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used to和be used to的区别

来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-24 03:51:15编辑:皮带君

used to和be used to有什么区别?

used to 与be used to 的区别:1、used to 后跟强调动作的动词时表示“过去常常”,后面跟表示状态的词时,表示“曾经,一度”,used to 的后面跟动词原形。2、be used to表示“习惯于做某事”人作主语,后面用ving形式--be used to doing ;如果是物来做主语的话,be used to表示“被用来做某事”,后面跟动词的原形---be used to do。拓展资料used to的用法1、I feel more compassion and less anger than I used to. 我觉得自己比过去多了些同情,少了些怒气。2、A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him曾和我很要好的一个小孩听人说我一直在辱骂他以后就和我翻脸了。3、The machines start to wear down, they don't make as many nuts and bolts as they used to机器开始出现磨损,螺母和螺钉的产量不如从前了。4、I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start. 我过去常常将大量时间和精力投入到从开始就注定要失败的计划中。5、This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases. 这块布可以做一对枕套。be used to的用法1、This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases. 这块布可以做一对枕套。2、If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis 如有必要,还要进行X光检查和验血以帮助诊断。3、She probably has a good mind, which should be used to the full 她可能很有头脑,应该充分运用。4、Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。5、Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection 应该用抗生素消除感染。

used to 和 be used to的区别

used to 和 be used to的区别是:used to 是情态动词,一般后跟动词原形:used to do 表过去常常做某事。 be used to(do) 是use的被动语态结构,表某物被用来做某事。used to:used to do用来表示过去常常或习惯做某事,所以在使用时,关键是要判断所要描述的动作是否发生在过去。如:他小时候在一家小铺里工作。上句中的“小时候”说明动作发生在过去,所以可以这么翻译:As a boy he used to workin a small shop.再比如:他那时一天通常要工作14个小时。上句中的“那时”说明动作是发生在过去的,所以可以这么翻译:At that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.be used to:1、be used to有两种情况(1)be used to dobe used to do表示被用来做某事,属于被动语态的用法。如:The pot is used to plant flowers这个陶罐是用来种花的。(2)be used to doingbe used to doing表示的是现在常常或习惯做某事,与used to do不同的是,be used to doing中的to是个介词,所以后面跟动词时,要用动名词形式,而used to do中的to是不定式。如:She is used to talking nonstop when she is excited(她兴奋时总爱说个不停。)



