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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-24 20:20:48编辑:皮带君


rather读:英 [ˈrɑːðə(r)],美 [ˈræðər]。作副词时意为“宁可,宁愿,相当,准确地说,或多或少地”。作连词时意为“而不是”。作感叹词时意为“当然啦(回答问题时用)”。作名词时意为“人名,(英)拉瑟”。短语搭配:or rather更确切地说,毋宁说,更精确地说,准确的说。Rather critical一叶知秋。would rather宁愿。rather good相当不错。双语例句:1、I rather than you , should do the work.该做这个工作的是我,而不是你。2、I should thank you rather than you thank me.我应该感谢你,而不是你来感谢我。

rather 的用法

rather的用法如下:rather的意思:adv.相当地;(常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶)相当,在某种程度上;(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点儿,稍微;(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地讲,更准确地说;相反,反而,而是。int.表示同意某人的提议。rather的读音:英 [ˈrɑːðə(r)、rɑːˈðɜː(r)]、美 [ˈræðər]。英语单词rather的用法1:一、rather作副词,意为宁愿;宁可。作此意解的rather常和would/had连用,构成固定短语。would/had rather...than译为宁愿......而不愿,应该特别注意此短语的否定构成及其后接的动词形式。如:He would rather have the small one than the large one. 他宁愿要一个小的,而不要大的。I'd rather take the slowest train than go there by air. 我宁愿坐最慢的火车,也不乘飞机去那里。 二、rather作副词用时,意为更确切地。此用法的rather常用在or rather这一短语中,表示想要纠正已经说过的话,或欲使已说过的话更确切。如:地说,到今天凌晨。The building is like a palace, or rather a temple. 这幢建筑物像一座宫殿,或者更确切地说像一座寺庙。三、rather作副词用时,还可作相当;颇;有点儿解。如:You've done rather well.你做得相当好。The way he is living is rather strange to me. 他的生活方式我觉得很怪。rather, fairly, quite, pretty的区别:1. 从程度上说,fairly是最轻的一个;quite比fairly 语气稍强;rather 在程度上比quite更重一些;pretty 和rather 差不多,但大多数情况下用于非正式文体。如:They were getting along fairly well with each other. 他们相处还不错。He was quite polite, but he wasn't ready to help me. 他相当有礼貌,但他并不愿意帮助我。2. rather 和quite可放在不定冠词前,也可放在不定冠词之后,还可以和动词连用,而fairly 和pretty没有这些用法。如:That is quite/rather a surprising result. =That is a quite/rather surprising result. 那是一个相当惊人的结果。3. 只有rather可以修饰比较级,还可和too连用。如:This computer is rather more expensive than that one.这部电脑比那部昂贵一些。This book is rather too difficult for the beginners.这部书对初学者来说太难了。


1. “rather” 作为一个副词,有“相当地,多多少少地,有点”意思,其后面可放形容词或副词,比较级的形容词或副词,名词,还可以放动词:\x0d\x0aThis is a rather expensive lap top. 这台手提电脑有点贵。\x0d\x0aYou've done rather well. 你做得确实不错。\x0d\x0aMy brother is rather better today. 我哥哥今天好多了。\x0d\x0aIt's rather a pity that you missed this seminar. 你错过了这次讲座,真是遗憾。\x0d\x0aThe rain rather spoiled our holiday. 这场雨毁了我们的假期。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a2.rather than 表示“更为情愿地,宁愿...?”,可以连用,也可以分开用:\x0d\x0aI’d be a freelance rather than a secretary. 我宁愿做个自由职业者,也不想当个秘书。\x0d\x0aShe would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁可要这个小的,也不要那个大的。\x0d\x0aI would rather you come tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天过来,而不是今天。\x0d\x0aHe resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁可辞职,也不愿参与这场肮脏的交易。\x0d\x0aWe would rather stay at home than go to the gym. 我们宁愿呆在家里,也不想去健身。



