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来源:求职简历网时间:2023-12-21 08:57:08编辑:皮带君


男,1976 年生,江西万年人, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究生研究员。


2004年在乔治亚大学(the university of Georgia, Athens, GA)获得博士学位。 2009年入选中国科学院“百人计划”。回国前在美国罗格斯大学(即新泽西州立大学), 密苏礼大学从事博士后研究,和罗格斯大学(纽瓦克分校)任研究助理教授 (Research assistant professor)。


主要从事全球生态学, 景观生态学和生态学模型方面的研究。目前他的研究方向主要是应用遥感, GIS, 生态模型 和空间统计分析技术来探讨在全球变化和人类活动干扰急剧增加的背景下生态系统格局和功能的变化。 已发表SCI论文10 余篇。



2001-09--2004-12University of Georgia博士




2009-12 至今,?中国科学院地理科学与自然资源研究所,?研究员

2008-06~2009-12,Rutgers University,?客座研究助理教授

2006-11~2008-05,University of Missouri,?博士后

2005-01~2006-10,Rutgers University,?博士后

2001-09~2004-12,University of Georgia,?博士

2001-08~2004-12,University of Georgia,? 研究助理




(1)?Below-ground competition drives the self-thinning process of Stipa purpurea populations in northern Tibet,?Journal of Vegetation Science,?2015,?通讯作者

(2)?Elevation-dependent relationships between climate change and grassland vegetation variation across the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,?International Journal of Climatology,?2015,?通讯作者

(3)?The spatial pattern of grassland aboveground biomass on Xizang Plateau and its climatic controls,?Journal of Plant Ecology,?2015,?通讯作者

(4)?Light-intensity grazing improves alpine meadow productivity and adaption to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau,?Scientific reports,?2015,?通讯作者

(5)?Lagged climatic effects on carbon fluxes over three grassland ecosystems in China,?Journal of Plant Ecology,?2015,?通讯作者

(6)?Nitrogen addition alters the phenology of a dominant alpine plant in northern Tibet,?Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research,?2015,?通讯作者

(7)?Climate-Driven Global Changes in Carbon Use Efficiency,?Global Ecology and Biogeography,?2014,?第?1?作者

(8)?Decreased surface albedo driven by denser vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau,?Environmental Research Letter,?2014,?通讯作者

(9)?Elevation-Dependent Temperature Change in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Grassland during the Past Decade,?Theoretical and Applied Climatology,?2014,?通讯作者

(10)?How temperature, precipitation and stand age control the biomass carbon density of global mature forests,?Global Ecology and Biogeography,?2014,?第?4?作者

(11)?Evolutionary and ecological causes of species richness patterns in North American angiosperm trees,?Ecography,?2014,?第?4?作者

(12)?Ecotourism Environmental Protection Measures and Their Effects on Protected Areas in China,?Sustainability,?2014,?第?3?作者

(13)?Carbon carry capacity and carbon sequestration potential in China based on an integrated analysis of mature forest biomass,?SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES,?2014,?第?4?作者

(14)?Organic Carbon Storage in New Jersey Forest Lands,?Bulletin of New Jersey Academy of Sciences,?2013,?第?1?作者

(15)?Reply to Shen et al.: No evidence to show nongrowing season NDVI affects spring phenology trend in the Tibetan Plateau over the last decade,?PNAS,?2013,?通讯作者

(16)? Reply to Wang et al.: Snow cover and air temperature affect the rate of changes in spring phenology in the Tibetan Plateau,?PNAS,?2013,?第?3?作者

(17)?Analysis of Forest Fires in Northeastern China from 2003 to 2011,?International Journal of remote sensing,?2013,?通讯作者

(18)?Latitudinal gradients in phylogenetic relatedness of angiosperm trees in North America,?Global Ecology and Biogeography,?2013,?第?2?作者

(19)?Landscape pattern and sustainability of a 1300-year agriculture landscape in subtropical mountain areas,?International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology,?2013,?通讯作者

(20)?Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011,?PNAS,?2013,?通讯作者

(21)?Scale-dependent Ecosystem Service,?Chapter seven of book Ecosystem Service in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes,?2013,?第?1?作者

(22)?Comment on Disentangling the Drivers of β Diversity Along Latitudinal and Elevational Gradients ,?Science ,?2012,?第?3?作者

(23)?Response of microbial biomass to grazing in an alpine meadow along an elevation gradient on the Tibetan Plateau,?European Journal of Soil Biology,?2012,?通讯作者

(24)?Calibration of MODISu2013based gross primary production over an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau,?Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,?2012,?通讯作者

(25)?Huge carbon sequestration potential in global forests,?Journal of Resources and Ecology,?2012,?第?4?作者



(28)?Ecological and Environmental Issues Faced by a Developing Tibet,?Environmental science and Technology,?2012,?第?2?作者

(29)?An innovative computer design for modeling forest landscape change in very large spatial extents with fine resolutions,?Ecological modeling,?2011,?通讯作者

(30)?Root biomass distribution in alpine ecosystems of the northern Tibetan Plateau,?Environmental Earth Sciences,?2011,?通讯作者

(31)? Estimating air temperature of an alpine meadow on the Northern Tibetan Plateau using MODIS land surface temperature,?Acta Ecologica Sinica,?2011,?通讯作者

(32)?Modeling the effects of climate change and elevated CO2 on soil organic carbon in an alpine steppe,?Journal of Resources and Ecology,?2011,?第?3?作者

(33)?Top-down control of herbivory varies with ecosystem types,?Journal of Ecology,?2011,?第?1?作者

