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  你知道高一的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   高一的英文释义:   Senior One   高一的英文例句:   底座高一肘,边宽一肘,四围起边高一掌;这是坛的座。   Now this is the base of the altar.   他比他的朋友高一英寸.   He is taller than his friend by an inch.   他比他的朋友高一英寸.   He is taller than his friend by an inch.   他在高中时参加高一篮球队的甄试,但是却没有入   When he tried out for the freshman team in high school, Michael didn't make it.   汤姆比约翰高一个头.   Tom is taller than John by a head   如果我比普通牧工高一等,那你为什么要邀请我?   If I'm a cut above stockman, why did you ask me?   汤姆比约翰高一个头。   Tom is taller than John by a head.   没想到军人祺高一著,早已买通宋波身旁的亲信,宋波捉虎不著反类犬,成为军人的阶下囚。   But Song Bo ends up the loser as Jun Ren has got the support of most of the gang members.   方舟上边要留透光处,高一肘。方舟的门要开在旁边。   Make a roof for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above, and set the door of the ark in its side.   气温每升高一摄氏度,就可能从饱和空气团里多降7%的水。   For each degree celsius of warming, 7% more water is available to rain down from saturated air masses.   高新区是外资的聚集地。   The High-tech Zone is an attractive place for foreign investment. shangnanhua.   这表明,相当一批高新技术企业利用高新区提供的区域性优化的良好环境,实现了高速成长。   The statistics eloquently demonstrate that a large number of high-techenterprises have achieved rapid growth by utilizing the good environment ofSTIPs.   科技部将举办国家级科技园区主任论坛,推进高新区取得更大发展;   Our Ministry will hold the national level Science and Technology Industrial ParkDirectors' Forum to promote the swift development of the high-tech zones.   2008年,54个国家高新区工业增加值增长18.6%。   The value-added of the 54 national new and high technology development zonesrose 18.6% in 2008.   在高新区内建设的专案,由高新区组织认定并兑现用地和财政扶持政策。   For the projects established in High-tech Zone, the government of High-tech Zone will organize to confirm the projects and provide the land and give the financesupport.   而目前在我国的高新区管理中将这些因素看作是孤立的,缺少将各要素纳入统一的整合管理。   Now these factors is regard as isolated in the management of national high-tech zone and need to be bring into the integrated management.   资料表明,国家高新区在其发展过程中普遍存在功能异化与偏离的现象。   It shows that there are function variation and deviation in the development of different high-tech zones.   在高新区一家超市的盒装月饼销售专区,记者发现,这里的价位大多在80元到120元之间,200元以上的高档月饼数量不多。   In the supermarket located in Hefei high-tech zone, our reporter found the pricesfor the packaged cakes are between 80 yuan to 120 yuan, very few of them are priced over 200 yuan.   为消除这些影响,对高新区企业活动进行有效的管理和控制,就需要对各要素进行整合管理。   In order to eliminate these influences, control enterprise's action effectively,integrated management of national high-tech zone is needed.   最后,本文还简单分析了高新区建设发展带来的城市社会空间的矛盾与冲突。   Finally, the social conflicts between urban space and Hi-Tech industriesdevelopment zone was *** yzed.   我国高新区发展进入“二次创业”阶段。   Chinas high-tech development zone is entering the "second venture"stage.   最后根据制度结构分析的理论,横向比较上海、北京、深圳和西安高新区的制度结构。   At last, the author studies and pares the institutional structure in Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Zone.   自高新区成立以来,各项经济指标年均增长均在25%以上。   Since the establishment of Hi-tech Zone, its economy grew over 25%.   高新技术的发展基地——高新区的发展也面临新的机遇和挑战。   The new and high tech industry development zones, the development base ofnew and high technology, face new opportunity and challenge.   成都高新区将大规模引进投资专案。   High-tech zone to introduce large projects.   继而提出建立自主创新体系以推进高新区“二次创业”的举措。   Then, it puts forward the measure of advance hi-tech zone "SecondDevelopment" through establishing independent innovation system.   本次现状用地招拍挂出让试点工作在历下、市中、槐荫、天桥、历城、长清区及高新区范围内进行。   Dr. film to the present status of land sold in the calendar of the pilot project, thecity, Huaiyin, flyovers , calendar City, long - and high-tech zones within the district.   本文指出了我国高新区产业丛集发展过程中存在的问题,并针对所存在的问题提出了对策。   The present paper points out some problems arising in the development of theenterprise groups in the hi-tech park and suggests some countermeasures tocope with those problems.    *** 设租、政策性租金的存在,是过去10年高新区高速发展的动力所在。   The existence of the policy rent is the motive of the past 10 years high speeddevelopment for the H&T zones.   所以,在这样的形势下,我国53个国家级高新区都把创新作为了首要任务,为把高新区建成创新型园区而努力奋斗著。   Therefore, under such circumstance, 53 national high-tech zones of our countrytake innovation as the most important task and strive for construction from high-tech zones to innovation-type park.


