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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-19 23:31:42编辑:皮带君



2011年在清华大学航天航天学院工程力学系获博士学位;2011年至2015年在美国西北大学土木与环境工程系先后担任Postdoctoral Fellow和Research Assistant Professor。2017年获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助。曾获麻省理工学院技术评论“全球35位35岁以下创新者”、美国机械工程师协会Thomas J.R. Hughes青年学者奖、国际工程科学协会青年学者奖章等荣誉。兼任《Science Advances》、《Mechanics of Materials》、《Journal of Applied Mechanics》和《Research》的Associate Editor。


2002.9-2006.6 南京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与工程专业学士

2006.8-2008.7 清华大学 工程力学硕士

2008.9-2011.6 清华大学 工程力学博士


2011.10-2014.6 美国西北大学,土木与环境工程系 Postdoctoral Fellow

2014.6-2015.3 美国西北大学,土木与环境工程系 Research Assistant Professor

2015.3-2019.12 清华大学,工程力学系 副教授/长聘副教授

2019.12-至今 清华大学,工程力学系 长聘教授




致力于利用力学原理和多学科交叉解决世界科技前沿领域中的挑战性科学问题,在此过程中建立先进材料和结构的新力学理论和计算模型, 并发展具有特异性能的材料和系统的设计及制造方法。当前的主要研究焦点是柔性微结构技术,侧重于发展能够重现或超越生物软组织力学/物理性能的结构化软材料,以及能够提供新功能或高性能的三维微电子器件。

1. 建立力学引导的微尺度三维结构组装新方法,提出力学设计新概念,建立三维组装的大变形理论、计算力学方法、实验技术及反问题设计方法,发展该方法在三维微电子器件、微机电系统及电磁器件中的新型应用;

2. 发展具有仿生或非常规力学特性的结构化软材料,研究结构化软材料的制备方法、非线性细观力学模型、失效机理及实验技术,探索在生医器件及组织工程领域中的应用;

3. 发展柔性可延展电子器件及系统的力学设计新理念,建立力学分析的理论模型及计算方法。


至今已获得授权的国际发明专利和国家发明专利各3项,出版学术专著1部,发表SCI论文130余篇,其中以通讯作者在《Science》、《Nature Materials》、《Nature Electronics》、《Nature Reviews Materials》、《Nature Communications》、《Science Advances》、《PNAS》、《JMPS》、《Advanced Materials》、《ACS Nano》等期刊发表高水平学术论文60余篇。十余篇论文被《Science》、《Nature Materials》、《Nature Electronics》、《Nature Reviews Materials》等期刊选为封面文章。这些研究成果被《Nature》、《Science》、《Nature Materials》、《PNAS》、《Nano Today》等期刊在Research Highlights、Perspectives或News & Views/Opinions专栏中焦点报道,同时得到ASME News、Chemistry Views、IOP Physics World、Materials Views、MIT Technology Review、Royal Society of Chemistry等专业机构追踪,还多次受到BBC、Discovery、Fox、Wall Street Journal、参考消息、新华网、人民网等国内外重要媒体报道。


[1] Zhang H, Wu J, Fang DN*, Zhang YH*. Hierarchical mechanical metamaterials built with scalable tristable elements for ternary logic operation and amplitude modulation. Science Advances, 2021, Accepted

[2] Liu J, Yan D, Zhang YH*. Mechanics of unusual soft network materials with rotatable structural nodes. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 146: 104210

[3] Guo X+, Ni X+, Li J+, Zhang H, Zhang F, Yu H, Wu J, Bai Y, Lei H, Huang Y, Rogers JA*, Zhang YH*. Designing mechanical metamaterials with kirigami-inspired, hierarchical constructions for giant positive and negative thermal expansion. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33: 2004919

[4] Bai K, Cheng X, Xue Z, Song H, Sang L, Liu F, Zhang F, Luo X, Huang W, Huang Y, Zhang YH*. Geometrically reconfigurable 3D mesostructures and electromagnetic devices through a rational bottom-up design strategy. Science Advances, 2020, 6: eabb7417

[5] Yan D+, Chang J+, Zhang H, Liu J, Song H, Xue Z, Zhang F, Zhang YH*. Soft Three-Dimensional Network Materials with Rational Bio-mimetic Designs. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 1180

[6] Pang W, Cheng X, Zhao H, Guo X, Ji Z, Li G, Liang Y, Xue Z, Song H, Zhang F, Xu Z, Sang L, Huang W, Li T, Zhang YH*. Electro-mechanically controlled assembly of reconfigurable 3D mesostructures and electronic devices based on dielectric elastomer platforms. National Science Review, 2020, 7: 342-354

[7] Fan Z+, Yang Y+, Zhang F, Xu Z, Zhao H, Wang T, Song H, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*, Zhang YH*. Inverse design strategies for 3D surfaces formed by mechanically guided assembly. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32: 1908424

--- Featured on the Frontispiece of April 9, 2020 issue of Advanced Materials

[8] Liu Y+, Wang X+, Xu Y, Xue Z, Zhang Y, Ning X, Cheng X, Xue Y, Lu D, Zhang Q, Zhang F, Liu J, Guo X, Hwang KC, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*, Zhang YH*. Harnessing the interface mechanics of hard films and soft substrates for 3D assembly by controlled buckling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019, 116: 15368-15377

[9] Cheng X, Zhang YH*. Micro/Nanoscale 3D Assembly by Rolling, Folding, Curving and Buckling Approaches. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31: 1901895

