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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-12-04 21:17:07编辑:皮带君















胃肠病学编委;世界华人消化杂志编委;中华国际肿瘤学杂志 编委;中国医药杂志通讯 编委;分别担任American Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,American Journal of Cancer Case Reports和American Journal of Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism的高级编委(Senior editor);Tumor biology和IJMS的审稿人;中华医学会上海市消化分会委员;中国医师协会上海市消化病分会委员。


1. Danxi Zhu1, Lidan Hou1, Jie sun, Bin hu2, Jianhua Wang3* , Xiangjun Meng1* (Scientific reports Submitted Correspondence author)

Crosstalk among proteome, acetylome and succinylome in colon cancer HCT116 cell line treated with sodium dichloroacetate

2. Hang Zhao,1 Zhiying He,2 Dandan Huang,3 Jun Gao,4 Yanfang Gong,4 Hongyu Wu,4 Aifang Xu,4 Xiangjun Meng,5 and Zhaoshen Li4 Infusion of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuates Experimental Severe Acute Pancreatitis in Rats Stem Cells International ( Impact factor 3.687 Accepted in press; Correspondence author)

3. 孙洁 孟祥军 血清CA199、CEA、CA125、CA724联合检测在胃癌诊断中的价值 中国实验诊断学 2014年第18卷第12期 1936-1939页

4. 孙洁 孟祥军 肿瘤细胞的异常糖代谢 国际肿瘤学杂志 2013年第40卷第12期 883-885

5. 田晓慧;胡斌;秦溶;王晗;孟祥军血清IGF-1水平及癌组织VEGF表达在结肠癌患者诊断和治疗中的临床意义:《实用临床医药杂志》2014年第03期

6. 胡斌 田晓慧 孟祥军 高尔基体磷酸化蛋白GOLPH2的研究及其潜在的应用价值 现代生物医学进展2013; 26:5176~5179

7. 欧洲肝病学会临床实践指南:胆汁淤积性肝病的治疗 陆伦根 田丽艳 徐铭益 冯赟 徐正婕 孟祥军 肝脏 2010年15卷01期 (译著;主译者)

8. 许晓巍 孟祥军 王椿 糖酵解与肿瘤 国际肿瘤学杂志 2011年38卷08期(通讯作者)

9. Hu B, Tian X, Sun J, Meng X Evaluation of individual and combined applications of serum biomarkers for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a meta-analysis.

. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Dec 2;14(12):23559-80. doi: 10.3390/ijms141223559 (Impact factor 2.339 Correspondence author)

10. Zhao H, Zhu F, Sun J, Meng X. Meta-analysis of the association between NQO1 Pro187Ser polymorphism and colorectal cancer in Asians. Tumour Biol. 2013 Oct 19. (Impact factor 2.84 Correspondence author)

11. Zhu F, Zhao H, Tian X, Meng X. Association between tumor necrosis factor-α rs1800629 polymorphism and risk of gastric cancer: a meta-analysis. Tumour Biol. 2013 Oct 19. (Impact factor 2.84 Correspondence author)

12. Xu X, Li B, Huang P, Wan X, Qin Y, Zhou L, Liu H, Bai H, Gao Y, Wang C, Meng X. Citrate induces apoptosis of the acute monocytic leukemia U937 cell line through regulation of HIF-1α signaling. Mol Med Rep. 2013 Nov;8(5):1379-84. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2013.1702. Epub 2013 Sep 24.( impact factor 1.17 Correspondence author)

13. Deng M, Jing DD, Meng XJ. Effect of MUC1 siRNA on drug resistance of gastric cancer cells to trastuzumab. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(1):127-31. ( Impact factor 1.271)

14. 步丽梅,孟祥军,吴恺,徐敏,陆伦根,雷帕霉素对人胰腺癌细胞SW1990的mTOR信号通路的影响,现代生物医学进展, S2期, pp 5013-5016, 2011.

