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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-12-22 19:49:43编辑:皮带君







1999.01u20132004.12 西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师

1993.01u20131998.12 原西北农业大学基础科学系,讲师

1986.09u20131992.12 原西北农业大学基础课部,助教


1999.03u20132001.02 中国科学院地理科学研究所,高级访问学者

1995.09u20131998.07 原西北农业大学土壤学专业,获理学博士学位

1991.09u20131994.07 原西北农业大学农业环境保护专业,获农学硕士学位




中国农业生态环境保护协会理事,陕西省固体废物环境管理专家,《农业环境科学学报》编委, 是《Land Degradation & Development》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Bioresource Technology》、《Chemosphere》、《Environmental Technology》、《农业工程学报》、《农业环境科学学报》、《农业机械学报》及《环境工程学报》等杂志的审稿人。




发表科研论文260余篇,其中SCI、EI收录80余篇,主编(参编)专著5部。 代表性论文如下(打*者为通信作者):

[1] Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Wang Meijing, Chen Hongyu, Wang Quan, Zhao Junchao, Ren Xiuna, Li Dong-sheng, Awasthi Sanjeev Kumar, Shen Feng, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Heterogeneity of biochar amendment to improve the carbon and nitrogen sequestration through reduce the greenhouse gases emissions during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 224: 428u2013438. (Q1)

[2] Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Wang Quan, Chen Hongyu, Wang Meijing, Ren Xiuna, Zhao Junchao, Li Jiao, Guo Di, Li Dong-sheng, Awasthi Sanjeev Kumar, Sun Xining, Zhang Zengqiang*. Evaluation of biochar amended biosolids co-composting to improve the nutrient transformation and its correlation as a function for the production of nutrient-rich compost. Bioresource Technology, 2017.

[3] Shen Feng, Liao Renmei, Ali Amjad, Amanullah Mahar, Guo Di, Li Ronghua, Sun Xining, Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Wang Quan, Zhang Zengqiang*. Spatial distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals in soil near a Pb/Zn smelter in Feng County, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 139:254u2013262. (Q1)

[4] Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Fang Ma, Ronghua Li, Feng Shen, Ping Wang, Zengqiang Zhang*. Streptomyces pactum assisted phytoremediation in Zn/Pb smelter contaminated soil of Feng County and its impact on enzymatic activities. Scientific Reports. 7, 46087; doi: 10.1038/srep46087 (2017). (Q1)

[5] Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Ping Wang, Fang Ma, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, Zengqiang Zhang*. Phytoextraction of toxic trace elements by Sorghum bicolor inoculated with Streptomyces pactum (Act12) in contaminated soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 139:202u2013209. (Q1)

[6] Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Yue Zhang, Xining Sun, Shuncheng Jiang, Zhanyu Guo, Hui Huang,Wen Liang, Ronghua Li, Zengqiang Zhang*. Using bamboo biochar with compost for the stabilization and phytotoxicity reduction of heavy metals in mine-contaminated soils of China. Scientific Reports. 7, 2690; DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03045-9 (2017). (Q1)

[7] Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Zhen Wang, Dost Muhammad, Ronghua Li, Ping Wang, Feng Shen, Quanhong Xue, Zengqiang Zhang*. Role of Streptomyces pactum in phytoremediation of trace elements by Brassica juncea in mine polluted soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 144:387u2013395. (Q1)

[8] Amjad Ali, Guo Di, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Shen Feng, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang?. Mycoremediation of potentially toxic trace elements―a biological tool for soil cleanup: A review. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(2): 205u2013222. (Q3)

[9] Awasthi, M.K., Zhang, Z.*, Wang, Q., Shen, F., Li, R., Li, D-s., Ren, X., Wang, M., Chen, H., Zhao, J., New insight with the effects of biochar amendment on bacterial diversity as indicators of biomarkers support the thermophilic phase during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology, 2017, doi:

[10] Xiao Ran, Wang Shuang, Li Ronghua, Wang Jim J., Zhang Zengqiang*. Soil heavy metal contamination and health risks associated with artisanal gold mining in Tongguan, Shaanxi, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 141:17u201324. (Q1)

[11] Wang Quan, Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Ren Xiuna, Zhao Junchao, Li Ronghua, Shen Feng, Zhang Zengqiang*. Effect of calcium bentonite on Zn and Cu mobility and their accumulation in vegetable growth in soil amended with compost during consecutive planting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, :1-10. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9212-1 (Q2)

[12] Awasthi M. K., Jonathan W. C. Wong, Sunil Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi , Quan Wang, Meijing Wang, Xiuna Ren, Junchao Zhao, Hongyu Chen, Zengqiang Zhang*. Biodegradation of food waste using microbial cultures producing thermostable α-amylase and cellulase under different pH and temperature. Bioresource Technology.

