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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-27 03:23:16编辑:皮带君








(1) 超快激光与超快现象

(2) 超快亚毫米波(THz)光电子学

(3) 微米及纳米结构光学


(1) 国家自然科学基金

(2) 高等学校优秀青年教师教学科研奖励

(3) 教育部跨世纪人才基金

(4) 霍英东基金

(5) 天津市自然科学基金

(6) 惯性约束聚变863青年基金


(1) Abul K. Azad, Jianming Dai, and Weili Zhang, “Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through subwavelength double split-ring resonators,” Optics Letters 2006, 31, to be published.

(2) Abul K. Azad, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, “Terahertz dielectric properties of high-resistivity, single-crystal ZnO,” Applied Physics Letters 2005, 87, to be published.

(3) Abul K. Azad and Weili Zhang, “Resonant terahertz transmission in subwavelength metallic hole arrays of sub-skin-depth thickness,” Optics Letters 2005, 30, 2945-2947.

(4) L. Thamizhmani, Abul K. Azad, Jianming Dai, and Weili Zhang, “Far-infrared optical and dielectric response of ZnS measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 2005, 86, 131111.

(5) Abul K. Azad, Y. Zhao, and Weili Zhang, Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through ultrathin, subwavelength silicon hole array, Applied Physics Letters 2005, 86, 141102.

(6) D. Qu, D. Grischkowsky, and Weili Zhang, Terahertz transmission properties of thin, subwavelength metallic hole arrays, Optics Letters 2004, 29, 896-898.

(7) Weili Zhang, A. Azad, and D. Grischkowsky, Terahertz studies of carrier dynamics and dielectric response of n-type, freestanding epitaxial GaN, Applied Physics Letters 2003, 82, 2841-2843.

(8) Weili Zhang, J. Zhang, and D. Grischkowsky, A Quasi-Optic Terahertz Cavity - coupled through Optical Tunneling, Applied Physics Letters 2001, 78, 2425-2247.

(9) Weili Zhang, K. S. Wong, H. Wang, Z. K. Tang, G. K. L, Wong, and R. K. Jain, Magnitude and dynamics of third-order optical nonlinearity in ZnO microcrystallite thin films, Applied Physics Letters 1999, 75, 3321-3323.

(10) Weili Zhang, N. Cue, and K. M. Yoo, Emission linewidth of laser action in random gain media, Optics Letters 1995, 20, 961-963.


★ 教育部科技进步一等奖,2004

★ 国家科技进步二等奖,1999

★ 教育部科技进步二等奖,1999

★ 天津市科技发明一等奖,1999

★ 教育部跨世纪人才基金,1999

★ 教育部青年教师奖,1999

★ 天津青年五四奖章,1999

★ 天津杰出青年人才奖,1998

★ 天津市劳动模范,1998

★ 光电子 × 激光,副主编

★ Optoelectronics Letters 编委

★ Physical Review B, 审稿

★ Journal of Applied Physics, 审稿

★ Optics Express, 审稿

★ Chinese Optics Letters, 审稿

★ OSA, 美国光学学会 会员

★ APS,美国物理学会 会员

★ IEEE,美国电子工程师学会 会员

★ COS,中国光学学会 会员



