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来源:求职简历网时间:2024-01-06 13:05:33编辑:皮带君


张良,男,汉族,山东日照人,1979年9月出生,博士,西北农林科技大学副教授、硕士研究生导师,美国数学会《Math. Review》评论员,中国工业与应用数学会会员,多种SCI杂志和核心杂志审稿人。




1. 博士科研启动基金,时滞微分方程在种群动力学中的应用,结题,(1/2);

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费(No. 2452015086),几类复合种群模型的传播速率和行波解分析, 2015.1-2017.12,(1/3);

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 11371294): 2014/01-2017/12,一些q-特殊函数的研究,(2/9);

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11401474):2015/01-2017/12,基于粘性解的随机时滞微分方程最优控制问题的研究,(3/5);

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11501453,)2016/01-2018/12,电流体动力学模型和液晶流体动力学模型大初值问题的整体适定性,(3/5);

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11601405):2017/01-2019/12,合成毒品传播的数学模型及其定性分析,(2/5,合作单位:西安电子科技大学)。




本科生: 概率论、概率论与数理统计(I,II,III)、高等数学乙





1.LiangZhang, Shitao Liu*, XiaobingZhang, Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and humoral immunity, Journal of applied analysis and computation, 9(4) (2019), 1425-1442 .

2. PengyanLiu;LiangZhang*, Yifan Xing,Modelling and stability of a synthetic drugs transmission model with relapse and treatment, Journal of applied mathematics and computing, 60(1-2) (2019) 465-484.

3.ShitaoLiu,LiangZhang*,YifanXing,Dynamics of a stochastic heroin epidemic model, Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 351(2019), 260-269 .

4.L.Zhang*,Y. F.Xing,Extremal Solutions for Nonlinear First-Order Impulsive Integro-Differential Dynamic Equations, Mathematical notes, 105(1-2) (2019) 123-131.

5.ShitaoLiu;LiangZhang*, Xiao-BingZhang, Aibing Li,Dynamics of a stochastic heroin epidemic model with bilinear incidence and varying population size, International of biomathematics, 12(1) (2019): 1950005.

6. LiangZhang*, Pengyan Liu, Shitao Liu, Some remarks on traveling waves in a time-delayed population system with stage structure. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 17(2017), 85-90.

7. Pengyan Liu, LiangZhang*, Shitao Liu, Lifei Zheng,Global exponential stability of almost periodic solutions for Nicholson’s blowflies system with nonlinear density dependent mortality terms and patch structure. Journal: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 22(4) (2017) 484u2013502.

8. Liang Zhang, Huiyan Zhao*, Traveling Wave Solutions in a Stage-Structured Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Model with Advection . Journal: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Volume: 20, Issue: 02, (2015) 168 -187.

9. Liang Zhang*, Bingtuan Li, Traveling wave solutions in an integro―differential competition model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System Series-B, Volume 17 Number 1 (2012) 417-428.

10. Liang Zhang*, Bingtuan Li, Jin Shang, Stability and traveling wave solutions for a time-delayed populations system with stage structure, Nonlinear Analysis: Real world and applications, 13 (2012) 1429-1440.

11. Huiyan Zhao*, Liang Zhang, Mkdk Poyaratne, Zhen Li, and Qingxiang Meng, Catastrophe model and its applications in insect ecology. International Journal of Information and System Science, 8(2012) 106-113.

12. Bingtuan Li, Liang Zhang*, Existence of traveling wave solutions in delayed cooperative systems, Nonlinearity, 24(2011) 1759-1776.

13. Liang Zhang, Yong Wang*, etal., Periodic solutions and global attraction for n-dimension discrete-time neural networks with time varying delays, Bulletin of the Belgian mathematical society-Simon Stevin, 18 (2011) 483-491.

14. Yong Wang*, Liang Zhang, Existence of asymptotically stable periodic solutions of a Rayleigh type equation, Nonlinear Analysis 71 (2009) 1728-1735.

15. Liang Zhang*, Hong-Xu Li and Xiao-Bing Zhang, Periodic solutions of competition Lotka-Volterra dynamic system on time scales, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 57 (2009) 1204-1211.

16. Liang Zhang*, Hai-Feng Zhao, Periodic Solutions Of A Three-Species Food Chain Model, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 9 (2009) 47-54.

17. Ronghua He, Hong-Xu Li, Liang Zhang*, Two periodic solutions of predator-prey dynamic system on time scales, Electron. J. Diff. Equ., Vol. 2009 (2009),No 126,1-9.

18. Liang Zhang, Hong-Xu Li*, Periodicity on a class of neutral impulsive delay system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 203 (2008) 178-185.

19. Liang Zhang, Hai-Feng Huo*, Li-Ming Miao and Sui Sun Cheng, Global Attraction in a Recursive Relation, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 7 (2007) 154-158.

20. 霍海峰*,张良,苗黎明,周期捕食-食饵模型的持续生存和正周期解,兰州理工大学学报,33(5)2007 132-135.

21. Liang Zhang, Hai-Feng Huo*, Li-Ming Miao, and Hong Xiang, Dynamical Behavior Of A Third-Order Rational Difference Equation, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 6 (2006) 268-275.



