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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-02-08 17:16:07编辑:皮带君


社会与工程心理学研究室, 副研究员



社会与工程心理学研究室, 副研究员

通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院中科院心理所


1996年9月~2001年7月 就读于武汉大学医学院精神病学与精神卫生学系(后并入临床医学系),获临床医学学士学位

2001年9月~2004年7月 就读于武汉大学医学院精神病学与精神卫生学系,获精神病学与精神卫生学硕士学位

2004年9月~2007年7月 就读于中国科学院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点实验室模式识别及其认知机理研究组模式识别与智能系统专业,获工学博士学位











1. Liu H, Kaneko Y, Ouyang X, Li L, Hao Y, Chen EY, Jiang T, Zhou Y*, Liu Z. Schizophrenic patients and their unaffected siblings share increased resting-state connectivity in the task-negative network but not its anticorrelated task-positive network. Schizophr Bull

2. Rao LL, Li S, Jiang T, Zhou Y CA. Is payoff necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice? Evidence from functional connectivity analysis. PLoS ONE

3. Rao LL, Zhou Y*, Xu L, Liang ZY, Jiang T, Li S. Are risky choices actually guided by a compensatory process? New insights from FMRI. PLoS One.

4. Yu C, Zhou Y*, Liu Y, Jiang T, Dong H, Zhang Y, Walter M. Functional segregation of the human cingulate cortex is confirmed by functional connectivity based neuroanatomical parcellation. Neuroimage.

5. Zhang Y, Zhou Y*, Yu C, Lin L, Li C, Jiang T. Reduced cortical folding in mental retardation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.

6. Zhou Y, Wang K, Liu Y, Song M, Song SW, Jiang T. Spontaneous brain activity observed with functional magnetic resonance imaging as a potential biomarker in neuropsychiatric disorders. Cogn Neurodyn.

7. Zhou Y, Yu C, Zheng H, Liu Y, Song M, Qin W, Li K, Jiang T. Increased neural resources recruitment in the intrinsic organization in major depression. J Affect Disord.

8. Zhang Y, Yu C, Zhou Y*, Li K, Li C, Jiang T. Decreased gyrification in major depressive disorder. Neuroreport

9. Zhou Y, Shu N, Liu Y, Song M, Hao Y, Liu H, Yu C, Liu Z, Jiang T. Altered resting-state functional connectivity and anatomical connectivity of hippocampus in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res.

10. Zhou Y, Liang M, Jiang T, Tian L, Liu Y, Liu Z, Liu H, Kuang F. Functional dysconnectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in first-episode schizophrenia using resting-state fMRI. Neurosci Lett.

11. Zhou Y, Liang M, Tian L, Wang K, Hao Y, Liu H, Liu Z, Jiang T. Functional disintegration in paranoid schizophrenia using resting-state fMRI. Schizophr Res.

12. Jiang T, Zhou Y. Brainnetome of schizophrenia: focus on impaired cognitive function. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry

13. Song M, Zhou Y, Li J, Liu Y, Tian L, Yu C, Jiang T. Brain spontaneous functional connectivity and intelligence. Neuroimage.

14. Liang M, Zhou Y, Jiang T, Liu Z, Tian L, Liu H, Hao Y. Widespread functional disconnectivity in schizophrenia with resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroreport

15. Wang Q, Su TP, Zhou Y, Chou KH, Chen IY, Jiang T, Lin CP. Anatomical insights into disrupted small-world networks in schizophrenia. Neuroimage.

16. Fan M, Liu B, Zhou Y, Zhen X, Xu C, Jiang T. Cortical thickness is associated with different apolipoprotein E genotypes in healthy elderly adults. Neurosci Lett.

17. Shi F, Liu B, Zhou Y, Yu C, Jiang T. Hippocampal volume and asymmetry in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: Meta-analyses of MRI studies. Hippocampus

18. Liu Y, Liang M, Zhou Y, He Y, Hao Y, Song M, Yu C, Liu H, Liu Z, Jiang T. Disrupted small-world networks in schizophrenia. Brain.








