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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-11-14 19:09:46编辑:皮带君

2009年至2013年于斯坦福大学(Stanford University)医学院从事博士后研究工作。





先后入选包括国家优秀青年科学基金,教育部霍英东教育基金会优秀青年教师基金,江苏省杰出青年基金,江苏省双创人才,江苏省双创团队,江苏省333工程人才,江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才等人才计划;先后作为课题负责人主持科技部国家重点研发计划干细胞及转化研究重点专项和科技部青年973计划,主持中国科学院“器官重建与制造”A类战略性先导科技专项,军委科技委军事脑科学项目,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,人力资源和社会保障部留学人员科技活动重点项目,教育部留学人员项目,全球二十强药企德国Boehringer Ingelheim?公司的500万元的Faculty Research Award和瑞士Novartis公司70万元Faculty Research Award等15项课题。相关工作发表在Advanced Materials, Nature communications, Sciences Advances, Advanced Functional Materials,3篇PNAS,Autophagy,Biomaterials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2篇Development,Drug Delivery,Cell Death & Disease,Molecular Neurobiology等有国际影响力的学术期刊上,近5年发表SCI论文72篇(总影响因子481.8);其中第一和通讯作者论文47篇(总影响因子292.5,其中IF>10分5篇);作为主编出版专著人工听觉技术概要,研究成果被国际科学网站和权威期刊多次正面评价和引用;另有国际会议大会发言6次,国际会议论文21篇,作为大会主席参与举办了三届中国听觉科学大会(第1,3,4届),作为分论坛主席主持了一届国际耳内科医师学会年会听觉异常与平衡障碍分论坛(第19届),主持了两届中国生物物理学会年会听觉研究分论坛(第16,17届),主持了一届中国神经科学学会年会听觉研究分论坛(第12届)。现任SCI期刊American Journal of Stem Cells(AJSC)?执行主编?(Executive Editor-in-Chief),American Journal of Translational Research(AJTR),Hearing Research,Frontiers of Medicine,Global Journal of Otolaryngology,Engineering和Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine(OHBM)期刊编委(Editorial Board Member),Neural Plasticity?期刊Lead Guest Editor。研究方向


听力障碍是一种常见的耳疾。根据WHO 1985年全球听力残疾人数为4200万,1995年估计为1.2亿,2001年上升到2.5亿,2005年达到2.78亿,占全球人口的4.6%,其中80%残疾人群生活在中低收入国家。其中老年性耳聋的主要原因是由于内耳毛细胞和螺旋神经元的损伤,而永久性感音神经性聋主要是由于内耳毛细胞的不可逆损伤和由于毛细胞损伤而导致的螺旋神经元神经突的退化造成的。因此如何使内耳毛细胞和螺旋神经元神经突在损伤和丢失后修复和再生,是近年来听觉领域研究的重点。本实验室的研究方向主要着眼于Wnt信号通路对内耳干细胞的调控。通过对于内耳干细胞调控机制的研究,诱导这些干细胞增殖分化成为具有功能的耳蜗毛细胞和螺旋神经元细胞,从而治疗听力障碍。






X. Wang#, X. Wang#, Yuan W, R.J. Chai*(并列通讯作者), D. Liu*. Egfl6 is involved in zebrafish notochord development. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2015 May 8,doi: 10.1007/s10695-015-0061-x

T. Wang#, R.J. Chai#(并列第一作者),G. Kim, .X. Pham, L. Jansson, D. Nguyen, B. Kuo, L. May, E. Rubel, J. Zuo, L. Cunningham, A.G. Cheng*. Damage-Recruited Lgr5+ Cells Regenerate Hair Cells via Proliferation and Direct Transdifferentiationin Neonatal Mouse Utricle. Nature Communications, 2015 Apr 7;6:6613. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7613.

S. Sun, M. Sun, Y. Zhang, C. Cheng, M. Waqas, H. Yu, Y. He, B. Xu, S. Yin, R.J. Chai*(并列通讯作者), H. Li*. In vivo overexpression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein protects against neomycin-induced hair cell loss in the apical turn of the cochlea during the ototoxic-sensitive period.

