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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-12-27 19:34:45编辑:皮带君


男,北京航空航天大学交通学院土木工程系,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:1. 结构混凝土耐久性与寿命预测 2. 机场道面材料长寿命化关键技术 3. 新型土木工程材料及应用。主持国家自然科学基金、市自然科学基金、霍英东教育基金、国家重点实验室开放基金等近10项,发表学术论文近20篇,其中SCI检索论文9篇。


1997.09-2001.07就读于哈尔滨工业大学,获材料学专业学士学位; 2001.09-2003.07就读于哈尔滨工业大学,获材料学专业硕士学位; 2003.09-2006.11就读于哈尔滨工业大学,获结构工程专业博士学位; 2006.12-2008.12工作于东南大学材料科学与工程博士流动站; 2008.12-至今工作于北京航空航天大学交通科学与工程学院土木系






W.M. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, H.Z. Xu and H.J. Ba Chloride diffusion coefficient and service life prediction of concrete subjected to repeated loadings. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2013, 65(3):185-192.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Effect of silica fume addition and repeated loading on chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete. Materials and Structures. 2013, 46(7):1183-1191.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Effect of ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) and silica fume (SF) on chloride migration through concrete subjected to repeated loading. Science China Technological Sciences. 2012,55(11):3102-3108.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Corrosion behavior of electrode materials in chloride migration test, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology. 2012,47(6):421-424.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Accelerated Life Test of Concrete in Chloride Environment, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2011, 23(3):330-334.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Effect of fly ash and repeated loading on diffusion coefficient in chloride migration test, Construction and Building Materials. 2011,25(5):2269-2274.W.M. Zhang, W. Sun, H.S. Chen. 3D visualization of pore structures in cement-based materials by LSCM, Advances in Cement Research. 2010, 22(1):53-57.W.M. Zhang, H.J. Ba. Effect of mineral admixtures and repeated loading on chloride migration through concrete. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A. 2010, 11(9): 683-690.W.M. Zhang, W. Sun, Y.S. Zhang, H.S. Chen. Degradation of Pore Structure and Microstructures in Hardened cement paste Subjected to Flexural Loading and Wet-Dry Cycles in Sea Water, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science. 2009, 24(6):940-944.