[13] Wang Meijing, Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Wang Quan, Chen Hongyu, Ren Xiuna, Zhao Junchao, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Comparison of additives amendment on greenhouse gases and ammonia emission during sewage sludge co-composting based on correlation analysis. Bioresource Technology. 2017,243:520u2013527. (Q1)

[14] Wang Quan, Awasthi M K, Zhao Junchao, Ren Xiuna, Li Ronghua, Wang Zhen, Wang Meijing, Zhang Zengqiang*. Improvement of pig manure compost lignocellulose degradation, organic matter humification and compost quality with medical stone. Bioresource Technology.

[15] Awasthi, M.K., Li J., Kumar, S., Awasthi S.K., Wang Q., Wang M., Ren, X., Z. Zhang*. Effects of biochar amendments on bacterial and fungal diversity for co-composting of gelatin industry sludge mixed with organic fraction of municipal solid waste. Bioresource Technology.

[16] Amjad Ali, Guo Di, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Shen Feng, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang?. Mycoremediation of Potentially Toxic Trace Elements―a Biological Tool for Soil Cleanup: A Review. Pedosphere, 2017,27(2):205u2013222.(Q3)

[17] Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Wang Meijing, Pandey Ashok, Chen Hongyu, Awasthi Sanjeev Kumar, Wang Quan, Ren Xiuna, Lahori Altaf Hussain, Li Dong-sheng, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Heterogeneity of zeolite combined with biochar properties as a function of sewage sludge composting and production of nutrient-rich compost. Waste Management, 2017,

[18] Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Quan Wang, Hongyu Chen, Meijing Wang, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Xiuna Ren, Hanzhen Cai, Ronghua Li, Zengqiang Zhang*. In-vessel co-composting of biosolid: Focusing on mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions and nutrients conservation. Renewable Energy, 2017,

[19] Wang, Q., Awasthi, M.K., Rena, X., Zhao, J., Li, R., Wang, Z., Wang, M., Zhang, Z.* Comparison of biochar, zeolite and their mixture amendment for aiding organic matter transformation and nitrogen conservation during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology, 2017.

[21] Lahori, A.H., Zhanga, Z.*, Guo, Z., Mahar, A., Li, R., Awasthi, M.K., Siala, T.A., Kumbhar, F., Wang, P., Shen, F., Zhao, J., Huang, H. Potential use of lime combined with additives on (im)mobilization and phytoavailability of heavy metals from Pb/Zn smelter contaminated soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017,145, 313u2013323. (Q1)

[22] Lahori, A.H., Zhang, Z.*, Guo, Z., Mahar, A., Li, R., Awasthi, M.K., Siala, T.A., Kumbhar, F., Wang, P., Shen, F., Zhao, J., Huang, H. Beneficial effects of tobacco biochar combined with mineral additives on (im)mobilization and (bio)availability of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn from Pb/Zn smelter contaminated soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2017, 145, 528u2013538. (Q1).

[23] Lahori, A.H., Gue, Z., Zhang, Z.*, Li, R., Mahar, A., Awasthi, M.K., Shen, F., Tanvir, A.S., Kumabhar, F., Wang, P., Jiang, S. Use of biochar as amendment for soil heavy metals immobilization: Prospects and Challenges. Pedosphere,2017. (Q3)

[24] Awasthi M K, Wang Q, Huang H, Li RH, Shen F, Lahori AH, Wang P, Guo D, Guo ZY, Jinag S, Zhang ZQ*, Effect of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emission and bio-availability of heavy metals during sewage sludge co-composting, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 135:829-835(Q1)

[25] Awasthi M. K, Pandey A. K, Bundela P. S, Wong J. W. C, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Co-composting of gelatin industry sludge combined with organic fraction of municipal solid waste and poultry waste employing zeolite mixed with enriched nitrifying bacterial consortium[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 213:181u2013189(Q1)