T.A. Jan#, R.J. Chai#(并列第一作者), Z. Sayyid, R. van Amerongen, A. Xia, T. Wang T, S.T. Sinkkonen, J.R. Levin, Y. Zheng, S. Heller, R. Nusse*, A.G. Cheng*. Tympanic border cells are Wnt-responsive and act as progenitors for postnatal mouse cochlear cells. Development 140, 1196-1206, doi:10.1242/dev.087528. 2013

R.J. Chai, B. Kuo, T. Wang, E. J. Liaw, A. Xia, T. A. Jan, Z. Liu, M. M. Taketod, J. S. Oghalaia, R. Nussec, J. Zuo, and A. G. Cheng*.Wnt signaling induces proliferation of sensory precursors in the postnatal mouse cochlea.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(21):8167-72. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1202774109. 2012 May 22

R.J. Chai, A. Xia, T. Jan, T. Hayashi, O. Bermingham-McDonogh, A.G. Cheng*. Dynamic expression of Lgr5, a Wnt target gene, in the developing and mature mouse inner ear. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (JARO); 12(4):455-69. PMCID: PMC3123443. 2011 Aug

R.J. Chai, S.Y Chen, J.H. Ding*, P. Grayburn*. Efficient, Glucose Responsive, and Islet-Specific Transgene Expression by a Modified Rat Insulin Promoter. Gene Therapy 16, 1202–1209 PMCID: PMC2762485. 2009

Y. He , D. Tang , C. Cai , R.J. Chai, H. Li*. LSD1 is Required for Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish.Molecular Neurobiology 2015 May 26. [Epub ahead of print]

H. Mei, S.Sun, Y.Bai, Y. Y. Chen , R.J. Chai, H. Li*. Reduced mtDNA copy number increases the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs.Cell Death & Disease2015 Apr 2;6:e1710. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2015.78.

R. Feng, Q. Sang, Y.Zhu, W. Fu, M. Liu, Y. Xu, H. Shi, Y.Xu, R. Qu, R.J. Chai,R. Shao, L.Jin, L. He, X.Sun, L. Wang*.MiRNA-320 in the human follicular fluid is associated with embryo quality in vivo and affects mouse embryonic development in vitro. Scientific Report 2015 Mar 3;5:8689. doi: 10.1038/srep08689

W. Li, J. Wu, J. Yang, S. Sun, R.J. Chai, Z. Chen* , H. Li*Notch inhibition inducesmitoticallygenerated hair cells in mammalian cochleae via activating the Wnt pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jan 6;112(1):166-71. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1415901112

Y. Chen, L. Li, W. Ni, Y. Zhang, S. Sun, D. Miao, R.J. Chai, H. Li*Bmi1 regulates auditory hair cell survival by maintaining redox balance.Cell Death & Disease 2015 Jan 22;6:e1605. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.549.

S. Sun, H. Yu, H. Mei, W. Ni, Y. Zhang, L. Guo, Y. He, Z.Xue, Y.Ni, J. Li, Y. Feng, Y.Chen, R. Shao, R.J. Chai,H. Li*.Inhibition of the Activation and Recruitment ofMicroglia-Like Cells Protects AgainstNeomycin-Induced Ototoxicity.Molecular Neurobiology 2015,51(1):252-267PMID: 24781382

D. Chang, R.J. Chai, R. DiMarco, S. Heilshorn, A.G. Cheng*. Protein-Engineered Hydrogel Encapsulation for 3D Culture of Murine Cochlea. Otology & Neurotology, 2015,36(3):531-538

Q. Sang, J. Zhang, R. Feng, X. Wang ,Q.Li ,X.Zhao,Q.Xing,Q.Chen, J. Du,S.Sun, R.J. Chai,, L. Jin, L. He ,H.Li* ,L.Wang*. Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42.Human Molecular Genetic.2014 Dec 1;23(23):6201-11. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddu340.

W. Yan , J. Li , R.J. Chai,W. Guo , L. Xu , Y. Han , X.Bai , H.Wang*.Combining Use of Captopril and Losartan Attenuates the Progress of Streptococcus pneumoniae-Induced Tympanosclerosis through the Suppression of TGF-β1 Expression.PLoS One. 2014 Oct 31;9(10):e111620. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111620.

X. Bai, H. Lv, H. Zhang, J. Liu, Z.Fan, L.Xu, Y. Han, R.J. Chai,J. Li, H. Wang.Identification of a novel missense mutation in the WFS1 gene as a cause of autosomal dominant nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss in all-frequencies.Am J Med Genet A. 2014 Sep 23. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.36760. [Epub ahead of print]

Y. He, H. Yu, C. Cai, S. Sun, H, R.J. Chai,H. Li*Inhibition of H3K4me2 Demethylation Protects Auditory Hair Cells from Neomycin-Induced Apoptosis. Molecular Neurobiology 2014 Aug 19. 10.1007

X. Gu, L. Guo, H. Ji, S. Sun, R.J. Chai, L. Wang, H. Li*. Genetic testing for sporadic hearing loss using targeted massively parallel sequencing identifies 10 novel mutations. Clinical Genetics2014 May 22. doi: 10.1111/cge.12431

S. Volkenstein, K. Oshima, S. T. Sinkkonen, C. Corrales, S. Most, R.J. Chai, T. Jan, A.G. Cheng, S. Heller*. Transient, afferent input-dependent, postnatal niche for neural progenitor cells in the cochlear nucleus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Aug 27, 110(35):14456-61. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1307376110.