15. Li Baiwen; Li Lei; Chen, Xiangrong; Liu Di, meng xiangjun Net Inhibits the Growth of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma through p21 In Vitro and In Vivo (Plos One 2013 Feburary 28 ( Impact factor 3.73 Correspondence author )

16. Vania Vidimara, d, g, 1, Xiangjun Menge, g, 1(Co-first author), Marcelina Klajnerc, g, 1, Cynthia Liconaa, g, Ludivine Fetzerb, g, Sébastien Harleppc, g, Pascal Hébraudc, g, Marjorie Sidhoumf, g, Claude Sirlinb, g, Jean-Philippe Loefflerf, g, Georg Mellitzera, g, Gianni Savad, Michel Pfefferb, g, Christian Gaiddona, g, Induction of caspase8 and reactive oxygen species by ruthenium-derived anticancer compounds with improved water solubility and cytotoxicity Biochemical Pharmacology 1 September 2012 ( Impact factor 4.576)

17. Benosman S, Meng X,(Co-first author) Von Grabowiecki Y, Palamiuc L, Hritcu L, Gross I, Mellitzer G, Taya Y, Loeffler JP, Gaiddon C. Complex regulation of p73 isoforms after alteration of amyloid precursor polypeptide (APP) function and DNA damage in neurons. J Biol Chem. 2011 Dec 16;286(50):43013-25. Epub 2011 Oct 14. ( Impact factor 4.773 )

18. Fetzer L, Boff B, Ali M, Xiangjun M, Collin JP, Sirlin C, Gaiddon C, Pfeffer M. Library of second-generation cycloruthenated compounds and evaluation of their biological properties as potential anticancer drugs: passing the nanomolar barrier.Dalton Trans. 2011 Sep 21;40(35):8869-78. Epub 2011 Aug 12. (Impact factor 3.838)

19. Meng X, Leyva M, Benosman S, Sidhoum M, Fricker B, Harlepp S, Hebraud P, Boss A, Bischoff P, Sirlin C, Pfeffer M, Loeffler JP, and Gaiddon C. Ruthenium derived anticancer compounds inhibit tumor growth through induction of the reticulum stress signaling pathway. Cancer Res, 2009, 69(13):5458-5466. (Impact factor 7.543)

20. Ratnacaram CK, Teletin M, Jiang M, Meng X, Chambon P, Metzger D. Temporally controlled ablation of PTEN in adult mouse prostate epithelium generates a model of invasive prostatic adenocarcinoma. Proc Nal Acad Sci U S A, 2008, 105(7):2521~2526. (Impact factor 9.38)

21. Indra AK, Castaneda E, Antal MC, Jiang M, Messaddeq N, Meng X, Loehr CV, Cariglio P, Kato S, WAAHLI w, Desvergne B, Metzger D, Chambon P. Malignant transformation of DMBA/TPA-induced papilloma and nevi in the skin of mice selectively lacking retinoid-X- receptor alpha in epidermal keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol, 2007, 127(5):1250-1260. (Impact factor 4.829)

22. Xiao SD, Meng XJ, Shi Y, Hu YB, Zhu SS, Wang CW. Interventional study of high dose folic acid in gastric carcinogenesis in beagles. Gut, 2002, 50(1): 61-64. (Impact factor 6.323)

23. Wu J, Meng X, Li D, Lu H. Abnormal Metabolism of glucose as clue for early diagnosing pancreatic cancer. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2002 Mar;82(5):312-4.

24. 孟祥军,吴建新,李定国,陆汉明 慢性萎缩性胃炎胃粘膜病理改变与细胞毒素相关蛋白及空泡细胞毒素的关系 临床内科杂志 2003;8:25~28

25. 吴建新 孟祥军 等 糖代谢异常与胰腺癌的早期临床表现 中华医学杂志 2002年第82卷第5期 312-314

26. 孟祥军; 萧树东; 朱舜时; 胡运彪; 施尧; p16基因表达与胃癌组织类型的关系 胃肠病学 2000;5(2)107-109

27. 孟祥军,董全江,许玉香,刘燕燕 视觉诱发电位对肝性脑病的价值研究 临床肝胆病杂志 1997;13(1)29-31

28. 孟祥军,张伯伦 血清铜及铜锌比值对肝癌的鉴别诊断价值 综合临床内科杂志 1997;13(4);303-304



