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左华,女,西南大学副教授,博士,硕士生导师,毕业于韩国国立昌原大学(Changwon National University)。


主要研究方向:药物及中间体合成在Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters等SCI刊物上发表论文20余篇,中国发明专利受理2项。主持重庆市自然科学基金1项,西南大学博士启动基金1项,主研重庆市科技攻关项目2项。



1. 左华,杨浩,李逐波 等,N-芳烷基苯胺类化合物的合成方法,2012年12月授权,中国发明专利,ZL 200910104093.1

.2. 李逐波,任方奎,左华 等,低刺激性大蒜素衍生物及其合成方法和应用,2011 年7 月授权,中国发明专利,ZL 2008 10070362.2

3. 李逐波,廖丹丹,赵晨光,左华 等,苦参碱磺酸钠及其制备方法,2011 年7 月授权,中国发明专利,ZL 200910104092.7


主要研究方向为药物及中间体合成;DNA的自组装、以DNA为模板的有机合成;荧光有机小分子探针的合成及应用。研究领域为Smiles重排用于C-C键、C-N键和C-S键的形成,以及黄樟素氧化物的衍生物的合成研究。主要从事:1Smiles 重排在有机合成中的应用,寻找并发现具有潜在生物活性的小分子。利用该重排反应,合成了二苯胺、吡啶基苯胺、苯并噻嗪酮、苯并f嗪酮、黄樟素氧化物的氨基衍生物、吡啶并f嗪酮;合成了香豆素类、色满类、苯并呋喃等化合物。2通过T-junction作用研究DNA自组装成纳米笼;以DNA为模板探索有机酰化等反应。3合成罗丹明衍生物的有机小分子探针及应用于生物检测。承担研究生和本科的 《波谱解析》、《有机化学》、《药物合成》、《药学英语》、《制药工艺学》等专业课程。


1. 重庆市自然科学基金:4-芳基-7-烷基(氢)-4H-苯并[1,4] 恶嗪-3-醇的合成及生物活性研究(主持,CSTC,2009BB5007)

2. 重庆市科技攻关计划项目:中兽药创新关键技术研究与产业化示范(主研,编号CSTC, 2008AA1001)

3. 西南大学博士启动基金:4H-苯并[1,4] 恶嗪-3-酮的合成及生物活性研究(SWU 2008027)


(1) Zuo, H.*; Wu, S.; Li, M.; Li, Y.; Jiang, W.; Mao, C*. A case study of the likes and dislikes of DNA and RNA in self-assembly. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2015, 54, 15118. (Selected as inside cover and hot paper)

(2) Xia, S.; Xiao, S.-Y.; Hong, Q.-Q.; Zou, J.-R.; Yang, S.; Zhang, M.-X.; Zuo, H*. A novel sensitive fluorescent turn-on probe for rapid detection of Al3+ and bioimaging. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 5244.

(3) Tan, J.-L.; Zhang, M.-X.; Zhang, F.; Yang, T.-T.; Liu, Y.; Li, Z.-B.; Zuo, H*. A novel u2018u2018offu2013onu2019u2019 colorimetric and fluorescent rhodamine-based pH chemosensor for extreme acidity. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2015, 140, 489.

(4) Xia, S.; Liu, J.-Q.; Wang, X.-H.; Tian, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang , J.-H.; Fang, L.; Zuo, H. * Smiles rearrangement for the synthesis of 4,7-disubstituted-2H-benzo[1,4]-oxazin-3(4H)-ones and their in vitro evaluation as platelet aggregation inhibitors, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 2014, 24(6), 147.

(5) Liu, C.; Tan, J.-L.; Xiao, S.-Y.; Liao, J.-F.; Zou, G.-R.; Ai, X.-X.; Chen, J.-B.; Xiang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Zuo, H.* 1,4-Benzoxazine-3(4H)-ones as potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation: design, synthesis and structureu2013activity relations. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2014, 62, 915.

(6) Xia, S.; Wang, X.-H.; Liu, J.-Q.; Liu, C.; Chen, J.-B.; Zuo, H. *; Xie, Y.-S.; Dong W.-L.; Shin, D.-S. A facile protocol for the synthesis of benzofuran derivatives by the reaction of o-hydroxy aryl ketone, amine and chloroacetyl chloride. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc, 2014, 35 (6), 1743.

(7) Xia, S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Zuo, H. *; Li, Z.-B.; Smiles rearrangement in synthetic chemistry. Cur. Org. Syn. 2013, 10 (6), 935.

(8) Xie, Y.-S.; Vijaykumar, B. V. D.; Jang, K.; Shin, H.-H.; Zuo, H.; Shin, D.-S. One-pot conversion of phenols to anilines via Smiles rearrangement. Tetrahedron Lett 2013, 54, 5151.

(9) Xia, S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Sun, H.-Z.; Yue, H.; Wang, X.-H.; Tan, J.-L.; Wang, Y.; Hou, D.; He, X.-Y.; Mun, K.-C.; Kumar, B.P.; Zuo, H. *; Shin, D.-S. Synthesis of N-azaaryl anilines: an efficient protocol via Smiles rearrangement. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2013, 34(2), 394.