A. Vu, J. Kim, M. Huth, L. Luk, R.J. Chai, A.J. Ricci, A. G. Cheng*. Integrity and regeneration of mechanotransduction machinery regulates aminoglycoside entry and sensory cell death Plos One, 2013, 8(1):e54794. PMCID:PMC3554584.

S. T. Sinkkonen, R.J. Chai, T. Jan, R. D. Laske, A.G. Cheng, K. Oshima, S. Heller*.Intrinsic regenerative potential of murine cochlear supporting cells Scientific Report2011 1, 26; DOI:10.1038/srep00026.

T. Jan, R.J. Chai, Z. Sayyid, A.G. Cheng*. Isolating LacZ-expressing cells from mouse inner ear tissues using flow cytometry. J Vis Exp, (58). 2011 Dec 23;

代表刊期Yan Liu#, Jieyu Qi#, Xin Chen#, Mingliang Tang#, Cenfeng Chu, Weijie Zhu, Hui Li, Cuiping Tian, Guang Yang, Chao Zhong, Zhang Ying, Guangjian Ni, Shuijin He*,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Guisheng Zhong*. Critical role of spectrin in hearing development and deafness.?

Science Advances,

?In Press, 2019(IF:?11.514)Zhongmin Liu#, Mingliang Tang#, Jinping Zhao,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Jiuhong Kang*. Looking into the Future: Towards Advanced Three-Dimensional Biomaterials for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine.


Advanced Materials


?1705388, 2018(IF:21.950)Luoran Shang, Yunru Yu, Wei Gao, Yuetong Wang, Liangliang Qu, Ze Zhao,

?Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Yuanjin Zhao*. Bio-inspired Anisotropic Wettability Surface from Dynamic Ferrofluid Assembled Templates.

?Advanced Functional Materials

, 1705802, 2018(IF:13.325)Sana Shaikh, Fawad Rehman, Tianyu Du, Hui Jiang, Lihong Yin, Xuemei Wang*,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者).?

Real-time Multimodal Bioimaging of Cancer Cells and Exosomes through Biosynthesized Iridium and Iron Nanoclusters.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,

?doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b08975, 2018 (IF:8.097)?Wenwen Liu, Xiaochen Xu, Zhaomin Fan, Gaoying Sun, Yuechen Han, Daogong Zhang, Lei Xu, Mingming Wang, Xue Wang, Shasha Zhang, Mingliang Tang, Jianfeng Li,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Haibo Wang*.Wnt signaling activates TIGAR and protects against cisplatin-induced spiral ganglion neuron damage in the mouse cochlea.

Antioxidants & Redox Signaling,

?doi: 10.1089/ars.2017.7288, 2018 (IF:6.530)Wenqing Yan#, Wenwen Liu#, Jieyu Qi, Qiaojun Fang, Zhaomin Fan, Gaoying Sun, Yuechen Han, Daogong Zhang, Lei Xu, Mingming Wang, Jianfeng Li, Fangyi Chen, Dong Liu*,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Haibo Wang*. A Three-Dimensional Culture System with Matrigel Promotes Purified Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival and Function In Vitro.

Molecular Neurobiology,

?55(3):2070-2084., 2018(IF:6.19)Zuhong He#, Lingna Guo#, Yilai Shu#, Qiaojun Fang, Han Zhou, Yongze Liu, Dingding Liu, Ling Lu, Xiaoli Zhang, Xiaoqiong Ding, Dong Liu, Mingliang Tang, Weijia Kong, Suhua Sha, Huawei Li*, Xia Gao*,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者).?

Autophagy protects auditory hair cells against neomycin-induced damage.


, 2:1-21, 2017(IF:11.100)Shasha Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Pengfei Yu, Yao Hu, Han Zhou, Lingna Guo, Xiaochen Xu, Xiaocheng Zhu, Muhammad Waqas, Jieyu Qi, Xiaoli Zhang, Xiaoyun Qian,?Fangyi Chen,?Mingliang Tang, Yan Liu, Haibo Shi*,?Xia Gao*,

?Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者).

?Characterization of Lgr5+ progenitor cell transcriptomes after neomycin injury in the neonatal mouse cochleae.

Frontiers in Molecular



?10:213, 2017(IF:5.076)Xiaoling Lu#, Shan Sun#, Jieyu Qi, Wenyan Li, Liman Liu, Yanping Zhang, Yan Chen, Shasha Zhang, Lei Wang, Dengshun Miao,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者),

?Huawei Li*.?Bmi1 regulates the proliferation of cochlear supporting cells via the canonical Wnt signaling pathway.?

Molecular Neurobiology

, 54(2):1326-1339, 2017(IF:6.19)Rongrong Guo#, Shasha Zhang#, Miao Xiao, Fuping Qian, Zuhong He, Dan Li, Xiaoli Zhang, ?Huawei Li, Xiaowei Yang, Ming Wang,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者)

, Mingliang Tang*.Accelerating bioelectric functional development of neural stem cells by graphene coupling: Implications for neural interfacing with conductive materials.



?106:193-204. 2016(IF:8.402)Liman Liu#, Yan Chen#, Jieyu Qi Yanping Zhang, Yingzi He, Wenli Ni, Wen Li, Shasha Zhang, Shan Sun, Makoto Taketo, Lei Wang,?

Renjie Chai*(并列通讯作者),

?Huawei Li*. Wnt activation protects against neomycin-induced hair cell damage in the mouse cochlea.

Cell Death & Disease

,?10;7:e2136, 2016(IF:5.965)Tian Wang#,

?Renjie Chai#(并列第一作者)

, Grace Kim, Nicole Pham, Lina Jansson, Duc-Huy Nguyen, Bryan Kuo, Lindsey May, Jian Zuo, Lisa Cunningham, Alan Cheng*. Lgr5+ cells regenerate hair cells via proliferation and direct transdifferentiation in damaged neonatalmouse utricle.?

Nature Communications,

?7;6:6613, 2015(IF:11.47)Brandon Cox#,?

Renjie Chai#(并列第一作者)

,?Anne Lenoir, Zhiyong Liu, LingLi Zhang, Duc-Huy Nguyen,Kavita Chalasani, Katherine Steigelman Jie Fang, Alan Cheng*, Jian Zuo*. Spontaneous hair cell regeneration in the neonatal mouse cochlea in vivo.


, 141,816-29, 2014(IF:6.462)Taha Jan#,?

Renjie Chai#(并列第一作者)

,?Zahra Sayyid, Renée Amerongen, Anping Xia, Tian Wang,Saku Sinkkonen, Yi Zeng, Jared Levin, Stefan Heller, Roel Nusse*, Alan Cheng*


?Tympanic border cells are Wnt-responsive and act as progenitors for postnatal mouse cochlear cells.?


,140, 1196-1206, 2013(IF:6.273)

Renjie Chai#

, Bryan Kuo#, Tian Wang, Eric Liaw, Anping Xia, Taha Jana, Zhiyong Liu, Makoto M. Taketo,?John Oghalai, Roeland Nusse, Jian Zuo*, Alan Cheng*


Wnt signaling induces proliferation of sensory precursors in the postnatal mouse cochlea.?

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,

?109(21):8167-72, 2012?(IF:9.737)代表论著



,陈峰,陈杰,戴艳红,高下(主编),陆玲,麻晓峰,王俊国,钱晓云,杨烨,俞晨杰,张莎莎,周函,朱光洁,人工听觉技术概要,南京大学出版社, 352千字,ISBN 978-7-305-17890-0,2016社会任职

现任中国生物物理学会听觉、言语与交流分会副会长;中国生理学会干细胞与神经分会秘书长,常务理事;国际耳内科医师协会执委(Executive board member);中国听力医学发展基金会专家指导委员会常务委员,听觉基础研究专委会副主委;中国医促会耳内科分会听觉基础研究学组组长;中国老年医学学会耳科学分会常务委员;常务理事和生物医药专委会副主委,秘书长;江苏省发育生物学会常务理事,青年委员会主委和听觉科学专委会主委;江苏省双创联合会常务理事和生物医药专委会副秘书长;中国研究型医学会神经再生与修复专委会委员;江苏省神经生物学会理事;美国耳鼻喉研究学会会员;国际干细胞研究学会会员,江苏省防聋治聋技术指导专家组委员。[3]










2021年1月7日,荣获第十七届江苏省青年科技奖暨 " 江苏省十大青年科技之星 "荣誉称号。[1]





