundergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have morechoices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in thefuture.   为了我们的生命和安全起见,我们必须采取一些措施来改变现状。首先,因为有很多车,所以我们应该控制私家车的数量,更经常使用公共交通工具。其次,政府应该拓宽道路,建造更多的立交桥,以缓解交通压力,减少交通事故的发生。此外,应构建地铁和轻轨,这样我们将来外出时可以有更多的选择也不用不必担心交通堵塞。   I believe the traffic problem couldbe solved if we devote our actions to them.   我相信如果我们采取行动的话交通问题是可以解决的。   初二英语作文家乡的变化篇2   In recent years,my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has beenbuilt. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several yearsago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of myhometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a yearto build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. Andwe have more communication with other places, which is a good way to developourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, therehave been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown hasdeveloped into a big and rich town. People live a happy life.   最近几年,由于建成新的公路和铁路,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。以前,我的家乡与外界隔绝。几年前,政府花了大量资金改变家乡的基本设备。新建公路是最大的工程。新建公路大约花了半年时间。公路建成后,人们找到了更多赚钱的方法。而且,我们可以与其他地方互通,这是我们发展自己的好方法。大约两年后,铁路修好了。从那以后,我的家乡发生了越来越多的变化。现在,我的家乡已经变成一个富裕的大城镇。人民过着幸福的生活。   初二英语作文家乡的变化篇3   In the past,my hometown was not very big,people lived a poor life.The houses were old and small.Pollution was serious,and there was rubbish everywhere.the traffic was not very convenient that so few people came here.Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains are all green,the river clearer and the sky bluer.Many people all have thier own cars and have a happy life everyday.And now,every year,thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our hometown.My hometown becomes more and more famous.I'm sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.   在过去,我的家乡不是很大,人们过着贫穷的生活.房屋破旧.污染严重,并有垃圾到任何地方的交通不是很方便,所以很少有人来这里发生了巨大的变化.现在,我的家乡发生了.环境变得更美好.山上都是绿色,河水清晰,天空更蓝了.很多人都有自己的自己的车,每天都有一个快乐的生活.现在,每年,成千上万的人从世界各地来参观我的家乡.我的家乡变得越来越有名.我相信,我的家乡在将来会变得更好.   初二英语作文家乡的变化篇4   Myhome town is in the center of Xuzhou which was a quiet and beautiful place. Inthe past, there were many animals. They were lovely and nice. The air was freshand there were many birds fly in the sky.   我的家乡在徐州,是一个安静而美丽的地方中心。在过去,有许多动物。他们是可爱的,漂亮的。空气清新,有许多鸟在天空飞翔。   Overthe past years, it has changed a lot. At the present, it becomes a modern town and developsa lot. Now, the people in Xuzhou are richer than before, so most of people goto work by bus or by underground. Sometimes, they also drive their private carsto work. Many people sell out their old houses and move into new flats.   过去的那些年,它已经发生了很大的变化。现在,它已经成为一个现代化城市,也得到了很大的发展。现在徐州的人都比以前富有,所以大多数人都是乘巴士或地铁去工作的。有时候,他们也开私家车去上班。很多人卖了他们的老房子,然后搬进新公寓。   Insome ways, the development has brought some good things, but it has also causesmuch environment pollution. I think we should take action to reduce thepollution.   在某些方面,发展带来了好处,但是也带来了环境污染。我认为我们应该采取措施来减少污染。   