(10) Tian, X.; Wang, L.-Y.; Xia, S.; Li, Z.-B.; Liu, X.-H.; Yuan, Y.; Fang, L.; Zuo, H.*, Synthesis of 2H-benzo[1,4] oxazin-3(4H)-one derivatives as platelet aggregation inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2012, 22 (1), 204.

(11) Xia, S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Sun, H.-Z.; Yue, H.; Wang, X.-H.; Tan, J.-L.; Wang,Y.; Hou, D.; He, X.-Y.; Mun, K.-C.; Kumar, B.P.; Zuo, H. *; Shin, D.-S, Synthesis of N-azaaryl anilines: an efficient protocol via Smiles rearrangement, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2013, 34(2), 394.

(12) Wang, L.-Y.; Wang, X.-H.; Tan, J.-L.; Xia, S.; Sun, H.-Z.; Shi, J.-W.; Jiang, M.-D.; Fang, L.; Zuo, H.*; Dupati, G.; Jang, K.; Shin, D.-S, New safrole oxide derivatives: synthesis and in vitro antiproliferative activities on human lung cancer cells, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2012, 33(11), 3571.

(13) Meng, L.-J.; Vijaykumar, B.V.D.; Zuo, H.; Li, Z.-B.; Dupati, G.; Jang, K.; Shin, D.-S, Stereoselective synthesis of (3S,4R)- and (3R,4S)-4-(N-substituted-amino)-2,2-dimethyl- 6- nitrochroman-3-ols via the microwave assisted regioselective ring opening of epoxides in the presence of neutral alumina, Tetrahedron Asy. 2012, 23, 1029.

(14) Zuo, H.; Li, Z.-B.; Zhao, B.-X.; Miao, J.-Y.; Meng, L.-J.; Jang, K.; Ahn, C.; Lee, D.-H.; Shin, D.-S. Highly efficient microwave-assisted aminolysis of epoxides in water. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, 32, 2965.

(15) Yang, H.; Fang, L.; Li, Z.-B.; Ren, F.-K.; Wang, L.-Y.; Tian, X.; Shin, D.-S.; Zuo, H.* Synthesis and in vitro antimicrobial activity of benzo[1,4] thiazin- 3(4H)-ones via Smiles rearrangement, Med. Chem. Res. 2011, 20 (1), 93.

(16) Fang, L.; Zuo, H.*; Li, Z.-B.; He, X.-Y.; Wang, L.-Y.; Tian, X.; Zhao, B.-X.; Miao, J.-Y.; Shin, D.-S, Synthesis of benzo[1,4]oxazin-3(4H)-ones via Smiles rearrangement for antimicrobial activity, Med. Chem. Res. 2011, 20, 670.

(17) Tian, X.; Wu, R.-M.; Liu, G.; Li, Z.-B.; Wei, H.-L.; Yang, H.; Shin, D.-S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Zuo, H.*,Smiles rearrangement for the synthesis of diarylamines. ARKIVOC 2011, x, 118.

(18) Zuo, H.; Li, Z.-B.; Zhao, B.-X.; Miao, J.-Y.; Meng, L.-J.; Jang, K.; Ahn, C.; Lee, D.-H.; Shin, D.-S., Highly efficient microwave-assisted aminolysis of epoxides in water, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, 32, 2965.

(19) Yang, H.; Li, Z.-B.; Shin, D.-S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Zhou, J.-Z.; Qiao, H.-B.; Tian, X.; Ma, X.-Y.; Zuo, H.* A facile C-N bond formation: one-pot reaction of phenols and amines via Smiles rearrangement. SYNLETT 2010, 3, 483.

(20) Zuo, H.; Li, Z.-B.; Ren, F.-K.; J. R. Falck; Meng, L.; Ahn, C.; Shin, D.-S. Microwave- assisted one-pot synthesis of benzo[1,4]thiazin-3(4H)-ones via Smiles rearrangement. Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 9669.

(21) Zuo, H.; Meng, L.; Ghate, M.; Hwang, K.-H.; Cho, Y.-K.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Reddy, C. R.; Shin, D.-S. Microwave-assisted one-pot synthesis of benzo[1,4]oxazin-3(4H)-ones via Smiles rearrangement. Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 3827.

(22) Zuo, H.; Jose, G.; Li, Z.-B.; Moon, B.-H.; Shin, D-S. Microwave-assisted synthesis of fluorinated coumarino sulfonamides. ARKIVOC, 2008, ii, 183.

(23) Zuo, H.; Kam, K.-H.; Kwon, H. -J.; Meng, L. -J.; Ahn, C. -J.; Won, T. -J.; Kim, T. -H.; Reddy, Ch. R.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Shin, D. -S. Microwave-assisted synthesis of 2H-benzo[1,4]oxazin-3(4H)-ones and 1H-pyrido[2,3-b] [1,4] oxazin-2(3H)-ones via Smiles rearrangement. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2008, 29, 1379.

