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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-22 22:06:12编辑:皮带君


  The Power of The Dream,如此明显的关于梦想的英文歌曲你们觉得怎么样?下面是我给大家整理的关于梦想的英文歌,供大家参阅!   关于梦想的英文歌The Power of The Dream背景   这首《梦想的力量》出自十六座格莱美奖得主、超级金曲制作教父大卫福斯特。如果你是一位从上世纪八九十年代开始听流行音乐的歌迷,你一定是一路听着大卫福斯特创作和制作的歌曲长大的。可以说,那一代的歌迷,没有人能逃过大卫福斯特的影响。   歌曲的演唱者也是当时乐坛最具实力和人气,唱片全球销量超过一亿,获得过五座格莱美奖、两座奥斯卡奖、两亿张专辑销量之世纪美声天后席琳迪翁。   大卫福斯特是席琳迪翁的制作人,他很清楚席琳迪翁的高亢,激昂的嗓音正适合于演唱像奥运会这样题材的歌曲,于是他为席琳迪翁量身定做了这首"梦的力量"。这对黄金组合也确实给我们带来了惊喜,歌曲凭着自身的魅力和锡林迪翁优异的演唱技巧和表达,获得了极大的成功,告诉了人们,只要敢去想,那就是成功的开始。歌曲打破了以往奥运主题歌都是合唱的形式,由此使席琳迪翁成为了奥运会史上第一位独自演唱主题歌的歌手,并且是女歌手,这同样也是席琳迪翁演艺事业的一大飞跃!这首歌也是1993年大卫福斯特为席琳制作的生涯首支冠军单曲,极具纪念意义!   关于梦想的英文歌The Power of The Dream基本信息   关于梦想的英文歌The Power of The Dream歌词   Deep within each heart 在每个人心灵深处   There lies a magic spark 蕴藏着神奇的火花   That lights the fire of our imagination 它的能够点燃我们想象力之火   And since the dawn of man 自从人类降生,   The strenght of just "I can" 它就是我独有的力量   Has brought together people of all nations 它让所有的人和国家团结起来   There's nothing ordinary 团结起来   In the living of each day 在生活中的每一天里   There's a special part 没有什么是唯一可能的事情   Every one of us will play 我们每个人都可能会实现特别的自我   Feel the flame forever burn 去感觉圣火在永远燃烧吧   Teaching lessons we must learn 它教会我们我们所需要的东西   To bring us closer to the power of the dream 使我们接近梦想的力量   As the world gives us its best 世界赋予我们它的全部精华   To stand apart from all the rest 使我们与其它生灵相区别   It is the power of the dream that brings us here   是梦想的力量让我们走到今天   Your mind will take you far 而你的心将使你继续前行   The rest is just pure heart 唯一需要的只是一颗纯粹的心   Youπl find your fate is all your own creation   你会发现你的命运全部是你自己的创造   Every boy and girl 每个男孩和女孩   As they come into this world 在他/她们降临世界之时   They bring the gift of hope and inspiration 就被赋予了希望和灵感   Feel the flame forever burn 去感觉圣火在永远燃烧吧   Teaching lessons we must learn 它教会我们我们所需要的东西   To bring us closer to the power of the dream 使我们接近梦想的力量   The world unites in hope and peace 世界为了和平团结起来   We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷永远如此   It is the power of the dream that brings us here   是梦想的力量让我们走到这里   There's so much strength in all of us 我们所有人都有着如此多的力量   Every woman child and man 每个女人,孩子和男人   It's the moment that you think you can'tω 当你们以为你们做不到的时候   You'll discover that you can 你们会发现你们能   Feel the flame forever burn 去感觉圣火在永远燃烧吧   Teaching lessons we must learn 它教会我们我们所需要的东西   To bring us closer to the power of the dream 使我们接近梦想的力量   ]The world unites in hope and peace 世界为了和平团结起来   We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷永远如此   It is the power of the dream that brings us here   Feel the flame forever burn 去感觉圣火在永远燃烧吧   Teaching lessons we must learn 它教会我们我们所需要的东西   To bring us closer to the power of the dream 使我们接近梦想的力量   The world unites in hope and peace 世界为了和平团结起来   We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷永远如此   It is the power of the dream that brings us here   是梦想的力量让我们走到这里   The power of the dream 梦想的力量   To realize the power of the dream 来发现梦想的力量   


《梦想》梦想是灯塔,指引人生前进的方向。一个没有梦想的人,就像鸟儿没有翅膀; 一个没有梦想的人,就像船只失去方向。面向太阳,就会是希望;  勇敢成长,就是种锋芒。  我相信,梦想就是最好的信仰。  它指引着我向前,让我不再彷徨。就算前路充满荆棘,困难重重;  就算面临失败、痛苦、挣扎。  只要把坚强做作翅膀,逆风也能飞翔; 只要把希望化成力量,奇迹会从天而降。我相信,我就是我。  独一无二,势不可挡;  不怕孤独,不惧风浪。  因为有你,与我并肩。  我相信朝着梦想,大步向前。  我们可以改变世界 我们可以实现梦想 I believe I can!译文:netdreamDream is a beacon, guiding the direction of life.A man without dreams is like a bird without wings;A man without dreams is like a ship losing its direction.Facing the sun, it will be hope;Brave growth is a sharp edge.I believe that dreams are the best faith.It guides me forward and makes me stop wandering.Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, there are many difficulties;Even in the face of failure, pain and struggle.As long as you make strong wings, you can fly against the wind;As long as hope is turned into strength, miracles will fall from the sky.I believe that I am who I am.Unique and unstoppable;Not afraid of loneliness, not afraid of wind and waves.Because of you, side by side with me.I believe in striding forward towards dreams.We can change the world, we can realize our dreamsI believe I can!

Dream it possible张靓颖的这首歌歌词求英文音译

Dream it possible

I will run, I will climb, I will soar.
I'm undefeated
Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord
Yeah I believe it

The past, is everything we were don't make us who we are
so I'll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars

It's not until you fall that you fly

When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable
take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible

I will chase, I will reach, I will fly
Until I'm breaking, until I'm breaking
Out of my cage, like a bird in the night
I know I'm changing, I know I'm changing

In,into something big, better than before
And if it takes, takes a thousand lives
Then it's worth fighting for

It's not until you fall that you fly

When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable
take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible

From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop
The rest of our lives
From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop



