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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-19 10:22:38编辑:皮带君




学科专业:流体力学研究方向:计算流体力学.2003.9-2007.7,西北工业大学飞行器设计专业,学士学位2007.9-2010.3,西北工业大学流体力学专业,硕士学位2010.3-2014.9,西北工业大学流体力学专业,博士学位2014.4- 西北工业大学副教授(特评).


1、 基于气体动理论的等离子体流动控制机理数值研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,2014-2016.

2、 格子Boltzmann方法的过滤矩模型方法研究,西北工业大学博士论文创新基金,2012-2014.


1、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Xixiong Guo, Jun Cao. Numerical Investigation of Four-Lid-Driven Cavity Flow Bifurcation Using the Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method, 2014 (Revised, to be published in Computers & Fluids)

2、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann model for microchannel gas flows. Physical Review E 88(5): 053311 (2013), SCI/EI

3、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. LES-based filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann model for simulating turbulent natural convection in a square cavity. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2013, 42: 10-22 , SCI/EI

4、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Jun Cao. Filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann for the lid-driven deep-cavity flows Part I ― Steady flow simulations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 65(12): 1863-1882, SCI/EI

5、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Jun Cao. Filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann for the lid-driven deep-cavity flows Part II ― Flow bifurcation simulations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 65(12): 1883-1893, SCI/EI

6、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Jun Cao. Filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible thermal flows. Physical Review E, 2012, 85(4): 046703, SCI/EI

7、 Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Kai Li, Shengwei Xiong, Xiaopeng Chen and Jun Cao. Application of lattice Boltzmann method to simulation of compressible turbulent flow. Communications in Computational Physics, 2010, 8(5): 1208-1223, SCI

8、 卓丛山,钟诚文,李凯,解建飞,张勇. 高雷诺数下的翼型绕流LBM数值模拟, 航空学报,2010, 31(2): 238-243, EI