[26] Awasthi M K, Wang Q, Huang H, Ren XN, Lahori A H, Mahar A, Ali A, Shen F, Li RH, Zhang*ZQ. Influence of zeolite and lime as additives on greenhouse gas emissions and maturity evolution during sewage sludge composting. [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216:172-181. (Q1)

[27] Awasthi M K, Wang Q, Ren X N, Zhao J C, Huang H, Awasthi S K, Lahori A H, Li R H, Zhou L N, Zhang Z Q *. Role of biochar amendment in mitigation of nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emission during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 219: 270u2013280. (Q1)

[28] Wang Q, Wang Z, Awasthi M K, Jiang Y H, Li R H, Ren X N, Zhao J C, Shen F, Wang M J, Zhang Z Q*. Evaluation of medical stone amendment for the reduction of nitrogen loss and bioavailability of heavy metals during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 220: 297-304. (Q1)

[29] Li Ronghua, Wang Jim J, Zhang Zengqiang*, Shen Feng, Zhang Guangjie, Qin Rui, Li Xiaolong, Xiao Ran. Nutrient transformations during composting of swine manure with bentonite. Bioresource Technology. 2012,121:362-368(Q1)

[30] Kang Jun, Zhang Zengqiang*, Wang Jim. Influence of humic substances on bioavailability of Cu and Zn during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(17): 8022-8026 (Q1)

[31] Tang Cilai, Zhang Zengqiang*, Sun Xining. Effect of common ions on nitrate removal by zero-valent iron from alkaline soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2012,231-232:114-119 (Q1)

[32] Tian, Zhou, Wang, Jim J*, Liu, Shuai, Zhang, Zengqiang*, Dodla, Syam, Myers, Gerald. Application effects of coated urea and urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical cotton field of the Mississippi delta region. Science of the Total Environment, 2015,533: 329-338 (Q1)

[33] Amanullah Mahar, Ping Wang, Amjad Ali, Zhanyu Guo, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Altaf Hussain Lahori, Quan Wang, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, Zengqiang Zhang*. Impact of CaO, fly ash, sulfur and Na2S on the (im)mobilization and phytoavailability of Cd, Cu and Pb in contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 134:116-123 (Q1)

[34] Xiao Ran, Sun Xining, Wang Jiao, Feng Jing, Li Ronghua, Zhang,?Zengqiang, Wang Jim J., Amjad Ali. Characteristics and phytotoxicity assay of biochars derived from a Zn-rich antibiotic residue. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015,113:575u2013583 (Q1)

[35] Mahar Amanullah, Wang Ping, Ali Amjad, Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Lahori Altaf Hussain, Wang Quan, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Challenges and opportunities in the phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated soils: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 126:111u2013121. (Q1)

[36] Zhang Zengqiang, Wang Jim J., Tang Cilai, DeLaune Ronald D. Heavy metals and metalloids content and enrichment in Gulf Coast sediments in the vicinity of an oil refinery. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015,159:93-100. (Q2)

[37] Wang Quan, Li Ronghua, Cai Hanzhen, Awasthi Mukesh Kumar, Zhang?Zengqiang, Wang Jim Jian, Ali Amjad, Mahar Amanullah. Improving pig manure composting efficiency employing Ca-bentonite, Ecological Engineering, 2016, 87:157u2013161. (Q2)

[38] Zengqiang Zhang*, Jim J. Wang, Amjad Ali, Ronald D. DeLaune. Heavy metals and metalloid contamination in Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain Estuary along I-10 Bridge. Transportation Research Part D, 2016,44:66-77. (Q2)

[39 Mahar Amanullah, Wang Ping, Li Ronghua and Zhang Zengqiang?. Immobilization of lead and cadmium in contaminated soil using amendments: a review. Pedosphere, 2015,25(4): 555-568 (Q2)

[40] Li Ronghua, Wang Quan, Zhang Zengqiang?,Zhang Guangjie, Li Zhonghong, Wang Li and Zheng Jianzhong. Nutrient transformation during aerobic composting of pig manure with biochar prepared at different temperatures. Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(7) :815-826. (Q3)

[41] Wang Zhen, Wang Quan, Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Nitrate-Contaminated Water Remediation Supported by Solid Organic Carbon and ZVI-Combined System. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2015, 226:40. (Q3)

[42] Ma Fang, Du Hongtao, Wang Quan., Li Ronghua, Zhang Zengqiang*. Preparation of pyridinium-functionalized magnetic adsorbent and its application for nitrate removal from aqueous solution. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2015, 226:212. (Q3)