  高中是高阶中学high school的简称,我国中学分为初级中学与高阶中学,属于中等教育的范畴。那么,你知道高中的英语怎么说吗?   高中的英文释义:   high and middle   senior high school   secondary school   senior middle school   高中的英文例句:   在上高中时,我们有语文,英语,科学等课程。   In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth.   这本书太难而不适合大多数的高中生。   The book is too difficult for most senior high school students.   当明年七月来到时,我就不再是高中生了。   I will be no more a senior high school student e next July.   我觉得高中的学习生活比初中要紧张多了,在校生活是丰富的。   The course work is much harder in the high school pared to the middle school.   收藏在角落的是她高中时代的奖赏。   Tucked away in the corner was her high school award.   我们在高中时是好朋友。   We were buddies in high school.   高中女学生有时迷恋于他们的老师。   High school girls sometimes have a crush on their teachers.   她在一所高中当数学老师。   She has been working in a senior middle school.   他退出了高中,但获得了等值的文凭。   He dropped out of high school but obtained an equivalency diploma.   你听说史密斯考上了重点高中了吗?   Have you heard that Smith passed for the key senior middle school?   尽管我几年前就已经从高中毕业了,我还是投入到他所有的课程中以防那儿有状况发生。   I have been put in all of his classes in case something happens there, though Igraduated high school years ago.   但是那是因为他们要么就强迫自己锻炼到精疲力竭,要么就根本不去锻炼。而我从高中起就坚持锻炼。   But because they never exercise except to push themselves to the max, theynever go, and I’ve been exercising consistently since high school.   “我们所做的全部是学习,除了我们睡觉以外。”一名高中男孩告诉我,他并不夸张。   "All we do is study, except when we sleep, " one high school boy told me, and hewas not exaggerating.   你无法去核算你的教育的花费是多少,但是在一生的光阴里,你会不时的回忆和再现高中和大学里的美好记忆。   You will never know what the total cost of your education was, but for a lifetimeyou will recall and relive the memories of schools and colleges.   高中时很有天赋,你会怎么做?   Talented, high school, what do you do?   或是物理问题 *** ,又或者是高中的物理实验室,我们对这些问题都有确切的答案,或者你可以把你的实验结果改成正确的,有些事情是不能明确界定的。   And so this is not like a math problem set or a physics problem set. Or, like a highschool physics lab, where we all know what the answer should be, and you couldfake your lab results anyway.   有时我从高中的什么聚会回到家里,会见到我妈正手握念珠坐那里,喃喃地为我的平安归来而祈祷。   I’d e home from a high-school party and Mom would be sitting there with herrosary, mumbling, praying for my safe return.   英译汉几年前还是美国一所公立高中学生的约翰和当时还是英国一所私立学校学生的吉恩,如今成了中国一所大学的同班同学。   Years ago, John, a student of an American high school which was a public school,and Jean, a private school student in England, are now clas *** ates in a universityof China.   我非常感激我在那里的经历,所以我整个高中都定期地在我的社群志愿服务。   I appreciated my experience there so much that I continued to volunteer regularlyin my munity all throughout high school.   然后,和他们分享一下你对于性的想法,并且你记得你在高中时有性冲动的感觉。   Then share with them some of the thoughts you have now, and the feelings youremember having in high school.   该研究专案发现双方都拥有大学学位的夫妇的离婚率是那些只有一方有高中学位夫妇的三分之一。   The project found that divorce rates for couples with college degrees are only athird as high as for those with a high-school degree.   在一些农村地区,很多老师自己本身连高中都没有毕业。   In some rural areas, the teachers themselves have not graduated from high school.   迄今为止,大约有80名高校和一些高中已经实施了这项测试。   About 80 colleges and a handful of high schools have administered the test so far.   “我从新加坡数学中学到的数学比我在高中或大学里所学的还多。”他夸赞道。   “I learned more math from Singapore math than I ever did in high school orcollege,” he said.   我已经在高中的时候重复这一过程长达四年的时间了。   I’ve done that over the course of four years in high school.   这些自杀者有些是他们的朋友,高中或大学时代的同龄人。   Sometimes, these suicides have been friends of theirs, contemporaries from high school or college.   我不会在这把所有内容都涉及,但是你们已不再是在高中了。   I don't cover everything in there, but you are not in high school anymore.   但是他却对他所到达的新世界感到十分的失望,他不得不进入高中并开始学习基础的生存技巧。   But he’s so lost in this new world that he has to go back to high school to learnbasic survival skills.   而对那些在幼儿园或是刚升入初中和高中的学生来说,今天是你们在新学校的第一天。不难理解你们或许会有一点紧张不安的感觉。   And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s yourfirst day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous.

高中英语怎么说 高中英语如何说

1、高中英语的说法是:senior middle school; senior school; high school。

2、Senior High School,中国的高中。

3、senior school,一般在美国适用,高中最后一年。

4、High School,一般英文国家的高中。

5、例句:Any high school student could tell you the answer. 意思是:随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。



