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as much as

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-26 20:36:07编辑:皮带君

as much as和as many as的区别

这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下:【含义】1、as much as 英[æz mʌtʃ æz] 美[æz mʌtʃ æz] 释义:(置于数量前)多达; 2、as many as 英[æz ˈmeni æz] 美[æz ˈmeni æz] 释义: (用于数字之前表示数目极大)多达…; 【用法】1、as much as表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。主语是不可是名词,其谓语动词用复数例句:In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。例句:We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。如:例句:I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。例句:I’ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。2、as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多...as many as的主语是可数名词,其谓语动词用单数。例句:She has as many as seven sisters.她的姊妹有七人之多。例句:Take as many as you please.你要多少就拿多少。

as many as 和 as muchas的区别

这两个短语的意思是一样的,都是“和……一样多”。区别在于“as many as”修饰可数名词。而“as much as”修饰不可数名词其实很好记,这两个短语的区别也就是many和much的区别,many 修饰可数名词,而much修饰不可数名词。【释义】as many as英 [æz ˈmeni æz]美 [æz ˈmeni æz]多达;和...一样多;多至双语例句1、She could download as many pictures as she liked.她可以下载任意多的图片。2、There are over four times as many farmers' markets in the US as there were 20 years ago.美国农贸市场的数量是20年前的四倍多。3、You can choose as many clubs as you like.你可以选择任何你喜欢的俱乐部。as much as英 [æz mʌtʃ æz]美 [æz mʌtʃ æz]即使;虽然【双语例句】1、If they can't, they may have to pay as much as $1, 200 as a fine (罚款).如果他们不能,他们可能不得不支付高达1200美元的罚款。2、There is an amazing world out there, and it needs our children as much as they need it.外面有一个神奇的世界,它需要我们的孩子,就像他们需要它一样。3、Knowledge as much as possible and keep improving myself.尽可能多地学习知识,不断提高自己。【总结】这个区别与many和much的用法区别类似。as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数。as much as的主语是不可是名词 其谓语动词用复数。as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的'大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。