(34)?Does insect folivory vary with latitude among temperate deciduous forests ,?Ecological Research,?2011,?第?1?作者

(35)?Evaluating the effects of alternative forest management plans under various physiographic settings using historical records as a reference,?Journal of Environmental Management,?2011,?第?1?作者

(36)? Landscape Scale Modeling of the Potential Effect of Groundwater-level Declines on Forested Wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands,?Wetlands,?2011,?第?1?作者

(37)?Global pattern of NPP/GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem types, locations and climate,?Global Ecology and Biogeography,?2009,?第?1?作者

(38)?Is there more insect herbivory in warmer temperate climates: A latitudinal comparison of temperate forest herbivory in eastern North America, estimated from early summer leaves,?Journal of Ecology,?2009,?第?2?作者

(39)?Can Landsat imagery detect tree line dynamics,?International Journal of Remote Sensing,?2009,?第?1?作者

(40)?Integration of satellite imagery and forest inventory in mapping dominant and associated species at a regional scale,?Environmental Management,?2009,?第?1?作者

(41)?Do tropical forest leaves suffer more insect herbivory A comparison of tropical versus temperate herbivory, estimated from leaf litter,?Ecological Research,?2009,?第?2?作者

(42)?A test of the latitudinal defense hypothesis: herbivory, tannins and total phenolics in four North. American tree species,?Ecological Research,?2009,?第?3?作者

(43)?Integration of satellite imagery and forest inventory in mapping dominant and associated species at a regional scale,?Environmental Management,?2009,?第?1?作者

(44)?Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem type, geographical location and climate,?Global Ecology and Biogeography,?2009,?第?1?作者

(45)?Can Landsat imagery detect tree line dynamics,?International Journal of Remote Sensing,?2009,?第?1?作者

(46)?Is there more insect folivory in warmer temperate climates A latitudinal comparison of insect folivory in eastern North America,?Journal of Ecology,?2009,?通讯作者

(47)?Do tropical forest leaves suffer more insect herbivory A comparison of tropical versus temperate herbivory, estimated from leaf litter,?Ecological Research,?2009,?第?2?作者

(48)?The Wildland-Urban Interface dynamics in the southeastern U.S. from 1990 to 2000,?Landscape and Urban Planning,?2008,?第?1?作者

(49)?he Importance of Differentiating Urban and Rural Phenomena in Examining the Unequal Distribution of Locally Desirable Land,?Journal of Environmental Management,?2008,?第?1?作者

(50)?Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer,?Global and Planetary Change,?2008,?第?3?作者

(51)?The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildland-urban interface,?Southern Journal of Applied Forestry,?2008,?第?1?作者

(52)?The wildlandu2013urban interface dynamics in the southeastern U.S. from 1990 to 2000,?Landscape and Urban Planning,?2008,?第?1?作者

(53)?The importance of differentiating urban and rural phenomena in examining the unequal distribution of locally desirable land,?Journal of Environmental Management,?2008,?第?1?作者

(54)?Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer,?Global and Planetary Change,?2008,?第?3?作者

(55)?The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildlandu2013urban interface,?Southern Journal of Applied Forestry,?2007,?第?1?作者

(56)? Digital forestry in the wildlandu2013urban interface,?Springer,?2006,?第?3?作者

(57)?Wilderness in whose backyard,?International Journal of Wilderness,?2005,?第?4?作者


(59)?The trend of tree line on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain,? Journal of Forestry Research,?2001,?第?1?作者


2. Adams, M. J., Zhang Y. 2009. Is there more insect herbivory in warmer temperate climates? A latitudinal comparison of temperate forest herbivory in eastern North America, estimated from early summer leaves. . 97, 933-940.(通讯作者).

3. Adams, M.J. Green, W., Zhang Y. 2008. Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer. . 60, 523-534. (共同第一作者).

4. Zhang, Y., He H. S., Yang J. 2008. The Wildland-Urban Interface dynamics in the southeastern U.S. from 1990 to 2000. . 85, 155-162.

5. Zhang, Y., Tarrant, M.A., Green, G.T. 2008. The Importance of Differentiating Urban and Rural Phenomena in Examining the Unequal Distribution of Locally Desirable Land. . 88, 1314-1319.

6. Zhang, Y., Xu, M., Adams, M.J., Wang, X. 2009.Can Landsat imagery detect tree line dynamics? . 30,1327-1340.

7. Zhang, Y., He, H.S. Dijak, W.D., Yang, J., Shifley, S.R., Palik, B.J. 2009. Integration of satellite imagery and forest inventory in mapping dominant and associated species at a regional scale. . 44,312-323.

8. Zhang, Y., Wimberly, M. 2007. The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildland-urban interface. . 31(3), 138-147.

9. Adams, M.J., Zhang, Y., Nor, H.M. Do tropical forest leaves suffer more insect herbivory? A comparison of tropical versus temperate herbivory, estimated from leaf litter. Ecological Research. 通讯作者.

10. Adams, M.J., Rehill, B., Zhang, Y., Gower, J. 2009. A test of the latitudinal defense hypothesis: herbivory, tannins and total phenolics in four North American tree species. . 24, 697-704.

11. Wimberly, M. C., Zhang, Y. Stanturf, J.A. GIS application in the wildland-urban interface. Book chapter in Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management" (edited by Shao G. and Reynolds K). Springer-Verlag 2006.


( 1 )?森林可持续管理的计算机应用,?Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management,?Springer-Verlag,?2006-10,?第?2?作者

( 2 )?工程系统的生态系统服务,?Ecosystem Services in Engineered Systems,?Springer-Verlag,?2012-03,?第?1?作者














