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章军锋教授主要从事壳幔岩石和矿物的高温高压流变学和实验岩石学研究工作,他建立了华北克拉通镁铁质麻粒岩下地壳的流变状态方程,揭示了变形在促进熔体―橄榄岩反应中的关键作用,为克拉通破坏机制提供了定量流变学和高温高压实验约束;建立了超高压榴辉岩和绿辉石岩流变状态方程,为俯冲带动力学过程和榴辉岩拆沉提供了定量流变学约束;发现榴辉岩结构水脱水可以导致高压致裂,揭示中等深度(70-300 km)地震活动的新机制。他发表论文44篇,其中在《自然》发表论文1篇、SCI检索论文34篇,曾获2011年度教育部新世纪优秀人才计划资助、国家自然科学二等奖和全国百篇博士论文优秀奖。



国家自然科学二等奖 1 项(排名第三), 2007

全国百篇博士论文优秀奖, 2007

湖北省自然科学一等奖 1 项(排名第三), 2006

霍英东教育基金青年教师研究类二等奖, 2005


国家自然科学基金委“华北克拉通破坏”重大研究计划中的重点项目一项(编号: 90714005 , 2008 - 2012 )

国家自然基金委面上项目一项(编号: 40502021 , 2006 - 2008 )


Zhang, J.,Green, H. 2007. Experimental investigation of eclogite rheology and fabrics at high pressure.Journal of Metamorphic Geology,25: 97-115

Zhang, J.,Green, H. 2007. On the deformation of eclogite: from laboratory to nature.International Geology Review,49: 487-503.

Liu, L.,Zhang, J.,Green H.W. et al. 2007. Evidence of former stishovite in metamorphosed sediments, implying subduction to 350 km .Earth and Planetary Science Letters,263: 180-191.

章军锋,王永锋,金振民 . 2007. 变形组构引起的超高压榴辉岩地震波速各向异性。中国科学(D辑),37: 1433-1443.

Yang, J., Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Bai, W., Fang, Q., Robinson, P. T.,Zhang, J., Green, H. W. 2007. Diamond- and coesite-bearing chromiitites from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet .Geology,35: 875-878.

Zhang, J.,Green, H., Bozhilov, K. 2006. Rheology of omphacite at high temperature and pressure and significance of its lattice preferred orientation.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,246: 432-443.

Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Liu, Z., Cartigny, P.,Zhang, J.,Tchkhetia, D., Hemley, R. J., Green, H. W. II 2006. Synchrotron infrared and Raman spectroscopy of microdiamonds from Erzgebirge , Germany .Earth and Planetary Science Letters248: 340-349.

章军锋,金振民, Green , H W II. 2005. 结构水引起的榴辉岩变形组构 .科学通报,50: 685-690.

Zhang, J, Green, H W II , Bozilov, K, Jin, Z. 2004. Faulting induced by precipitation of water at grain boundaries in hot subducting oceanic crust.Nature,428: 633-636.

Luo, H.,Zhang, J., Yan, Y. 2003. Electrochemical deposition of mesoporous crystalline oxide semiconductor films from lyotropic liquid crystalline phases.Chemical Materials,15: 3769-3773.

金振民,章军锋, Green, H W II 等 . 2002. 大洋深俯冲带流变性质及其地球动力学意义-来自地幔岩高温高压实验的启示 .中国科学(D辑),31: 969-976.

Jin, Z.-M.,Zhang, J., Green, H W II , Jin, S. 2002. Eclogite rheology: Implications for subducted lithosphere: Reply.Geology,30(5): 484.

Jin, Z,Zhang, J, Jin, S & Green, H W II . 2001. Eclogite rheology: implications for deep subduction.Geology,29: 667-670 .

章军锋, 金振民 , Green, H W II 等 . 2000. 大陆深俯冲带中的水:来自大别山超高压榴辉岩中的证据。科学通报,45: 1889-1894 .