--- Featured on the Inside Front Cover of Sep 6, 2019 issue of Advanced Materials

[10] Luo G+, Fu H+, Cheng X, Bai K, Shi L, He X, Rogers JA, Huang Y, Zhang YH*. Mechanics of bistable cross-shaped structures through loading-path controlled 3D assembly. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 129: 261-277

[11] Han M+, Wang H+, Yang Y, Liang C, Bai W, Yan Z, Li H, Xue Y, Wang X, Akar B, Zhao H, Luan H, Lim J, Kandela I, Ameer GA, Zhang YH*, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*. Three-dimensional piezoelectric polymer microsystems for vibrational energy harvesting, robotic prosthetic interfaces, and biomedical implants. Nature Electronics, 2019, 2: 26-35

--- Featured on the cover of January issue of Nature Electronics

--- Highlighted by Nature Electronics (Vol 2, 2019, 15-16), “3D piezoelectric microsystems pop up”.

[12] Zhang H, Guo X, Wu J, Fang DN*, Zhang YH*. Soft Mechanical Metamaterials with Unusual Swelling Behavior and Tunable Stress-strain curves. Science Advances, 2018, 4, eaar8535

[13] Fu H+, Nan K+, Bai W, Huang W, Bai K, Lu L, Zhou C, Liu YP, Liu F, Wang J, Han M, Yan Z, Luan H, Zhang YJ, Zhang YT, Zhao J, Cheng X, Li M, Lee JW, Liu Y, Fang D, Li X, Huang YG*, Zhang YH*, Rogers JA*. Morphable 3D Mesostructures and Microelectronic Devices by Multistable Buckling Mechanics. Nature Materials, 2018, 17: 268-276

--- Featured on the cover of March 2018 issue of Nature Materials

[14] Fan Z, Hwang KC*, Rogers JA, Huang YG, Zhang YH*. A double perturbation method of postbuckling analysis in 2D curved beams for assembly of 3D ribbon-shaped structures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2018, 111: 215-238

[15] Zhang YH*, Zhang F, Yan Z, Ma Q, Li XL, Huang YG, Rogers JA*. Printing, Folding and assembly methods for forming 3D mesostructures in advanced materials. Nature Reviews Materials, 2017, 2: 17019

--- Featured on the cover of April 2017 issue of Nature Reviews Materials

[16] Ma Q, Cheng H, Jang KI, Luan H, Hwang KC, Rogers JA, Huang YG, Zhang YH*. A nonlinear mechanics model of bio-inspired hierarchical lattice materials consisting of horseshoe microstructures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016, 90: 179-202

[17] Ma Q, Zhang YH*. Mechanics of fractal-inspired horseshoe microstructures for applications in stretchable electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 83: 111008

--- Awarded the ASME Melville Medal, the highest ASME honor for the best original paper which has been published in the ASME Transactions during the two calendar years immediately preceding the year of the award

[18] Xu S+, Yan Z+, Jang KI, Huang W, Fu HR, Kim JH, Wei ZJ, Flavin M, McCracken J, ?Wang RH, Badea A, Liu Y, Xiao DQ, Zhou GY, Lee JW, Chung HU, Cheng HY, Ren W, Banks A, Li XL, Paik U, Nuzzo RG, Huang YG*, Zhang YH*, Rogers JA*. Assembly of micro/nanomaterials into complex, three-dimensional architectures by compressive buckling. Science, 2015, 347: 154-159

--- Featured on the Cover of Jan 9, 2015 issue of Science

--- Highlighted by Science (Vol 347, 2015, 130-131), “Three-dimensional nanostructures pop up”.

--- Highlighted by Nature (Vol 517, 2015, 247), “Silicon buckles to form 3D shapes”.

[19] Zhang YH+, Yan Z+, Nan KW, Xiao DQ, Liu YH, Luan HW, Fu HR, Wang XZ, Yang QL, Wang JC, Ren W, Si HZ, Liu F, Yang LH, Li HJ, Wang JT, Guo XL, Luo HY, Wang L, Huang YG*, Rogers JA*. A mechanically driven form of Kirigami as a route to 3D mesostructures in micro/nanomembranes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112, 11757-11764

[20] Xu S+, Zhang YH+, Jia L+, Mathewson KE+, Jang KI, Kim JH, Fu HR, Huang X, Chava P, Wang RH, Bhole S, Wang LZ, Na YJ, Guan Y, Flavin M, Han ZS, Huang YG*, Rogers JA*. Soft Microfluidic Assemblies of Sensors, Circuits and Radios for the Skin. Science, 2014, 344: 70-74

--- This work was highlighted as an item and feature image in the News of the Week on the Science website.


《Science Advances》:Associate Editor;

《Mechanics of Materials》:Associate Editor;

《ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics》:Associate Editor;

《Research》:Associate Editor;

《Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science》编委;

《Proceedings of the Royal Society A》编委;

《npj Flexible Electronics》编委;

《Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters》编委;


《SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences》中英文版青年编委;


国际工程科学协会,执委会成员(Member, SES Board of Directors);







2019年,美国机械工程师协会Thomas J.R. Hughes青年学者奖。


2018年,国际工程科学协会Young Investigator Medal。

2018年,美国机械工程师协会Sia Nemat-Nasser早期职业生涯奖。




2017年,美国机械工程师协会最高论文奖Melville Medal。


2017年,美国机械工程师协会Journal of Applied Mechanics Award。

2016年,入选《麻省理工学院技术评论》全球35位35岁以下创新者(MIT TR35)。