[43] Zhang Zengqiang*, Wang Jim J., DeLaune Ronald D. Trace elements contamination of Tangipahoa River water and sediment in Louisiana. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015,24 (3a):910-919(Q4)

[44] Tang Cilai,, HuangYingping, Zhang Zengqiang, Chen Jianjun, Zeng Hui, Huang Yong H. Rapid removal of selenate in a zero-valent iron/Fe3O4/Fe2+ synergetic system. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016,184:320u2013327(Q1)

[45] Sun Xining, Mi Jingjing, Zhang Zengqiang*, Zhang Zhi yong. Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous medium with the antibiotic residue. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015,7(2):120-128(EI收录)

[46] Zhang zengqiang, Zhangyiping. Similarities and Differences between the Freundlich Kinetic Equation and Two u2013Constant Equation. Pedosphere, 1999, 9(3):213-218

[47] Zhang zengqiang, Meng zhaofu, Zhangyiping. Calculation of Thermodynamic Parameters for Freundlich and Temkin Isotherm Models. Pedosphere, 1999, 9(4):319-322

[48] Xue Wenbo, Yi Aihua, Zhang Zengqiang*, Tang Cilai, Zhang Xinchang and Gao Jinming. A New Competitive Adsorption Isothermal Model of Heavy Metals in Soils. Pedosphere, 2009,19(2):251-257 (Q3)

[49] Liu Xiao-Yan, Huang Miao, Ma Hai-Long, Zhang Zeng-Qiang, Gao Jin-Ming, Zhu Yu-Lei, Han Xiao-Jin and Guo Xiang-Yun . Preparation of a carbon-based solid Acid catalyst by sulfonating activated carbon in a chemical reduction process. Molecules, 2010,15:7188-7196. (Q2)

[50] Zhang, Wei, Yue, Bo, Wang, Qi, Huang, Zechun, Huang, Qifei, Zhang, Zengqiang. Bacterial community composition and abundance in leachate of semi-aerobic and anaerobic landfills. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China,2011, 23 (11): 1770-1777 (Q3)

[51] Meng Zhao-Fu, Zhang Yi-Ping, Zhang Zeng-Qiang. Simultaneous adsorption of phenol and cadmium on amphoteric modied soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 159, 492-498(Q1)

[52] Ronghua Li, Qingling Yue, Feng Shen, Rui Qin, Guangjie Zhang, Zhonghong Li and Zengqiang Zhang*. Adsorption of aqueous mercury (II) by thiol-modified corn stalk. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013,22 (1):178-185(Q4)

[53] 王爽, 李荣华, 张增强*, 冯静, 沈锋. 陕西潼关农田土壤及作物重金属污染潜在生态风险评价.中国环境科学, 2014,34(9):2313-2320 (EI)

[54] 王姣,肖然,李荣华,宁西翠,蒋顺成,李晓龙,张增强*,沈锋. 陕西潼关冶金污染土壤的修复评价及应用潜力. 环境科学,2017,38(9):339-347

[55]李荣华, 张广杰, 张增强*, 王权, 孙西宁. 添加木炭改善猪粪稻壳好氧堆肥工艺及质量. 农业工程学报, 2014,30(16):230-238 (EI)

[56] 李荣华, 张广杰, 秦睿, 张增强*. 粉煤灰和猪粪好氧混合堆肥过程中养分转化研究. 农业机械学, 2014,43(4):100-105 (EI)

[57] 李荣华, 张广杰, 王权, 张增强*, 毛晖. 添加矿物质对猪粪好氧堆肥中有机物降解的影响. 农业机械学报, 2014,45(6):190-198(EI)

[58] 李念,李荣华,冯静,张增强*,沈锋. 粉煤灰改良重金属污染农田的修复效果植物甄别. 农业工程学报,2015,31(16):213-219(EI收录)

[59] 李荣华, 冯静, 李晓龙, 张增强*, 沈锋, 李念. 陕西某关闭冶炼厂土壤重金属污染评价及工程修复. 农业机械学报, 2015,46(6):1-9(EI收录)

[60] 李荣华,沈锋,李晓龙,张增强*,王姣. 陕西某铅锌冶炼厂区及周边农田重金属污染土壤的稳定化修复理论与实践. 农业环境科学学报,2015,34(7):1269-1276



