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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-08 00:12:41编辑:皮带君


姓名: 朱墨桃性别: 女职务: 无职称: 副研究员通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北一条11号朱墨桃,国家纳米科学中心副研究员。2004年毕业于北京大学药学专业,获理学学士学位;2009年毕业于中国科学院高能物理研究所,获生物无机化学博士学...


姓名: 朱墨桃

性别: 女

职务: 无

职称: 副研究员

通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北一条11号




1) 纳米材料理化特性对其生物安全的影响规律及分子机制研究;


3) 纳米材料在体内及细胞水平的转运及代谢行为研究。





1. Motao Zhu, Guangjun Nie, Andre Nel*, Yuliang Zhao*. Physicochemical Properties Determine Nanomaterial Cellular Uptake, Transport, and Fate. Acc. Chem

2. Motao Zhu, Yiye Li, Jian Shi, Weiyue Feng, Guangjun Nie*, and Yuliang Zhao*. Exosomes as extrapulmonary signaling conveyors for nanoparticle-induced systemic immune activation

3. Motao Zhu, Xin Tian, Xiao Song, Yanhua Tian, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie*. Nanoparticle-induced exosomes target antigen-presenting cells to initiate Th1-type immune activation

4. Motao Zhu, Sarah Perrett, Guangjun Nie*. Understanding the Particokinetics of Engineered Nanomaterials for Safe and Effective Therapeutic Applications. Small

5. Xin Tian1, Motao Zhu1 (co-first author), Yanhua Tian, Ramm Grant, Yuliang Zhao*, Guangjun Nie*. A membrane vesicle-based dual vaccine against melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma. Biomaterials

6. Motao Zhu, Bing Wang, Yun Wang; Lan Yuan, Huajian Wang, Meng Wang, Hong Ouyang, Zhifang Chai, Weiyue Feng*, Yuliang Zhao. Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation induced by iron oxide nanoparticle exposure: Risk factors for early atherosclerosis. Toxicol

7. Motao Zhu, Weiyue Feng, Yun Wang, Bing Wang, Meng Wang, Hong Ouyang,Yuliang Zhao, Zhifang Chai. Particokinetics and extrapulmonary translocation of intratracheally instilled ferric oxide nanoparticles in rats and the potential health risk assessment. Toxicol. Sci

8. Motao Zhu, Weiyue Feng, Bing Wang, Tiancheng Wang, Yiqun Gu, Meng Wang, Yun Wang, Hong Ouyang, Yuliang Zhao, Zhifang Chai. Comparative study of pulmonary responses to nano- and submicron-sized ferric oxide in rats

9. Motao Zhu, Yun Wang, Weiyue Feng, Bing Wang, Meng Wang, Hong Ouyang,Zhifang Chai. Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Induced by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Cultured Huaman Umbilical Endothelial Cells. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol

10. Xin Tian, Motao Zhu, Guangjun Nie*. How can nanotechnology help membrane vesicle-based cancer immunotherapy development? Hum. Vaccin

11. Wang Xiaofeng, Zhu Motao, Li Jingyuan*. Biomedical Effects and Nanosafety of Engineered Nanomaterials: Recent Progress. Chin

12. Yun Wang, Motao Zhu, Bing Wang, Meng Wang, Huajian Wang, Hong OuYang, Weiyue Feng. In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Human Glioma Cells. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol

13. Huajian Wang, Xianmei Du, Meng Wang, Tiancheng Wang, Hong Ouyang, Bing Wang, Motao Zhu, Yun Wang, Guang Jia, Weiyue Feng. Using ion-pair reversed-phase HPLC ICP-MS to simultaneously determine Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in urine of chromate workers

14. Bing Wang,Weiyue Feng, Motao Zhu, Yun Wang, Meng Wang, Yiqun Gu, Hong Ouyang, Huajian Wang, Ming Li, Yuliang Zhao. Neurotoxicity of low-dose repeatedly intranasal instillation of nano- and submicron-sized ferric oxide particles in mice. J. Nanopart

15. Bing Wang, Yun Wang, Weiyue Feng,Motao Zhu, Haifang Wang,Hong Ouyang, Meng Wang, Ming Li, Yuliang Zhao, Chai Zhifang. Trace Metal Disturbance in Mice Brain after Intranasal Exposure of Nano- and Submicron-Sized Fe2O3 Particles. Chem. Anal

16. Meng Wang, Weiyue Feng, Junwen Shi, Fang Zhang, Bing Wang, Motao Zhu, Bai Li, Yuliang Zhao, Zhifang Chai. Development of a Mild Mercaptoethanol Extraction Method for Determination of Mercury Species in Biological Samples by HPLCu2013ICP-MS

17. Meng Wang ,Weiyue Feng , Wenwei Lu , Bai Li , Bing Wang , Motao Zhu , Yun Wang ,Hui Yuan ,Yuliang Zhao ,and Zhifang Chai. Quantitative Analysis of Proteins via Sulfur Determination by HPLC Coupled to Isotope Dilution ICP-MS with a Hexapole Collision Cell. Anal. Chem.


1.国家自然科学基金 青年基金 膜泡系统介导的纳米颗粒细胞外排和肺外信号转导机制研究 项目负责人

2.国家重大科学研究计划(973项目)基于肿瘤微环境调控的抗肿瘤纳米材料设计和机制研究 项目骨干



