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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-18 19:08:15编辑:皮带君


一、Organize,英语单词,动词,意为“组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等;组织起来;成立组织”。二、单词发音英[ˈɔ:gənaɪz]美[ɔrɡənˌaɪz]三、双语列句1.How should iorganize his report?我该怎么组织这篇报告?2.I organize my material.我整理我的资料。3.Do you have any ideas or tips on how to organize magazines?你有任何有关如何整理杂志的见解或窍门吗?


  从广义上说,组织是指由诸多要素按照一定方式相互联系起来的系统。从狭义上说,组织就是指人们为实现一定的目标,互相协作结合而成的集体或团体,如党团组织、工会组织、企业、军事组织等等。那么你知道组织用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   组织的英语说法1:   organization   组织的英语说法2:   tissue   组织的英语说法3:   forefather   组织的相关 短语 :   非政府组织 non-government organization   上皮组织 epithelium ;   军事组织 military organization ;   恐怖组织 List of designated terrorist organizations ;   自组织 self-organization ; self-organizing ;   组织发展 organization development ;   组织者 Organizer ; Playmaker ; systematizer ; planner   政治组织 political organisation ; polity ; Political Organization   组织的英语例句:   1. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.   我已经掌握了有关该组织诞生的可靠的详细资料。   2. The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.   这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。   3. He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.   他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。   4. Deep down, she supported her husband'sinvolvement in the organization.   在心底里,她支持丈夫参加这个组织。   5. Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes.   心理测试能够使组织机构避免犯下损失惨重的大错。   6. The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.   这个少年可能被一个异教组织绑架了。   7. The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.   男女同性恋权益组织“石墙”认为公开揭露同性恋者身份毫无益处。   8. The rebels are well organised, disciplined and very well armed.   叛乱者组织有序,纪律性强,武装精良。   9. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.   他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。   10. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.   ____右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。   11. Unions are required to give seven days' notice of industrial action.   工会组织劳工行动应提前7天作出声明。   12. There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad.   有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了国外势力的支持。   13. Grey took every opportunity to lambast Thompson and his organization.   格雷不放过任何一个炮轰汤普森及其组织的机会。   14. Lewis is matched against the WBO's heavyweight champion, Tommy Morrison.   刘易斯对决世界 拳击 组织的重量级拳王汤米·莫里森。   15. The Front has often been dismissed as a cranky fringe group.   艺术家联盟常被认为是一个古怪的边缘组织。



